- 給這個郵箱寫郵件努溃,必須用對應APP的賬號(App Store Connect team members)拆融,否則對方不接受溝通;
回復:App Store Connect 里直接回復
- 可以直接在被拒問題下方的回復框里回復捻爷,建議先寫好再貼進去;
- 可以貼圖或者視頻份企,建議命名使用純字母(不要出現(xiàn)中文)也榄;
Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User GeneratedContent
Your app enables the display ofuser-generated content but does not have the proper precautions in place.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise yourapp to implement all of the following precautions:
- Require that users agree to terms (EULA)and these terms must make it clear that there is no tolerance for objectionablecontent or abusive users
- A method for filtering objectionablecontent
- A mechanism for users to flagobjectionable content
- A mechanism for users to block abusiveusers
- The developer must act on objectionablecontent reports within 24 hours by removing the content and ejecting the userwho provided the offending content
- APP需要增加用戶協(xié)議司志;如果已經(jīng)有相關協(xié)議甜紫,只需要把相關界面或路徑截圖回復即可;
- APP需要有內容審核機制骂远,如不符合內容規(guī)范或有害需要及時過濾或刪除囚霸;如有相關功能,只需要截圖回復即可激才;
- 用戶需要有舉報之類的功能拓型,可以舉報內容或者用戶,有兩者之一應該都可以通過審核瘸恼;截圖回復即可劣挫;
- 及時過濾或刪除的機制;截圖回復即可东帅;建議APP上有“該內容違規(guī)已刪除”的界面压固,這樣截圖容易通過。
Guideline Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User Generated Content
Your app enables the display of user-generated content but does not have the proper precautions in place.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your app to implement all of the following precautions:
- A mechanism for users to block abusive users
- 需要增加拉黑用戶的功能靠闭;如果功能不明顯帐我,建議在回復里附上相關流程和截圖,再提交新版本愧膀;
Guideline 2.3.4 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
Your app preview includes content that does not sufficiently reflect the app in use. Specifically, your preview:
- Includes a self-promotional ad.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your app preview to only use video screen captures of the app, narration, and textual and design overlays.
For resources on creating great app previews, you may want to review the App Previews page. For more general information on how to make the most of your app's App Store product page, please see the App Store Product Page information available on the Apple Developer website.
Please see attached screenshot for details.
- 應用市場里的展示視頻/截圖不能出現(xiàn)虛假內容;如果是在APP界面基礎上加工的扇调,可以截取APP內部使用的界面進行對比說明矿咕,會通過。
Guideline 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
Your app name or subtitle to be displayed on the App Store includes keywords or descriptors, which are not appropriate for use in these metadata items.
Specifically, the following words in your app name or subtitle are considered keywords or descriptors:
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your app name or subtitle to remove any keywords and descriptors from all localizations of your app. Keywords can be entered in the Keywords field in App Store Connect to be used as search terms for your app.
- APP名稱和標題不能使用比較夸張的用詞,哪怕是中文也會有懂中文的審核人員認為是虛假內容碳柱;去掉不合適的詞匯捡絮,重新提交即可;標題這里很容易來回審核莲镣,換了審核員可能規(guī)則就不一樣福稳。
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their location but does not clarify the use of the location in the applicable purpose string.
Next Steps
Please revise the relevant purpose string in your app’s Info.plist file to specify why the app is requesting access to the user's location. You can modify your app's Info.plist file using the property list editor in Xcode.
To help users understand why your app is requesting access to their personal data, all permission request alerts in your app should specify how your app will use the requested feature.
For additional information and instructions on requesting permission, please review the Requesting Permission section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines and the Information Property List Key Reference. You may also want to review the Technical Q&A QA1937: Resolving the Privacy-Sensitive Data App Rejection page for details on how to provide a usage description for permission request alerts.
Please see attached screenshot for details.
- 蘋果很在意APP獲取用戶各類權限的原因瑞侮;如果只修改文案的圆,審核人員可能無法理解;需要截圖回復解釋半火;
Guideline 5.0 - Legal
Your app contains content - or facilitates, enables, and encourages an activity - that is not legal in all of the locations
where the app is available.
Specifically, your app includes features that XXX from content which is not in compliance.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please remove all content and features that are illegal in the locations where your app is available.
Please note that app concepts that are considered illegal are not allowed on the App Store.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
- 不能有誘導用戶的行為越妈;可以申訴,會通過钮糖;也看到有人是通過上線前隱去的方式梅掠。
Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions
We noticed that your app did not fully meet the terms and conditions for auto-renewing subscriptions, as specified in Schedule 2, section 3.8(b) of the Paid Applications agreement.
When the user initiates an in-app purchase on the App Store, they are taken into your app to continue the transaction.
However, information about the subscription must be displayed to the user prior to the purchase:
? Title of publication or service
? Length of subscription (time period and content or services provided during each subscription period)
Price of subscription, and price per unit if appropriate
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your app to include the missing information prior to initiating any auto-renewing subscription purchases within your app.
If you have no future plans on promoting this in-app purchase product, you can visit App Store Connect to delete the associated promotional image.
To delete the promoted image:
- Log in to App Store Connect
- Click on "My Apps"
- Select this app
- Click "Features," then “App Store Promotions” to view your promoted in-app purchases
- Click the in-app purchase reference name that you no longer want to promote
- Select the associated promotional image and delete it
- Click Save
- 如果你上線了訂閱店归,并且勾選了在app store里顯示推廣(就是在app的詳情頁里阎抒、store的專題頁里顯示訂閱套餐的內容),則需要支持從app store直接點擊購買后進入app的購買頁消痛。需開發(fā)單獨支持且叁。
Guideline 2.3.2 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed that your promotional image to be displayed on the App Store does not sufficiently represent the associated promoted in-app purchase. Specifically, we found the following issue with your promotional image:
– Your promotional image includes text that is small or otherwise hard to read.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your promotional image to ensure it is unique and accurately represents the associated promoted in-app purchase.
If you have no future plans on promoting this in-app purchase product, you can visit App Store Connect to delete the associated promotional image.
To delete the promoted image:
- Log in to App Store Connect
- Click on "My Apps"
- Select this app
- Click "Features," then “App Store Promotions” to view your promoted in-app purchases
- Click the in-app purchase reference name that you no longer want to promote
- Select the associated promotional image and delete it
- Click Save
-?上線了訂閱,并且勾選了在app store里顯示推廣秩伞,需要上傳推廣用的小圖(圖片真的很谐汛)。建議不要帶文字纱新,帶了文字就會看不清掰担,蘋果審核可能會卡住。
Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions
We noticed that one or more of your auto-renewable subscriptions is marketed in a manner that may mislead or confuse users about the subscription terms or pricing.
Specifically, your app offers a free trial or introductory period but does not make it clear that a payment will be automatically initiated for the next subscription period and the billed amount of your auto-renewable subscription is not clearly and conspicuously displayed to the customer.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your auto-renewable subscription purchase flow to ensure that the billed amount is the most prominent pricing element in the layout. Any other pricing elements must be displayed in a subordinate position and size to the total billed amount.
- 訂閱購買頁里的文案也容易被卡怒炸,標準經(jīng)常有變化。建議這塊文案一定要是可配置的毡代,或者頁面設計展示的信息足夠多阅羹,按照要求進行改動即可。上線后可以再改回之前的教寂。
促銷的應用內購買產品的名稱相同捏鱼,這使用戶難以識別他們從App Store購買的商品。
要解決此問題酪耕,請修改促銷的應用內購買產品的名稱导梆,以確保每個單獨的元數(shù)據(jù)項都是唯一的。推廣的應用內購買的顯示名稱和描述旨在幫助用戶識別和了解他們從App Store購買的內容。
- 確保每個訂閱里的名字都有所不一樣看尼,包括描述递鹉。
- 蘋果的審核員會換人媳拴,標準也是時刻在變化,如果是重要的版本建議提前提交,預留足夠的時間來應付被卡。
- app名稱和副標題等內容和ASO息息相關冰评,也很容易被卡茸时,建議不要有太多重復的用詞。
- 放寬心態(tài)榜田,被拒就按照標準改即可。