一. 百貨商場
"Do you have different sizes for this shirt?"
"Where are your blue jeans?"
"Do you have regular T-Shirts here?"
"Where is the dressing room?"
"Do you have a dressing room?"
"Can I try this shoe on in a seven?"
"Can I get this in nine and a half?"
"Can I get this in a size six?"
belt: 腰帶 ?cap: 鴨舌帽? coat: 外套? dress: 連衣裙? gloves: 手套 ?hat: 寬檐帽 ?jacket: 夾克 ? pyjama: 睡衣 ?raincoat: 雨衣 scarf: 圍巾 skirt: 短裙 suit: 套裝 sweater: 毛衣
shoes: 鞋子? slippers: 拖鞋 socks: 短襪 stocking: 長襪? trousers: 褲子 boots: 靴子 jeans: 牛仔褲
二. 店鋪超市
"Where is the fruit section?"
"Do you sell ice cream here?"
"Where can I find batteries?"
"Where is the toothpaste?"
"Can you point me to the meat area?"
"Where is the bakery section?"
"Do you sell fresh seafood?"
"Do you sell postcards?"
"Where can I find eggs?" 等等
蔬菜:?string bean: 四季豆 pea: 豌豆 green soybean: 毛豆 ?soybean sprout: 黃豆芽 mung bean sprout:?綠豆芽 bean sprout: 豆芽 ? kale: 甘藍(lán)菜 ? cabbage: 包心菜 ?broccoli: 花椰菜 mater convolvulus: 空心菜dried lily flower:?金針菜 ?mustard leaf: 芥菜 celery: 芹菜 tarragon: 蒿菜 beetroot: 甜菜根 lettuce: 生菜 spinach: 菠菜 ? leek: 韭菜 ? caraway: 香菜 ? lettuce: 萵苣 ?bamboo shoot: 竹筍 ?carrot: 胡蘿卜 loofah: 絲瓜 pumpkin: 南瓜 bitter gourd: 苦瓜 cucumber: 黃瓜 champignon: 香菇 ? needle mushroom: 金針菇 ?tomato: 番茄 ?eggplant: 茄子 potato: 馬鈴薯 lotus root: 蓮藕 ?agaric: 木耳 ginger: 生姜 ? ?garlic: 大蒜 ? green onion: 蔥 ? onion: 洋蔥
水果:?pineapple: 鳳梨 watermelon: 西瓜 papaya: 木瓜 chestnut: 栗子 coconut: 椰子 tangerine: 橘子 mandarin orange: 橘 sugar-cane: 甘蔗 muskmelon: 香瓜 shaddock: 柚子 juice peach: 水蜜桃 pear:梨子 peach: 桃子 carambola: 楊桃 cherry: 櫻桃 apple: 蘋果 mango: 芒果 fig: 無花果 plum: 李子 honey-dew melon: 哈密瓜 olive: 橄欖 strawberry: 草莓 grape: 葡萄 lichee: 荔枝 longan: 龍眼 banana: 香蕉
三. 美妝商場
護(hù)膚品: facial cleanser/face wash: 洗面奶 toner/astringent: 爽膚水 creams: 護(hù)膚霜 sun screen/sun block: 隔離霜森瘪,防曬 day cream: 日霜 ?night cream: 晚霜 facial mask/masque: 面膜eye mask: 眼膜 lip coat: 唇膜 hand lotion: 護(hù)手霜 wash: 沐浴露 ?essence: 精華液 ?milk: 乳液
彩妝:concealer: 遮瑕膏? shading powder: 修容餅? foundation: 粉底? pressed powder: 粉餅? loose powder: 散粉? shimmering powder/glitter: 閃粉? brow powder: 眉粉? brow pencil: 眉筆 liquid eye liner, eye liner: 眼線液(眼線筆)? eyeshadow: 眼影? mascara: 睫毛膏 lip liner: 唇線筆? lipstick: 口紅lip pencil: 唇線筆? lip gloss: 唇彩? blush: 腮紅? makeup remover: 卸裝水? nail polish: 指甲油? nail polish remover: 去甲油? shampoo: 洗發(fā)水? hair conditioner: 護(hù)發(fā)素
化妝工具: cosmetic brush, face brush: 粉刷? powder puffs: 粉撲 brow brush: 眉刷? lash curler: 睫毛夾? eyeshadow brush/shadow applicator: 眼影刷
A: "It's a nice day."
B: "Yes. It is a beautiful day."
A: "Do you live around here or are you visiting?"
B: "I am on vacation from Korea."
A: "That's cool. Are you having a good time?"
B: "Yes. There are many things to see and I'm taking a lot of pictures. Do live in this city?"
A: "Yeah. I'm just here with my kids. They wanted to come to the park today."
B: "What's a good place to visit in this city?"
A: "Where have you been so far?"
B: "This was my first stop. I was going to look at my maps."
A: "I recommend going to the waterfront in downtown. They have a ferry you can ride, some good restaurants, and a good beach for a walk."
B: "How do I get there from here?"
A: "You see Jackson street over there? Go straight for 10 blocks. When you see 5th Avenue, turn left. Follow the street for about 3 miles and you should see it."
B: "Thanks. I'll go check it out. It was nice talking to you."
A: "It was nice meeting you. Have a good time