前前后后練習了30遍文稿,第7遍時 可以通背下來订歪,10遍開始能夠聲情復述脖祈,此時距正式演講還有一周;用手機錄了一段 打算跑步的時候邊聽邊跑刷晋,發(fā)現自己一心兩用也是比較困難撒犀,但勉勉強強聽了幾次福压、感覺也還行——一段錄音6min左右掏秩、我的配速也差不多或舞,體驗一下這種同步的感覺還挺好玩;既然一心兩用比較勉強蒙幻,有的時候就會把練習放在跑步后的走路放松階段映凳、這樣不知不覺又能走上幾公里,有一種主題和行動的契合感邮破、也算體驗了一把知行合一诈豌。
現場演講時還是緊張了,有幾個地方停頓了抒和,不過設計的body language都做到了矫渔、效果很好,平時練習6:34的講稿現場花了5:13就講完了摧莽,自己也沒搞懂怎么快了這么多庙洼。
時間投入:小學零星學過一點就忽略了,從初中開始算-18年征懈。初高中 7年*300天*2 h=4200 h石咬,大學4年*50天*2 h+第二專業(yè)3年*80天*8 h+考研180天*4 h=3040 h,碩博士7年*300天*0.5 h+考博60天*6 h+英語組織10次*3 h=1440 h卖哎,一共8680 h鬼悠。
如果按1萬小時理論(馬爾科姆·格拉德韋爾的作品《異數》),我這儼然再修煉一兩年就要成專家了亏娜,然而現實就是開口交流焕窝、報告提問 我都會覺得很為難,張口忘詞兒是常事兒照藻,連最基礎的流利交流和隨心表達自己的水平都做不到~成專家更是沒影兒了袜啃。可見無謂的重復和死磕幸缕,在過去的英語學習中群发,白白耗費了我太多時間,效率低下发乔。
金錢投入:大學第二專業(yè)學費9k熟妓,小麥英語 微學英語等約1k。
感情投入:大學里的早起都是為了讀背英語好么栏尚?我跟人約會都沒這么積極過起愈!敢問有多少人的青春里沒有英語?它有時會給我一顆糖,有時會給我一頓暴擊抬虽,我卻還要死氣白咧地跟著它官觅;加入微學英語是被打擊最嚴重的一次,一群各行各業(yè)的伙伴阐污,說英語和說中文一樣順嘴休涤,面對這樣的鴻溝 我開始對自己曾經的投入產生大大的懷疑~不過,時至今日笛辟,我還是在死氣白咧地跟著它功氨,只不過這次 我想跟它談判。
是誰告訴我學英語要從abandon那些詞匯背起手幢?我要是想起是誰 真跟誰急捷凄!真真是愛之深 恨之切。
工作:研究生入學考試 英語很中國特色地成為了一個很關鍵的篩選工具、多少有學術理想的青年學子被阻斷于此醇滥;我說不上自己是這一機制的受益者還是受害者(碩士那次英語考得特別差39分-百分制黎比、大跌眼鏡 印象深刻、刷新了我這輩子的成績記錄鸳玩,博士那次60+分阅虫、不好不壞),以上為應試英語不跟;研究生期間專業(yè)文獻一般都是英文颓帝、自己投的文章也都是英文,以上為專業(yè)英語兼啞巴英語窝革。
每個月都會有領域大牛來所里做各種報告购城,聽報告時 一般也就抓住關鍵詞,萌萌懂懂聽一部分虐译,真沒有什么醍醐灌頂的感覺瘪板,從來沒有……(看到這個,導師會不會打我)漆诽。提問是絕對沒有這個膽兒的侮攀。接待過幾次外賓锣枝,有的時候腦子靈光就多聊幾句、有的時候腦子秀逗就比劃比劃 一笑而過兰英。
關于英語涵但,Jamie說土馬的旅程也是一場馬拉松,它有刻意練習帖蔓、伙伴的鼓勵和建議矮瘟,也許這才是英語對于人思維重塑,應用它 學習它正確的打開方式塑娇。
Pursuing?for Marathon charm
Dear Toastmasters and guests, April is back! ?At the beginning of my speech, please allow me to show you a situation. Imagine that you are a marathoner taking part in a full Marathon race. You get up early, eat simply but carefully, warm up from head to feet, and take a photo. Everything is ready. During the competition, you run in the middle of the road, all the motor vehicles make way for you. You run with a crowd of person without loneliness. You run under the encouragement of lots of volunteers. Of course, you worried about Leg Cramp and heatstroke especially after 30 kilometers. Finally, finally, finally, no matter which way, walk or run, finishing line is approaching, approaching and reaching. Yes, you got it, even though you find your leg lame. Ask yourself, what’s your feeling in this imagination? What is Marathon charm? I may talk about following three questions.
The first one: why I take part in Marathon?race? Firstly, I should say following the trend. Marathon is a fashion?nowadays, I will follow it. By this way, I have more topics with friends to?share, like today. Shortly after one of my friends complete her first race I?got it in my mind that I could do the same thing. And then, losing weight is a?woman's lifelong career. As a classic aerobic exercise, running has really low?requirements for environment and equipment. Finally, do physical exercises. A?Marathon race force me to formally training. Create a running lifestyle. And I?will have more friends who are good at sports.
The second one: how to prepare muscles andthoughts to adapt to this kind of relatively high intensity exercise? Let’slooking at this?coordinate?axis. It describes therelationship between likability and ability. Due to the differences betweenlikability and ability, our abilities were divided into four areas- advantagearea, potential area, retreat area and blind area. For a beginning runner,there is no doubt that running is his potential area. To be more skilled,deliberate practice is essential. Deliberate practice here is Marathontraining. Some simple tips are needed. For instance, practice 30 kilometers forat least 3 times before a full Marathon. By this way, your body is moresuitable for the race, and you will more confident and your performance must begood enough.
The third one is what to attention. We should pay attention to physical condition during the competition. Without comparison withothers, without inner obsession, instantly physical condition is the mostimportant. Once uncomfortable, stop and ask for help. As a first-aid volunteer,each Marathon race, I can hear about collapsed runners. Some are verified to beserious consequence even death.
All in all, Like Forrest Gump, running is not only a speed, but also an attitude. They say you can’t run away from your troubles, I say that you can. Marathon charm is a lifestyle, an art and a passion. With our passion to run, to be a better one澈侠!