10、 “我們不是我們所收集的燕刻、得到的只泼、所讀的東西,只要我們還活著卵洗,我們就是愛请唱,我們所愛的事物,我們所愛的人忌怎。所有這些籍滴,我認(rèn)為真的會存活下去×裥ィ”?
14释牺、她吻遍他那個有毛病的腦袋上的每個地方。 “我以前喜歡這個頭腦回挽,我現(xiàn)在也喜歡這個頭腦没咙!這是個非常好的頭腦∏” “我也喜歡祭刚。”他說墙牌。 護工來把他推走涡驮。 “我愛你∠脖酰”她聽天由命地聳聳肩捉捅, “我想留給你什么更聰明的話,但是我只知道那一句虽风“艨冢”?
1. No one is an island, every book is a world.
2. Because we are afraid that we are not worthy of being loved from the bottom of our hearts, we are alone, but it is because of being alone that we think that we are not worthy of being loved. One day, you don't know when, you'll hit the road. One day, you don't know when, you will meet him (her). You will be loved because for the first time in your life you are truly no longer alone. You will choose not to be alone anymore.
3. The difficulty of living alone is that no matter what kind of mess you make, you have to clean it up yourself. No, the real hard part of living alone is that no one cares if you're upset.
4. No one travels aimlessly. Those who get lost want to get lost.
5. People tell silly lies about politics, God and love. To get to know someone, all you have to do is ask one question: "Which book is your favorite?"
6. Because we are afraid from the bottom of our hearts that we are not worthy of being loved, we are alone; however, it is because of being alone that we think that we are not worthy of being loved.
7. "The timing was bad," Lambias said, "I've been a police officer for twenty years now, and I tell you, almost every bad thing in life is the result of bad timing. Good things come at the right time.”
8. A good marriage is at least partly a conspiracy.
9. We read because we are alone, we read, then we are not alone, we are not alone.
10. "We're not what we collect, get, read, we are love as long as we're alive, the things we love, the people we love. All of that, I think will really survive. "
11. Sometimes, after the customer and the clerk are gone, she feels like she and A.J. are the only two in the world. No one else is as real as him, other people are just different shoes for different seasons, that's all. A.J. can touch wallpaper without standing on a chair, operate a cash register while talking on the phone, lift heavy boxes of books over his head, use words she can't believe, he knows everything, Know everything. Who can compare to A.J. Fickry?
12. Maya knew her mother left her at the Kojima Bookstore, but maybe this happens to every child at a certain age. Some kids were left in the shoe store, some in the toy store, and some in the sandwich shop. Your whole life depends on what store you are kept in. She didn't want to live in a sandwich shop.
13. People in this town have always regarded him as snobby and indifferent, and it seems hard to believe that just because a child was abandoned in his bookstore, such a person would adopt the child.
14. She kissed every place on his faulty head. "I liked this mind before, and I like it now! It's a very good mind." "I like it too," he said. The nurse came to push him away. "I love you." She shrugged resignedly. "I wanted to leave you with something wiser, but that's all I know."
15. Lambias is not as stubborn as he was when he was young. He found that people do all kinds of things, often for a reason.