1.teaching is a “calling” and “an act offaith.”
“teachers should never be students’ closefriends or companions” much less “their intimates.”
teachers must possess great reserves ofempathy. They “must recall their own earlier vulnerabilities to influence,their own difficulties in learning, and their own anxieties about acceptanceand popularity.” They must “put themselves in their students’ places, . . . andthen . . . help those students imagine themselves in other times, locations,and circumstances not immediately present to their senses.”
2.Teaching is an art
teaching is an art. Trained in the sciencesand techniques of education, professional teachers are conscientious in applyingthe psychology and methods that they have learned. They may not call what theyare trying to do “teaching” and may prefer instead such terms as explanation,instruction, demonstration, guidance, or simply setting a good example. Onlyafter much repetition, some nervous invention, occasional losses of temper, andgeneral frustration, do their own processes of learning lurch forward.
3.introduction of some important teachingelements
What ground, medium, color, form, andimplements are to the visual arts, so certain constituents— learning,authority, ethics, order, imagination, compassion, patience, tenacity,character, and pleasure—are to teaching.