- 鄰接表
注意:當用一個鄰接表描述圖時,就已經(jīng)確定了該圖的遍歷順序缓苛,以上圖的鄰接表為例芳撒,從 V0頂點開始遍歷時,無論是深度優(yōu)先搜索 (DFS)還是廣度優(yōu)先搜索 (BFS)未桥,都會先找到 V1結點笔刹,而從左邊的圖來看,其實V1冬耿,V2徘熔,V3都可以為下一個遍歷的結點。
typedef struct EdgeNode
int toAdjVex; // The index of vertex array which this edge points to.
float weight; // The edge weight.
struct EdgeNode *next; // The next edge, note that it only means the next edge also links to the vertex which this edge links to.
} EdgeNode;
typedef struct VertexNode
VERTEX_DATA_TYPE info; // The vertex info,.
struct EdgeNode* firstEdge; // The first edge which the vertex points to.
} VertexNode;
typedef struct
VertexNode adjList[VERTEX_NUM]; // Adjacency list, which stores the all vertexes of the graph.
int vertextNum; // The number of vertex.
int edgeNum; // The number of edge.
} AdjListGraph;
typedef struct
int number;
} Vertex;
typedef struct
float edges[VERTEX_NUM][VERTEX_NUM]; // The value of this two dimensional array is the weight of the edge.
int vertextNum; // The number of vertex.
int edgeNum; // The number of edge.
Vertex vex[VERTEX_NUM]; // To store vertex.
} MGraph;
深度優(yōu)先搜索 (Depth First Search)
- 遞歸
void dfsRecursion(AdjListGraph* graph, int startVertexIndex, bool visit[])
printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[startVertexIndex]).info);
visit[startVertexIndex] = true;
EdgeNode* edgeIndex = (graph -> adjList[startVertexIndex]).firstEdge;
while (edgeIndex != NULL)
if (visit[edgeIndex -> toAdjVex] == false)
dfsRecursion(graph, edgeIndex -> toAdjVex, visit);
edgeIndex = edgeIndex -> next;
- 非遞歸
void dfsNonRecursion(AdjListGraph* graph, int startVertextIndex, bool visit[])
linked_stack* stack = NULL;
// Visit the start vertex.
printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[startVertextIndex]).info);
visit[startVertextIndex] = true;
EdgeNode* edgeNode = (graph -> adjList[startVertextIndex]).firstEdge;
if (edgeNode != NULL)
push(stack, edgeNode);
while (!isEmptyStack(stack))
edgeNode = ((EdgeNode*)pop(stack)) -> next;
while (edgeNode != NULL && !visit[edgeNode -> toAdjVex])
printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[edgeNode -> toAdjVex]).info);
visit[edgeNode -> toAdjVex] = true;
push(stack, edgeNode);
edgeNode = (graph -> adjList[edgeNode -> toAdjVex]).firstEdge;
廣度優(yōu)先搜索 (Breadth First Search)
void bfs(AdjListGraph* graph, int startVertexIndex, bool visit[])
// Loop queue initialization.
LoopQueue loopQ;
loopQ.front = 0;
loopQ.rear = 0;
LoopQueue* loopQueue = &loopQ;
enqueue(loopQueue, &(graph -> adjList[startVertexIndex]));
printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[startVertexIndex]).info);
visit[startVertexIndex] = true;
while (!isEmpty(loopQueue))
VertexNode* vertexNode = dequeue(loopQueue);
EdgeNode* edgeNode = vertexNode -> firstEdge;
while(edgeNode != NULL)
if (visit[edgeNode -> toAdjVex] == false)
printf("%c ", (graph -> adjList[edgeNode -> toAdjVex]).info);
visit[edgeNode -> toAdjVex] = true;
enqueue(loopQueue, &(graph -> adjList[edgeNode -> toAdjVex]));
edgeNode = edgeNode -> next;
- BFS算法類似于二叉樹的層次遍歷实蔽。
- BFS遍歷的最后一個結點是離起始結點“最遠”的結點荡碾。
最小生成樹 (Minimum Spanning Tree)
- 從圖中任意選擇一個頂點
,作為生成樹的起始結點局装; - 從生成樹集合(所有已經(jīng)加入生成樹的頂點所組成的集合)外的結點中坛吁,選擇一個距離生成樹集合代價最小的點,將其加入到生成樹集合中(更新
宣增; - 不斷重復步驟2玫膀,直到所有頂點加入到生成樹集合中。
- 從圖中任意選擇一個頂點
float prim(MGraph* graph, int startVertex)
float totalCost = 0;
float lowCost[VERTEX_NUM]; // The value of lowCost[i] represents the minimum distance from vertex i to current spanning tree.
bool treeSet[VERTEX_NUM]; // The value of treeSet[i] represents whether the vertex i has been merged into the spanning tree.
// Initialization
for (int i = 0; i < (graph -> vertextNum); i++)
lowCost[i] = graph -> edges[startVertex][i]; // Init all cost from i to startVertex.
treeSet[i] = false; // No vertex is in the spanning tree set at first.
treeSet[startVertex] = true; // Merge the startVertex into the spanning tree set.
printf("%c ", (graph -> vex[startVertex]).info);
for (int i = 0; i < (graph -> vertextNum); i++)
int minCost = MAX_COST; // MAX_COST is a value greater than any other edge weight.
int newVertex = startVertex;
// Find the minimum cost vertex which is out of the spanning tree set.
for (int j = 0; j < (graph -> vertextNum); j++)
if (!treeSet[j] && lowCost[j] < minCost)
minCost = lowCost[j];
newVertex = j;
treeSet[newVertex] = true; // Merge the new vertex into the spanning tree set.
Some ops, for example you can print the vertex so you will get the sequence of node of minimum spanning tree.
if (newVertex != startVertex)
printf("%c ", (graph -> vex[newVertex]).info);
totalCost += lowCost[newVertex];
// Judge whether the cost is change between the new spanning tree and the remaining vertex.
for (int j = 0; j < (graph -> vertextNum); j++)
if (!treeSet[j] && lowCost[j] > graph -> edges[newVertex][j])
lowCost[j] = graph -> edges[newVertex][j]; // Update the cost between the spanning tree and the vertex j.
return totalCost;
并查集 (Union Find Set)
并查集可以很容易判斷幾個不同的元素是否屬于同一個集合爹脾,正是因為這個特性帖旨,并查集是克魯斯卡爾算法( Kruskal's algorithm)的重要工具。
int findRootInSet(int array[], int x)
if (array[x] < 0)
// Find the root index.
return x;
// Recursively find its parent until find the root,
// then recursively update the children node so that they will point to the root.
return array[x] = findRootInSet(array, array[x]);
// For merging the one node into the other set.
bool unionSet(int array[], int node1, int node2)
int root1 = findRootInSet(array, node1);
int root2 = findRootInSet(array, node2);
if (root1 == root2)
// It means they are in the same set
return false;
// The value of array[root] is negative and the absolute value is its children numbers,
// when merging two sets, we choose to merge the more children set into the less one.
if (array[root1] > array[root2])
array[root1] += array[root2];
array[root2] = root1;
array[root2] += array[root1];
array[root1] = root2;
return true;
注意上面的 unionSet
單源最短路徑算法——迪杰斯特拉算法(Dijkstra Algorithm)
- 將圖的各個結點分為兩個集合羞海,一個是已經(jīng)訪問的集合(visited set),另一個是未訪問的集合(unvisited set)曲管。算法初始階段却邓,將需要計算的給定“源結點”加入到visited set。
- 從unvisited set里選擇一個距離源結點最近的結點翘地,并將其加入到visited set申尤。
- 將新加入的結點當做“跳板”,重新計算unvisited set里的結點與源結點間的最短距離(由于新加入的結點可能會縮短源結點到unvisited set里的結點的距離衙耕,因此要特別注意)昧穿。
- 重復步驟2直到所有結點都已加入到visited set。
void dijkstra(MGraph* graph, int startVertexIndex)
// For storing the minimum cost from the arbitrary node to the start vertex.
float minCostToStart[VERTEX_NUM];
// For marking whether the node is in the set.
bool set[VERTEX_NUM];
// Initialization
for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++)
minCostToStart[i] = graph -> edges[i][startVertexIndex];
set[i] = false;
// Add the start vertex into the set.
set[startVertexIndex] = true;
int minNodeIndex = startVertexIndex;
for (int count = 1; count < VERTEX_NUM; count++)
int minCost = MAX_COST;
// Find the adjacent node which is nearest to the startVertexIndex.
for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++)
if (!set[i] && minCostToStart[i] < minCost)
minCost = minCostToStart[minNodeIndex];
minNodeIndex = i;
// Add the proper node into the set
set[minNodeIndex] = true;
// After the new node is added into the set, update the minimum cost of each node which is out of the set.
for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++)
if (!set[i] && (graph -> edges[i][minNodeIndex]) < MAX_COST)
// The new cost of each node to source = the cost of new added node to source + the cost of node i to new added node.
float newCost = minCostToStart[minNodeIndex] + graph -> edges[i][minNodeIndex];
if (newCost < minCostToStart[i])
minCostToStart[i] = newCost;
printf("The cost of %c to each node:\n", (graph -> vex[startVertexIndex]).info);
for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++)
if (i != startVertexIndex)
printf("-----> %c : %f\n", (graph -> vex[i]).info, minCostToStart[i]);
提示:迪杰斯特拉算法與普利姆算法十分類似橙喘,特別是步驟 2时鸵。迪杰斯特拉算法總是從 unvisited set里選擇距離 源結點
最近的結點加入到 visited set里,而普利姆算法總是從生成樹集合外厅瞎,選擇一個距離 生成樹
多源最短路徑算法——弗洛伊德算法(Floyd Algorithm)
- 初始化
表示結點i到j的距離薯酝。 - 引入第三結點(跳板)k,查看通過結點k能否使
的值。 - 重復步驟2直到所有結點都曾經(jīng)被當做k為止浩村。
- 初始化
void floyd(MGraph* graph)
float minCost[VERTEX_NUM][VERTEX_NUM]; // Store the distance between any two nodes.
int path[VERTEX_NUM][VERTEX_NUM]; // Store the intermediate node between the two nodes.
int i, j, k;
// Initialization
for (i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++)
for (j = 0; j < VERTEX_NUM; j++)
minCost[i][j] = graph -> edges[i][j];
path[i][j] = -1;
// Find if there is another k node, it makes the distance dis[i][k] + dis[k][j] < dis[i][j];
for (k = 0; k < VERTEX_NUM; k++)
for (i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++)
for (j = 0; j < VERTEX_NUM; j++)
if (minCost[i][j] > minCost[i][k] + minCost[k][j])
minCost[i][j] = minCost[i][k] + minCost[k][j];
path[i][j] = k;
for (i = 0; i < VERTEX_NUM; i++)
for (j = 0; j < VERTEX_NUM; j++)
if (i != j && minCost[i][j] != MAX_COST)
printf("%c ---> %c, the minimum cost is %f\n", (graph -> vex[i]).info, (graph -> vex[j]).info, minCost[i][j]);