1. Personality : The unique and relatively stable pattern of?behaviors, thoughts, and emotions shown by an individual
Person-job-fit - Extent to which individuals possess the?traits for specific jobs
Behavior results from a complex interplay between personality and situational factors.
? Conscientiousness : degree of diligence, perseverance, and?organization
- related to job performance across many occupations
- related to absenteeism
? Agreeableness : degree of cooperativeness and warmth
- related to cooperation
- related to performance especially in teams
? Emotional Stability (Neuroticism) : degree of calmness,?self-confidence, and sense of security
- related to job satisfaction across many occupations
- related to stress
? Openness to experience : degree of creativeness, curiosity, and?interest in novel experiences
- related to success in training
? Extraversion-introversion : degree of gregarious, assertiveness,?and sociability
- related to performance in jobs that required interpersonal?interaction
- related to leadership emergence (extraversion)
3. Work-related Aspects of Personality
? Self-Efficacy: an individual’s beliefs concerning?her/his ability to perform specific tasks successfully
-Shown to be different from self-esteem and?self-confidence
-Always measured in terms of specific tasks
-Strong predictor of both performance & persistence
? Locus of control – the degree to which someone?believes he or she is in control of one’s fate;
internal vs. external
-Internal associated with greater motivation?and higher performance.
4.Holland’s 6 Personality Types
Fit between personality type and occupational environment determines satisfaction and turnover
Ultimately behavior results from an interaction of personality traits and situational factors