2.閱讀一篇以上Industrial Chain相關英文文章登颓,要求用英文摘錄文章主旨搅荞,并列出關鍵單詞等,還須附上文章鏈接
主旨:2014 US Retail Industry Chain Store Closings
摘錄:At the start of 2014, news of store closings by the largest U.S. retail industry chains accelerated not because the U.S. retail industry as a whole is in crisis, but because certain retail chains, in particular, have found it difficult or impossible to compete in a fast-moving, ultra-competitive global retailing environment.? The roundup of retailers closing underperforming locations or going bankrupt in 2014 is small compared to the past, but it is not insignificant to the future of U.S. retailing.
3.閱讀一篇以上supply chain 相關英文文章,要求用英文摘錄文章主旨科汗,并列出關鍵單詞藻烤,附上文章鏈接。
主旨:Where Can My Supply Chain Career Take Me?
摘錄:Supply chain isn’t just purchasing—and if you’re working as a buyer, purchasing agent or purchasing manager, you have a unique view of your company’s or your industry’s career opportunities. With supply chain’s critical role in today’s global business environment, the supply chain professional is no long simply the “purchasing guy” or gal. Supply chain roles and responsibilities encompass a broad array of business functions.