eave: [i:v] n. 屋檐
crooked: bent, twisted, or not in a straight line
course: n. 行動方向,路線
lane: a narrow road
thistle:/'θ?s ? l,ˋθ?s?/ n. [C,U ]薊〔一種葉片帶刺骇两、開紫色或白色毛茸狀花朵的野生植物〕
pigweed: n. 藜涨颜;莧;豬草
downspout: n. 水落管梁沧,落水管(將雨水從屋頂排至水溝)
graze: [I,T] if an animal grazes, or if you graze it, it eats grass that is growing
meadow:? a field with wild grass and flowers
fold:a small area of a field surrounded by a wall or fence where sheep are kept for safety 羊圈,羊欄
crust: n.面包皮,酥皮
maple:n. 楓樹?? maple syrup:n. 楓蜜欢峰;糖楓汁
custard pudding:n. 牛乳布丁?? custard: n. 奶油凍
raisin: /'re?z???n,ˋrez?/?n.?[C?] 葡萄干
trench:a long narrow hole dug into the surface of the ground壕溝梨树;溝渠
clover:n. [植] 三葉草坑夯;苜蓿;紅花草
swallow:n. 燕子
paring:['p?r??] n. 削皮抡四;削下來的薄片
scraping:n. 刮削下的碎屑
scrap:[C]?a small piece of paper, cloth etc小片柜蜈,小塊仗谆;碎屑
stale:bread or cake that is stale is no longer fresh or good to eat〔面包、蛋糕〕不新鮮的淑履,變味的
wrapper:/'r?p?,ˋr?p?/?n.?[C?] the piece of paper or plastic that covers something when it is sold
provender:?['prɑv?nd?] n.?(家畜的)干飼料
prune:n. 李干;梅脯秘噪,梅干
morsel: ?['m?rsl] n.?[C?] a very small amount of something, especially a small piece of food. a morsel of
marmalade: /'mɑ?m?le?d,ˋmɑrm?led/?n.?[U?]?a?jam?made from fruit such as oranges,?lemon?s?,or?grapefruit?, usually eaten at breakfast〔用橘子狸吞、檸檬、葡萄柚等制成的〕柑橘醬
dripping: n. 滴
gloomily: adv. 沮喪地
groan:?/ɡr??n,gron/?v. [I]?to make a long deep sound because you are in pain, upset, or disappointed, or because something is very enjoyable
banging: 咚咚的響聲
budge: to move, or to make someone or something move
toasty: adj.informal warm and comfortable
flibberty-gibbet: Flibbertigibbet is a Middle English word referring to a flighty (反復無常的指煎,輕浮的)or whimsical(古怪的)person, usually a young woman. In modern use, it is used as a slang term, especially in Yorkshire, for a gossipy or overly talkative person.
gosling:n. 小鵝
woodpecker:n. [鳥] 啄木鳥
bitterly:in a way that produces or shows feelings of great sadness or anger
slanting: ['sl?nt??] adj. 傾斜的
stairway: a staircase, especially a large or impressive one〔尤指大的或有氣派的〕樓梯
whisker:?['w?sk?] ?n.?[C?] 〔貓蹋偏、老鼠等嘴邊的〕須
frolic: adj.?n.vi. to play in an active happy way
sourly: ['sau?li] adv. 性情乖僻地
gnaw: /n??,n?/?v.?[I,T always + adv/prep?]to keep biting something hard
glutton:?/'ɡl?tn,ˋgl?t?/?n.?[C?]someone who eats too much
stealthy:?/'stelθi,ˋst?lθ?/?adj. moving or doing something quietly and secretly
crafty: good at getting what you want by clever planning and by secretly deceiving people 狡猾的;靈巧的
cunning:/'k?n??,ˋk?n??/adj. crafty?? n.?[U?] the ability to achieve what you want by deceiving people in a clever way
poke:[T always + adv/prep]?to move or push something through a space or opening插至壤;伸出威始;探出
dreary:??/'dr????ri,ˋdr?r?/?adj.dull and making you feel sad or bored
stand: If something can?stand?a situation or a test, it is good enough or strong enough to experience it without being damaged, harmed, or shown to be inadequate.
soak: vi. 浸泡;滲透 vt.沉浸在(工作或學習中)崇渗;使……上下濕透
dejected: adj. unhappy, disappointed, or sad
sulphur: /'s?lf?,ˋs?lf?/?n.?[U?]硫磺
molasses: ?[m?'l?s?z] n. 糖蜜字逗,糖漿
cud: food that a cow or similar animal has chewed, swallowed, and brought back into its mouth to chew a second time 反芻的食物
thin: a thin voice or sound is high and unpleasant to listen to
jump to one's feet: 一躍而起
Rain fell in the barnyard and ran in crooked courses down into the lane where thistles and pigweed grew.
Rain spattered against Mrs/ Zuckerman's kitchen windown and came gushing out of the downspouts.
From two to three, he planned to scratch itchy places by rubbing against the fence.
Templeton was nowhere to be seen.
I am not old enough to jump over the fence.
Pigs mean less than nothing to me.
Go play by yourself.
Usually he slept during the daytime and was abroad only after dark.
This was almost more than Wilbur could stand.
He threw himself down in the manure and sobbed.
Wilbur couldn't belive what was happening to him when Lurvy caught him and force the medicine down his throat.
Darkness settled over everything.
Shredded Wheat:一種麥片的牌子