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1. UOW Online Study Resources
The role of the abstract is to tell readers:
- WHAT the research is -- what question the research is attempting to answer
- WHY the research was done
- HOW the research was done -- what methodology was used
- WHAT the results of research are
- What the results MEAN.
In effect, the abstract sums up the research and summarises the separate sections of the thesis: the introduction, the methods section, the results section and the discussion and conclusion sections.
Find out more about Abstracts (PDF file)
- Biology Abstract (PDF file)
- Commerce Abstract (PDF file)
- Engineering Abstract (PDF file)
2. University of South Australia - Thesis and Exegesis Writing for Business, Social Sciences and Humanities
Abstract writing: Purposes, conventions and types
- What is an abstract?
- Purpose of writing abstracts
- Conventions of writing abstracts
- Further considerations
- Types of abstracts
- Examples
- How to write an abstract
3. Abstract Template via PHDComics