centos7下安裝postgres-xl 10r1分布式數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)



Centos7 minimal

  • 主機(jī)規(guī)劃
    server0 gtm
    server1 gtm-proxy1,coordinator1,datanode1
    server2 gtm-proxy2,coordinator2,datanode2
    server3 gtm-proxy3,coordinator3,datanode3

  • 設(shè)置主機(jī)名

hostname server0 # 臨時(shí)修改
hostnamectl set-hostname server0 #
  • 修改主機(jī)hosts文件
echo "    server0" >> /etc/hosts
echo "    server1" >> /etc/hosts
echo "    server2" >> /etc/hosts
echo "    server3" >> /etc/hosts
  • 添加postgres用戶
# groupadd  postgres
# useradd -rmg postgres postgres
# passwd postgres
  • 配置免密登陸
# root用戶
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@server0
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@server1
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@server2
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@server3

# postgres用戶
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub postgres@server0
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub postgres@server1
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub postgres@server2
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub postgres@server3


chmod 755 /home/postgres
chmod 700 /home/postgres/.ssh
chmod 644 /home/postgres/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • 安裝編譯依賴
yum install gcc bison flex perl-ExtUtils-Embed perl python-devel tcl-devel readline-devel openssl-devel krb5-devel e2fsprogs-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel pam-devel libuuid-devel openldap-devel openjade opensp docbook-dtds libicu-devel gettext systemd-devel 
  • 編譯安裝
#上傳源碼包至 /data/postgres-xl-10r1.tar.gz

cd /data
tar xf /data/postgres-xl-10r1.tar.gz
mkdir build
cd build

/data/postgres-xl-10r1/configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql --with-icu --with-tcl --with-perl --with-python --with-gssapi --with-pam --with-ldap --with-openssl --with-systemd --with-libxml --with-libxslt 

make -j4 world

make install-world
  • 設(shè)置【postgres用戶的環(huán)境變量】
# vi ~/.bashrc
export PGUSER=postgres
export PGHOME=/usr/local/pgsql
export PATH=$PATH:$PGHOME/bin
export TEMP=/tmp
export TMPDIR=/tmp
  • 使環(huán)境變量生效:
$ source ~/.bashrc


pg_ctl --version 
  • 配置Postgres-XL集群
$ pgxc_ctl              ---初次執(zhí)行搀罢,會(huì)提示Error說(shuō)沒(méi)有配置文件陶因,忽略即可
PGXC prepare            ---執(zhí)行該命令將會(huì)生成一份配置文件模板
PGXC exit               --退出 pgxc_ctl交互窗


#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Postgres-XC Configuration file for pgxc_ctl utility. 
# Configuration file can be specified as -c option from pgxc_ctl command.   Default is
# $PGXC_CTL_HOME/pgxc_ctl.org.
# This is bash script so you can make any addition for your convenience to configure
# your Postgres-XC cluster.
# Please understand that pgxc_ctl provides only a subset of configuration which pgxc_ctl
# provide.  Here's several several assumptions/restrictions pgxc_ctl depends on.
# 1) All the resources of pgxc nodes has to be owned by the same user.   Same user means
#    user with the same user name.  User ID may be different from server to server.
#    This must be specified as a variable $pgxcOwner.
# 2) All the servers must be reacheable via ssh without password.   It is highly recommended
#    to setup key-based authentication among all the servers.
# 3) All the databases in coordinator/datanode has at least one same superuser.  Pgxc_ctl
#    uses this user to connect to coordinators and datanodes.   Again, no password should
#    be used to connect.  You have many options to do this, pg_hba.conf, pg_ident.conf and
#    others.  Pgxc_ctl provides a way to configure pg_hba.conf but not pg_ident.conf.   This
#    will be implemented in the later releases.
# 4) Gtm master and slave can have different port to listen, while coordinator and datanode
#    slave should be assigned the same port number as master.
# 5) Port nuber of a coordinator slave must be the same as its master.
# 6) Master and slave are connected using synchronous replication.  Asynchronous replication
#    have slight (almost none) chance to bring total cluster into inconsistent state.
#    This chance is very low and may be negligible.  Support of asynchronous replication
#    may be supported in the later release.
# 7) Each coordinator and datanode can have only one slave each.  Cascaded replication and
#    multiple slave are not supported in the current pgxc_ctl.
# 8) Killing nodes may end up with IPC resource leak, such as semafor and shared memory.
#    Only listening port (socket) will be cleaned with clean command.
# 9) Backup and restore are not supported in pgxc_ctl at present.   This is a big task and
#    may need considerable resource.
# pgxcInstallDir variable is needed if you invoke "deploy" command from pgxc_ctl utility.
# If don't you don't need this variable.
## 配置 pgxcInstallDir 和 pgxlDATA镀迂,后續(xù)變量引用這兩個(gè)變量
#---- OVERALL -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 配置 用戶名為 postgres
pgxcOwner=postgres          # owner of the Postgres-XC databaseo cluster.  Here, we use this
                        # both as linus user and database user.  This must be
                        # the super user of each coordinator and datanode.
pgxcUser=$pgxcOwner     # OS user of Postgres-XC owner

tmpDir=/tmp                 # temporary dir used in XC servers
localTmpDir=$tmpDir         # temporary dir used here locally

configBackup=n                  # If you want config file backup, specify y to this value.
configBackupHost=pgxc-linker    # host to backup config file
configBackupDir=$HOME/pgxc      # Backup directory
configBackupFile=pgxc_ctl.bak   # Backup file name --> Need to synchronize when original changed.

#---- GTM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# GTM is mandatory.  You must have at least (and only) one GTM master in your Postgres-XC cluster.
# If GTM crashes and you need to reconfigure it, you can do it by pgxc_update_gtm command to update
# GTM master with others.   Of course, we provide pgxc_remove_gtm command to remove it.  This command
# will not stop the current GTM.  It is up to the operator.

#---- GTM Master -----------------------------------------------

#---- Overall ----
# 配置 GTM

#---- Configuration ---
gtmExtraConfig=none         # Will be added gtm.conf for both Master and Slave (done at initilization only)
gtmMasterSpecificExtraConfig=none   # Will be added to Master's gtm.conf (done at initialization only)

#---- GTM Slave -----------------------------------------------

# Because GTM is a key component to maintain database consistency, you may want to configure GTM slave
# for backup.

#---- Overall ------
# 不要 gtmSlave ,所以直接設(shè)置 gtmSlave=n
gtmSlave=n                  # Specify y if you configure GTM Slave.   Otherwise, GTM slave will not be configured and
                            # all the following variables will be reset.
gtmSlaveServer=node12       # value none means GTM slave is not available.  Give none if you don't configure GTM Slave.
gtmSlavePort=20001          # Not used if you don't configure GTM slave.
gtmSlaveDir=$HOME/pgxc/nodes/gtm    # Not used if you don't configure GTM slave.
# Please note that when you have GTM failover, then there will be no slave available until you configure the slave
# again. (pgxc_add_gtm_slave function will handle it)

#---- Configuration ----
gtmSlaveSpecificExtraConfig=none # Will be added to Slave's gtm.conf (done at initialization only)

#---- GTM Proxy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# GTM proxy will be selected based upon which server each component runs on.
# When fails over to the slave, the slave inherits its master's gtm proxy.  It should be
# reconfigured based upon the new location.
# To do so, slave should be restarted.   So pg_ctl promote -> (edit postgresql.conf and recovery.conf) -> pg_ctl restart
# You don't have to configure GTM Proxy if you dont' configure GTM slave or you are happy if every component connects
# to GTM Master directly.  If you configure GTL slave, you must configure GTM proxy too.

#---- Shortcuts ------

#---- Overall -------
gtmProxy=y              # Specify y if you conifugre at least one GTM proxy.   You may not configure gtm proxies
                        # only when you dont' configure GTM slaves.
                        # If you specify this value not to y, the following parameters will be set to default empty values.
                        # If we find there're no valid Proxy server names (means, every servers are specified
                        # as none), then gtmProxy value will be set to "n" and all the entries will be set to
                        # empty values.
# 根據(jù)需要配置 gtmProxy的個(gè)數(shù)唤蔗,建議gtmProxy招拙、coordinator唧瘾、datanode的一致部署,減少網(wǎng)絡(luò)開(kāi)銷
gtmProxyNames=(gtm_pxy1 gtm_pxy2 gtm_pxy3)  # No used if it is not configured
gtmProxyServers=(server1 server2 server3)           # Specify none if you dont' configure it.
gtmProxyPorts=(20001 20001 20001)               # Not used if it is not configured.
gtmProxyDirs=($gtmProxyDir $gtmProxyDir $gtmProxyDir)   # Not used if it is not configured.

#---- Configuration ----
gtmPxyExtraConfig=none      # Extra configuration parameter for gtm_proxy.  Coordinator section has an example.
gtmPxySpecificExtraConfig=(none none none)

#---- Coordinators ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#---- shortcuts ----------

#---- Overall ------------
coordNames=(coord1 coord2 coord3)       # Master and slave use the same name
coordPorts=(20004 20005 20004)          # Master ports
poolerPorts=(20010 20011 20010)         # Master pooler ports
# 設(shè)置所有coordinator 的pg_hba.conf文件
coordPgHbaEntries=(             # Assumes that all the coordinator (master/slave) accepts
                                                # the same connection
                                                # This entry allows only $pgxcOwner to connect.
                                                # If you'd like to setup another connection, you should
                                                # supply these entries through files specified below.
# Note: The above parameter is extracted as "host all all trust".   If you don't want
# such setups, specify the value () to this variable and suplly what you want using coordExtraPgHba
# and/or coordSpecificExtraPgHba variables.
#coordPgHbaEntries=(::1/128)    # Same as above but for IPv6 addresses

#---- Master -------------
coordMasterServers=(server1 server2 server3)        # none means this master is not available
coordMasterDirs=($coordMasterDir $coordMasterDir $coordMasterDir)
coordMaxWALsernder=5    # max_wal_senders: needed to configure slave. If zero value is specified,
                        # it is expected to supply this parameter explicitly by external files
                        # specified in the following.   If you don't configure slaves, leave this value to zero.
coordMaxWALSenders=($coordMaxWALsernder $coordMaxWALsernder $coordMaxWALsernder)
                        # max_wal_senders configuration for each coordinator.

#---- Slave -------------
# 不要coordSlave别凤,設(shè)為n
coordSlave=n            # Specify y if you configure at least one coordiantor slave.  Otherwise, the following
                        # configuration parameters will be set to empty values.
                        # If no effective server names are found (that is, every servers are specified as none),
                        # then coordSlave value will be set to n and all the following values will be set to
                        # empty values.

coordUserDefinedBackupSettings=n    # Specify whether to update backup/recovery
                                    # settings during standby addition/removal.

coordSlaveSync=y        # Specify to connect with synchronized mode.
coordSlaveServers=(node07 node08 node09 node06)         # none means this slave is not available
coordSlavePorts=(20004 20005 20004 20005)           # Master ports
coordSlavePoolerPorts=(20010 20011 20010 20011)         # Master pooler ports
coordSlaveDirs=($coordSlaveDir $coordSlaveDir $coordSlaveDir $coordSlaveDir)
coordArchLogDirs=($coordArchLogDir $coordArchLogDir $coordArchLogDir $coordArchLogDir)

#---- Configuration files---
# Need these when you'd like setup specific non-default configuration 
# These files will go to corresponding files for the master.
# You may supply your bash script to setup extra config lines and extra pg_hba.conf entries 
# Or you may supply these files manually.
coordExtraConfig=coordExtraConfig   # Extra configuration file for coordinators.  
                        # This file will be added to all the coordinators'
                        # postgresql.conf
# Pleae note that the following sets up minimum parameters which you may want to change.
# You can put your postgresql.conf lines here.
cat > $coordExtraConfig <<EOF
# Added to all the coordinator postgresql.conf
# Original: $coordExtraConfig
log_destination = 'stderr'
logging_collector = on
log_directory = 'pg_log'
listen_addresses = '*'
max_connections = 100

# Additional Configuration file for specific coordinator master.
# You can define each setting by similar means as above.
coordSpecificExtraConfig=(none none none none)
coordExtraPgHba=none    # Extra entry for pg_hba.conf.  This file will be added to all the coordinators' pg_hba.conf
coordSpecificExtraPgHba=(none none none none)

#----- Additional Slaves -----
# Please note that this section is just a suggestion how we extend the configuration for
# multiple and cascaded replication.   They're not used in the current version.
coordAdditionalSlaves=n     # Additional slave can be specified as follows: where you
coordAdditionalSlaveSet=(cad1)      # Each specifies set of slaves.   This case, two set of slaves are
                                            # configured
cad1_Sync=n             # All the slaves at "cad1" are connected with asynchronous mode.
                            # If not, specify "y"
                            # The following lines specifies detailed configuration for each
                            # slave tag, cad1.  You can define cad2 similarly.
cad1_Servers=(node08 node09 node06 node07)  # Hosts
cad1_Dirs=($cad1_dir $cad1_dir $cad1_dir $cad1_dir)
cad1_ArchLogDirs=($cad1_ArchLogDir $cad1_ArchLogDir $cad1_ArchLogDir $cad1_ArchLogDir)

#---- Datanodes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#---- Shortcuts --------------

#---- Overall ---------------
#primaryDatanode=datanode1              # Primary Node.
# At present, xc has a priblem to issue ALTER NODE against the primay node.  Until it is fixed, the test will be done
# without this feature.
primaryDatanode=datanode1               # Primary Node 主數(shù)據(jù)節(jié)點(diǎn) .
datanodeNames=(datanode1 datanode2 datanode3)
datanodePorts=(20008 20009 20008)   # Master ports
datanodePoolerPorts=(20012 20013 20012) # Master pooler ports
datanodePgHbaEntries=(  # Assumes that all the coordinator (master/slave) accepts
                                        # the same connection
                                        # This list sets up pg_hba.conf for $pgxcOwner user.
                                        # If you'd like to setup other entries, supply them
                                        # through extra configuration files specified below.
# Note: The above parameter is extracted as "host all all trust".   If you don't want
# such setups, specify the value () to this variable and suplly what you want using datanodeExtraPgHba
# and/or datanodeSpecificExtraPgHba variables.
#datanodePgHbaEntries=(::1/128) # Same as above but for IPv6 addresses

#---- Master ----------------
datanodeMasterServers=(server1 server2 server3) # none means this master is not available.
                                                    # This means that there should be the master but is down.
                                                    # The cluster is not operational until the master is
                                                    # recovered and ready to run.   
datanodeMasterDirs=($datanodeMasterDir $datanodeMasterDir $datanodeMasterDir)
datanodeMaxWalSender=5                              # max_wal_senders: needed to configure slave. If zero value is 
                                                    # specified, it is expected this parameter is explicitly supplied
                                                    # by external configuration files.
                                                    # If you don't configure slaves, leave this value zero.
datanodeMaxWALSenders=($datanodeMaxWalSender $datanodeMaxWalSender $datanodeMaxWalSender)
                        # max_wal_senders configuration for each datanode

#---- Slave -----------------
# 不用datanodeSlave ,設(shè)置為n
datanodeSlave=n         # Specify y if you configure at least one coordiantor slave.  Otherwise, the following
                        # configuration parameters will be set to empty values.
                        # If no effective server names are found (that is, every servers are specified as none),
                        # then datanodeSlave value will be set to n and all the following values will be set to
                        # empty values.

datanodeUserDefinedBackupSettings=n # Specify whether to update backup/recovery
                                    # settings during standby addition/removal.

datanodeSlaveServers=(node07 node08 node09 node06)  # value none means this slave is not available
datanodeSlavePorts=(20008 20009 20008 20009)    # value none means this slave is not available
datanodeSlavePoolerPorts=(20012 20013 20012 20013)  # value none means this slave is not available
datanodeSlaveSync=y     # If datanode slave is connected in synchronized mode
datanodeSlaveDirs=($datanodeSlaveDir $datanodeSlaveDir $datanodeSlaveDir $datanodeSlaveDir)
datanodeArchLogDirs=( $datanodeArchLogDir $datanodeArchLogDir $datanodeArchLogDir $datanodeArchLogDir )

# ---- Configuration files ---
# You may supply your bash script to setup extra config lines and extra pg_hba.conf entries here.
# These files will go to corresponding files for the master.
# Or you may supply these files manually.
datanodeExtraConfig=none    # Extra configuration file for datanodes.  This file will be added to all the 
                            # datanodes' postgresql.conf
datanodeSpecificExtraConfig=(none none none none)
datanodeExtraPgHba=none     # Extra entry for pg_hba.conf.  This file will be added to all the datanodes' postgresql.conf
datanodeSpecificExtraPgHba=(none none none none)

#----- Additional Slaves -----
datanodeAdditionalSlaves=n  # Additional slave can be specified as follows: where you
# datanodeAdditionalSlaveSet=(dad1 dad2)        # Each specifies set of slaves.   This case, two set of slaves are
                                            # configured
# dad1_Sync=n               # All the slaves at "cad1" are connected with asynchronous mode.
                            # If not, specify "y"
                            # The following lines specifies detailed configuration for each
                            # slave tag, cad1.  You can define cad2 similarly.
# dad1_Servers=(node08 node09 node06 node07)    # Hosts
# dad1_dir=$HOME/pgxc/nodes/coord_slave_cad1
# dad1_Dirs=($cad1_dir $cad1_dir $cad1_dir $cad1_dir)
# dad1_ArchLogDir=$HOME/pgxc/nodes/coord_archlog_cad1
# dad1_ArchLogDirs=($cad1_ArchLogDir $cad1_ArchLogDir $cad1_ArchLogDir $cad1_ArchLogDir)

#---- WAL archives -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
walArchive=n    # If you'd like to configure WAL archive, edit this section.
                # Pgxc_ctl assumes that if you configure WAL archive, you configure it
                # for all the coordinators and datanodes.
                # Default is "no".   Please specify "y" here to turn it on.
#       End of Configuration Section

# The following is for extension.  Just demonstrate how to write such extension.  There's no code
# which takes care of them so please ignore the following lines.  They are simply ignored by pgxc_ctl.
# No side effects.
#=============<< Beginning of future extension demonistration >> ========================================================
# You can setup more than one backup set for various purposes, such as disaster recovery.
walArchiveSet=(war1 war2)
war1_source=(master)    # you can specify master, slave or ano other additional slaves as a source of WAL archive.
                    # Default is the master
wal1_source=(additiona_coordinator_slave_set additional_datanode_slave_set)
war1_host=node10    # All the nodes are backed up at the same host for a given archive set
#=============<< End of future extension demonistration >> ========================================================
  • 初始化集群
pgxc_ctl  -c  ~/pgxc_ctl/pgxc_ctl.conf init all
  • 啟動(dòng)集群
pgxc_ctl  -c  ~/pgxc_ctl/pgxc_ctl.conf start all
  • 關(guān)閉集群
pgxc_ctl  -c  ~/pgxc_ctl/pgxc_ctl.conf stop all
  • 刪除集群
ssh root@server0 "rm -rf /data/pgxc"
ssh root@server1 "rm -rf /data/pgxc"
ssh root@server2 "rm -rf /data/pgxc"
ssh root@server3 "rm -rf /data/pgxc"

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  • 序言:一個(gè)原本活蹦亂跳的男人離奇死亡庶喜,死狀恐怖,靈堂內(nèi)的尸體忽然破棺而出谤碳,到底是詐尸還是另有隱情溃卡,我是刑警寧澤,帶...
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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布蜒简,位于F島的核電站瘸羡,受9級(jí)特大地震影響,放射性物質(zhì)發(fā)生泄漏搓茬。R本人自食惡果不足惜犹赖,卻給世界環(huán)境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一處隱蔽的房頂上張望卷仑。 院中可真熱鬧火架,春花似錦杂拨、人聲如沸垫言。這莊子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽(yáng)窜锯。三九已至张肾,卻和暖如春,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間锚扎,已是汗流浹背吞瞪。 一陣腳步聲響...
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  • 我被黑心中介騙來(lái)泰國(guó)打工, 沒(méi)想到剛下飛機(jī)就差點(diǎn)兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留驾孔,地道東北人芍秆。 一個(gè)月前我還...
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  • 正文 我出身青樓惯疙,卻偏偏與公主長(zhǎng)得像,于是被迫代替她去往敵國(guó)和親妖啥。 傳聞我的和親對(duì)象是個(gè)殘疾皇子霉颠,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
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