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Snail的ScalersTalk第五輪新概念朗讀持續(xù)力訓(xùn)練Day27 2019-11-06
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[Day 1862 2019-11-01]
Lesson22 A glass envelope
My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland.
Last year, we were traveling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea.
She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post-office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster.
[?l?s?n]22 [?] [gl?s] [in’velo?p]
[ma?] [?d?t?r], [?e?n], [?n?v?r] [drimd] [?v] [r??siv??] [?] [?l?t?r] [fr?m] [?] [g?rl] [?v] [h?r] [o?n] [e??] [?n] [?hɑl?nd]. [l?st] [j?r], [wi] [w?r] [?tr?v?l??] [??kr?s] [e?] [???n?l] [?nd] [?e?n] [p?t] [?] [pis] [?v] [?pe?p?r] [w?e] [h?r] [ne?m] [?nd] [???dr?s] [ɑn] [?t] [??ntu] [?] [?bɑt?l]. [?i] [θru] [e?] [?bɑt?l] [??ntu] [e?] [si].
[?i] [?n?v?r] [θ?t] [?v] [?t] [??g?n], [b?t] [t?n] [m?nθs] [?le?t?r], [?i] [r??sivd] [?] [?l?t?r] [fr?m] [?] [g?rl] [?n] [?hɑl?nd]. [bo?θ] [g?rlz] [ra?t] [tu] [i?] [??e?r] [?r?gj?l?rli] [na?]. [?ha???v?r], [ee?] [h?v] [?d??sa?d?d] [tu] [juz] [e?] [po?st]-[??f?s]. [?l?t?rz] [w?l] [kɑst] [?] [l?t]1[i] [m?r], [b?t] [ee?] [w?l] [?s?rt?nli] [?tr?v?l] [?f?st?r].
[Day 1863 2019-11-02]
Lesson23 A new house
I had a letter from my sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria. In her letter, she said that she would come to England next year. If she comes, she will get a surprise. We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. Work on it had begun before my sister left. The house was completed five months ago. In my letter, I told her that she could stay with us. The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden. It is a very modern house, so it looks strange to some people. It must be the only modern house in the district.
[?l?s?n]23 [?] [nu] [ha?s]
[a?] [h?d] [?] [?l?t?r] [fr?m] [ma?] [?s?st?r] [?j?st?r?de?]. [?i] [l?vz] [?n] [na????ri?]. [?n] [h?r] [?l?t?r], [?i] [s?d] [e?t] [?i] [w?d] [k?m] [tu] [???gl?nd] [n?kst] [j?r]. [?f] [?i] [k?mz], [?i] [w?l] [g?t] [?] [s?r?pra?z]. [wi] [ɑr] [na?] [?l?v??] [?n] [?] [?bjut?f?l] [nu] [ha?s] [?n] [e?] [?k?ntri]. [w?rk] [ɑn] [?t] [h?d] [b??g?n] [b??f?r] [ma?] [?s?st?r] [l?ft]. [e?] [ha?s] [w?z] [k?m?plit?d] [fa?v] [m?nθs] [??go?]. [?n] [ma?] [?l?t?r], [a?] [to?ld] [h?r] [e?t] [?i] [k?d] [ste?] [w?e] [?s]. [e?] [ha?s] [h?z] [?m?ni] [lɑr?] [rumz] [?nd] [e?r] [?z] [?] [?l?vli] [?gɑrd?n]. [?t] [?z] [?] [?v?ri] [?mɑd?rn] [ha?s], [so?] [?t] [l?ks] [stre?n?] [tu] [s?m] [?pip?l]. [?t] [m?st] [bi] [ei] [?o?nli] [?mɑd?rn] [ha?s] [?n] [e?] [?d?str?kt].
[Day 1864 2019-11-03]
Lesson24 It could be worse
I entered the hotel manager's office and sat down. I had just lost £50 and I felt very upset.
' I left the money in my room,' I said, 'and it's not there now.'
The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing.
'Everyone's losing money these days,' he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.
A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk. It contained £50.
'I found this outside this gentleman's room' she said.
'Well,' I said to the manager, 'there is still some honesty in this world!’
[?l?s?n]24 [?t] [k?d] [bi] [w?rs]
[a?] [??nt?rd] [e?] [ho??t?l] [?m?n???rz] [??f?s] [?nd] [s?t] [da?n]. [a?] [h?d] [??st] [l?st] £50 [?nd] [a?] [f?lt] [?v?ri] [?p?s?t].' [a?] [l?ft] [e?] [?m?ni] [?n] [ma?] [rum],' [a?] [s?d], [?nd] [?ts] [nɑt] [e?r] [na?].' [e?] [?m?n???r] [w?z] [?s?mp??θ?t?k], [b?t] [hi] [k?d] [d?] [?n?θ??]. [??vri?w?nz] [?luz??] [?m?ni] [eiz] [de?z],' [hi] [s?d]. [hi] [?stɑrt?d] [t?] [k?m?ple?n] [??ba?t] [e?s] [?w?k?d] [w?rld] [b?t] [w?z] [??nt??r?pt?d] [ba?] [?] [nɑk] [?t]
[e?] [d?r]. [?] [g?rl] [ke?m] [?n] [?nd] [p?t] [?n] [??nv??lo?p] [ɑn] [?z] [d?sk]. [?t] [k?n?te?nd] fifty pounds. [a?] [fa?nd] [e?s] [?a?t?sa?d] [e?s] [???nt?l?m?nz] [rum] [?i] [s?d]. [w?l],' [a?] [s?d] [t?] [e?] [?m?n???r], [e?r] [?z] [st?l] [s?m] [?ɑn?sti] [?n] [e?s] [w?rld]!’
[Day 1865 2019-11-04]
Lesson25 Do the English speak English?
I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me; I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said.
I wonder. In England, each person speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them! Do they speak English?
[?l?s?n]25 [du] [ei] [???gl??] [spik] [???gl??]?
[a?] [??ra?vd] [?n] [?l?nd?n] [?t] [l?st]. [e?] [?re?l?we?] [?ste???n] [w?z] [b?g], [bl?k] [?nd] [dɑrk]. [a?] [d?d] [nɑt] [no?] [e?] [we?] [tu] [ma?] [ho??t?l], [so?] [a?] [?skt] [?] [?p?rt?r]. [a?] [nɑt] [?o?nli] [spo?k] [???gl??] [?v?ri] [?k?rf?li], [b?t] [?v?ri] [?kl?rli] [?z] [w?l]. [e?] [?p?rt?r], [?ha???v?r], [k?d] [nɑt] [??nd?r?st?nd] [mi]; [a?] [r??pit?d] [ma?] [?kw?s??n] [?s?vr?l] [ta?mz] [?nd] [?t] [l?st] [hi] [??nd?r?st?d]. [hi] [??ns?rd] [mi], [b?t] [hi] [spo?k] [?nie?r] [?slo?li] [n?r] [?kl?rli]. [a?] [?m] [?] [?f?r?n?r],' [a?] [s?d]. [e?n] [hi] [spo?k] [?slo?li], [b?t] [a?] [k?d] [nɑt] [??nd?r?st?nd] [h?m]. [ma?] [?ti??r] [?n?v?r] [spo?k] [???gl??] [la?k] [e?t]! [e?] [?p?rt?r] [?nd] [a?] [l?kt] [?t]
[i?] [??e?r] [?nd] [sma?ld]. [e?n] [hi] [s?d] [?s?mθ??] [?nd] [a?] [??nd?r?st?d] [?t]. [jul] [sun] [l?rn] [???gl??]!' [hi] [s?d]. [a?] [?w?nd?r]. [?n] [???gl?nd], [i?] [?p?rs?n] [spiks] [?] [?d?f?r?nt] [?l??gw??]. [ei] [???gl??] [??nd?r?st?nd] [i?] [??e?r], [b?t] [a?] [do?nt] [??nd?r?st?nd] [e?m]! [du] [ee?] [spik] [???gl??]?
address 英 /??dres/ 美 /??dr?s;(for n)??dres; ?dr?s/
thought 英 /θ??t/ 美 /θ??t/
Holland 英 /'h?l?nd/ 美 /'hɑl?nd/
Nigeria[na????ri?] 尼日利亞
Work on影響寻咒,對…起作用;繼續(xù)工作旦袋;從事于…瓷患;設(shè)法說服
modern 英 /?m?dn/ 美 /?mɑ?d?rn/
envelope /?n?vel?p/
porter 英 /?p??t?(r)/ 美 /'pot?/ 門房相种;服務(wù)員;行李搬運工积仗;守門人
Lesson 22用時30分鐘 25分鐘跟讀打卡,4分鐘復(fù)述打卡阶女,1分鐘復(fù)盤颊糜;
Lesson 23用時45分鐘 35分鐘跟讀打卡,8分鐘復(fù)述打卡秃踩,2分鐘復(fù)盤衬鱼;
Lesson 24用時40分鐘,10分鐘準(zhǔn)備,14分鐘跟讀打卡憔杨,5分鐘復(fù)述打卡鸟赫,1分鐘復(fù)盤;
Lesson 25用時35分鐘 25分鐘跟讀打卡消别,7分鐘復(fù)述打卡抛蚤,8分鐘復(fù)盤。