Vocabulary Memory Aids
-We can easily read about a word, but remarking the information presents new challenges.
-One of the best way to study and remember vocabulary words is by making flash cards.
-Again, if you have an electronic reader or a smart phone, you can download vocabulary applications.
-However, with flash cards, you can personalize the words with your own sentences and drawings.
-Keep a stack of flash cards handy, and write down any word that is new for you.
-Carry the cards with you so you can study them whenever you have a few minutes to spare
詞根 VS. 詞綴
1.sub - under
2.super - over
3.medi - middle
4.extra - beyond
5.sol - sun
6.luna - moon
7.terra - earth?
8.geo - earth
9.mar - sea
1.sublunary---under the moon
2.mediterranean---middle of the sun
3.extraterrestrial---beyond the earth
?I am afraid of changing.
?Studying languages are afraid of you stop reciting.