September to October is considered as the most exciting, stressful and busy time for every student who are going to graduate in the next year. I am one of those young students who look for career success and life transition. I want to share some of the experience and what I have been gone through.
1. Preparation, preparation and preparation. A good career requires lots of planning. I think developing a timeline for graduate school study is very important. A well-organized timeline for job hunting is also a key for managing applications and interview progress.
2. Confidence and faith. I always say to myself "Be hopeful but don't have high expectation". A positive attitude with hope and faith can keep me putting more effort in searching for every opportunity. However, I don't have high expectations because I know there are always other sharp and excellent candidates who are fighting for the same position. Also, life is full of change.
Timeline for Job Hunting:
1. Summer is for company search and industry search. During the summer, I developed a list of companies that I am qualified to apply my background and skills. Then I download some? industry guide from to learn about the industry. I also did some company search through their website to understand about their history, products and culture.
2. I polished my resume during the summer and started writing cover letters.? Resume and cover letter are very important document to show your background, skills and also your communication skills. I have the staff from career center to go over it several times.
3. In August, I listed a spreadsheet with all the companies I want to work for. Then I start creating profiles in those companies career website and apply relevant positions online.
4. At the same time, I started applying jobs through the school career website where companies post openings. My department also sent out fliers with openings from several big companies. I applied those as well. The application process takes ~30 minutes for each company.
5. In September, I was preparing for the career fair. I practiced with my 2-minutes elevator speech. I researched the companies that will come to career fair and attend their company info session. The goal for attending career fair is to get an on campus interview.
6. Sept-Oct: After the career fair, I got several on campus interviews (~5-7). Most of the interviews are behavioral based. I talked about my research for most of the part.
7. Oct and forward is for on-site interviews. I have not got that far yet. I only got one site visit schedule in next month at this point of time.
I have a list of questions that company asked during the campus interview phase.
Celanese Interview (30 min)
Tell me about your research.
What are your three strengths and weaknesses?
Tell me about your internship experiences?
What do you want to achieve as a person in both personal
life and professional life?
What is your five year plan?
Tell me about the management of technology certificate
Are you interested in process engineer or product engineer
Do you have any question about me?
Dow Chemical Campus Interview (30 min)
1.Why do you want to work for Dow?
2.Could you talk about an example of collaboration?
3.Could you talk about some leadership experience?
4.Could you talk about a time when you promise to deliver something but you fail to do so because of equipment break down?
ExxonMobil Campus Interview (30 min)
Give me an example to talk about your teamwork experience
Do you have any leadership positions
Can you give me an example to show you have good adaptability
What do you like and don't like about your job? You can talk about your current job or anything in general.
3M Campus Interview (30 min)
Tell me about your research - 5-7 minutes
Ask questions relevant to research
How do you collaborate with people in your group?
Air Products Campus Interview (45 min)
Mainly I talked about my research and the interviewer asked relevant questions in regards to my research
PPG Industry Campus Interview (30 min)
What role do you play in your lab?
Tell me an example you have a difficult time to work with someone
What's your short and long term goals?
The on-campus interview process is very standard and not hard at
all. The key is to think through those questions before going to the
interview. Campus interview is used to make sure that the candidates are
able to communicate. It is also used to confirm some of the information
on the resume.