20170714 為你的衣櫥打造色彩展板 Developing a Colour Palette for your Wardrobe


Developing a Colour Palette for your Wardrobe


Next to thesilhouettesandtexturesyou choose, the colours of your wardrobe and how you mix them are one of the most defining features of your own personal style. In previous posts I’ve talked a lot about finding the rightdistributionof all the different elements that make up your wardrobe, but I feel that colour deserves a special mention. As with all things wardrobe building, the tricky aspect about selecting the right colour palette is figuring out a way to combine form with function or, in other words, utilizing colour to shape a coherent overall look that expresses your aesthetic ideals (form) through a set of clothes that suit your lifestyle and are bothversatileand practical (function).


Below you will find ablueprintfor developing a colour palette for your wardrobe. As always, feel free to mold it to your own creative process and needs.?I will explain the steps by creating an example seasonal capsule wardrobe, but the general method will also work on a smaller scale, e.g. for planning a travel wardrobe or a single outfit. If you just generally want to become more aware of your preferences and colour style, the first couple of steps will help you define a colourhierarchythat you can then use to tweak your current wardrobe or as a guide for future?purchases.


form 形式

Within any visual concept, colour is perhaps the single most important factor to consider, simply because it has the ability toinstantlytrigger amood, anemotion, an association to a culture or a certainera. In one of my favourite style books ‘The Fashion File’, Mad Men’s costume[k?stju?m]

designer Janie Bryant writes about her thought process for giving each character's wardrobe a verydistinctcolour palette to enforce their personality, history andaspirations. A good example are the three lading ladies of the first seasons: Joan, Peggy and Betty. Joan almost exclusively wears jewel?[?d?u?l] tones, deep saturated shades of blue, purple and forest green, to emphasize herbold,headstrongqueen bee personality. Peggy’s favourite colour on the other hand is a hot shade ofmustardto show her (initial) innocence andfrumpiness, whereas Betty’s wardrobe featured lots ofpastel?[p??stel]shades to represent the classic 60s suburban[s?'b?b?n]dream.


Although many associations with specific colours are universal to an extent, your culture and past experiences will have provided you with your own unique aesthetic ideals that amongst a whole array of different elements also include a preference for a certain colour palette. My favourite method for revealing that preference, your unique colour style, is working with a good old mood board: collecting everything that inspires you and editing that collection like a sculpture, removing elements that no longer speak to you bit by bit and adding more of what you like, until it is perfect. At the beginning, your style might still be relatively undefined but overtime, as you train your eye, your aesthetic preferences will become more and more apparent until a coherent themecrystallizes. If you look closely, you can spot this evolution on many?pinterest boards, where people’s first pins are often quite scattered but eventuallyconvergeand follow a single style. Sometimes, revealing your colour style is more aboutsubtractingthan anything else: Many people already have a preference for colours that has remained relatively stable since childhood, but might have adjusted that preference according to current trends or watered it down with other random colours they found in the shops. In that case, the key is to consciouslydefinethese preferences andextractany irritators that ultimately justdistract fromthe essence of your colour style.


Your colour style is likely to be overarching in the sense that it will influence not only your wardrobe choices but also many other lifestyle areas such as your living space. However, your specific preferences may well vary slightly for different contexts, for example between seasons. For the following exercise it’s important to first choose the exact context you want to create a colour palette for, whether that is your general personal style, a single outfit or your summer capsule wardrobe.



Once you have picked your context, start by collecting a ton of images with colours that inspire you in some way in regard to your context. Go through all your pinterest boards and inspiration folders and organise everything in one place, digital or physical.Even ifyou are developing a colour scheme for you wardrobe, you absolutely do not have to limit your search to pictures of outfits. Focus solely on the colours of an image and feel free to pick landscapes, objects, abstract things, animals or food. I created two separate boards to use as examples for this post, one with a cooler theme and one with warmer, more saturated colours, you can check them outhereandhere. Once you have a set of images, inspect it from far away, look for themes and pick out the main shades. You can do this by simply choosing your own descriptions of colours or using animage?Colour pickerto get the exact shades. Be asspecificorgeneralin your colour descriptions as you want (grey, light grey, silver, charcoal....), and include variations of similar colours if they are a dominant theme in your collection. I created the mood board at the top of this post as an example for colours that inspire me in regard to my summer wardrobe and picked out the nine shades below. Of course any set of pictures, including my example, is going to consist?of a very high number of individual shades, so the key here is really to focus on the ‘big picture’ and pick out the 6-10 mostdominantcolours.

一旦你挑了場景,開始選擇那些和你場景相關的栋齿,能讓你有感覺的圖片苗胀,檢查你所有的拼趣板、靈感文件夾瓦堵,把所有東西匯總到一起基协,無論是數字形式的還是實物形式的。即使你在打造自己的衣櫥色彩框架菇用,你也完全不必把你找的照片限定在僅僅是服裝上澜驮,把關注點放在照片的顏色上,隨意選擇風景照惋鸥、物體杂穷、抽象畫,動物或實物卦绣。為了這個帖子耐量,我建立了兩個展板作為例子,一個是冷色主題滤港,一個是暖色廊蜒、飽和度更強的主題,你可以看看這個兩個展板溅漾。當你有了一套圖片山叮,從遠處檢查它,找找主題添履,跳出主要的顏色聘芜。你可以通過簡單選擇自己描述一下顏色,或者使用顏色抓取器來抓取這些顏色缝龄。你的色彩描述可以精確或粗略(如灰色汰现,亮灰色,銀色等)叔壤,如果一些列類似的顏色在你的選擇中是支配性主題瞎饲,應當描述出這些顏色間的差異。當然任何顏色炼绘,包括我的例子嗅战,都會包括許多單獨的顏色,所以關鍵是關注那些“大 顏色”,并選擇6-10個最主要的顏色驮捍。


If you followed the above exercise you will now be left with an unstructured colour palette, guided just by your visual preferences. The second step is to organise those colours into a coherent colour scheme that is both practical and versatile and can be applied to your ?current wardrobe. There are a lot of different ways to structure a colour palette, but my favourite method involves creating something like ahierarchyby separating colours into one of three groups: main colours, neutrals and accent colours.


To build your own hierarchy, go back to your list of <10 colours and think about how versatile each colour is and how big of a role you want it to play in your wardrobe. Then, assign each colour to one of these groups:


Main colours: 3 - 4 主色調:3-4

Your main colours are the key ingredients of your colour palette. Look at the most dominant colours of yourmood boardand pick three to four shades that you feel best represent its overall feel, and that you can see yourself wearing a lot. I chose a soft blue, a light blue and a grey as the main colours for the example, because to me they bestconveythe overall cool-toned, lightvibeof the mood board. The main colours of my example are all relatively muted but they could just as easily be a bright yellow, pink andturquoiseor red,tealandnavy. If I was developing a colour palette based onthis mood board, my main colours would probably bepeach, warm medium pink and tomato red.


Neutrals: 1 - 3 中性色1-3

The neutral shades in your colour palette are supposed to support and balance out your main and accent colours. Obvious choices for neutrals are white, black, grey, navy and sand, but you could also pick a muted light blue, as long as it goes with all other colours in your palette. In the example, I chose white and the dark grey from the top-middle picture. During the initial picture search it can sometimes be quite easy to get carried away and just focus on the ‘real’ colours, so if your mood board doesn’t include any neutrals, brainstorm a few possible shades and test them out by adding an image of those colours to your mix.


Accent colours: 2 - 5 強調色:2-5

Any colour that you picked out from your mood board but that you don’t feel should play a main role or could work as a neutralizer, makes a good accent colour. They are worn primarily with neutrals, or in small doses with your main colours. In my example, the accent colours are a lot more colourful than the other shades, however black or white could also be an accent colour, e.g. to combine with a brighter main colourfrom time to time.


how to use your colour palette如何使用顏色展板

If you just wanted to refine your overall colour style, you can stop here and use your colour palette as a general guide for building outfits or reorganising your wardrobe. However, if you set out to develop a colour palette for a capsule wardrobe, like in our example,?yourhierarchycomes into play after you have already chosen youruniformandproportionsand created a framework with rough item counts (after part ii). Check outthis postfor a full step-by-step guide on how to create a capsule wardrobe if this all sounds confusing. Once you have designed a structure of item categories (like the one below), you can start filling it in with your colour palette.


Skirts 半裙- 5

Shorts短褲 - 5

Shirts 襯衣- 6

Tank tops 無袖背心- 8

Dresses 裙子- 3

Footwear襪子或鞋子 - 5

To get started, go through your closet and pick out every item that fits one of the colours in your palette. Then examine each item category separately (e.g. dresses, tank tops, etc.) and fill each slot either with an item you already own or by picking a colour from your palette. Pay attention to the overall weight you give to your main colours, neutrals and accents and play around with the distribution until you find one that reflects your colour palette well. For maximum versatility, assign each item category at least one neutral colour (two if possible).? Accent colours should make up about 25% of your capsule wardrobe items (not counting accessories) and it’s generally a good idea to reserve them for categories with lots of items (e.g. tops). Once you have distributed your neutrals and accent colours, fill in the rest with your main colours. To show you an example, I used the colour hierarchy we created in the previous steps to fill in a possible structure of a summer wardrobe. Each category includes two neutral items (white and dark grey), except for dresses because they can be worn on their own and thus have to be less mixable. I reserved accent colours for the larger categories (shirt and tank tops) and filled in the rest with an even distribution of the main colours.

首先,打開你的衣櫥醇疼,找到每一件符合你色彩展板上顏色的衣服硕并,然后檢查每一個條目(如裙子,無袖背心等)秧荆,然后把你的衣櫥中已經有的單品的顏色填上倔毙,也可以選擇你色彩盤上的顏色填上。注意你分配給主要顏色辰如、中性色和強調色的整體比重普监,調整比例分配,知道整個衣櫥顏色能夠反映你目前的色彩展板。為了使通用性最大化凯正,在每個類別中加入至少一個中性色(如果有可能的話兩件)毙玻。 強調色應當在你的衣櫥單品中占25%,有一個好辦法是在有很多件的單品中選幾件是強調色的(例如無袖背心)廊散,一旦你分配好了你的中性色和強調色桑滩,剩下的填入主色調,例如允睹,我使用上一步我們選出的顏色來天聰夏季易初可能的結構运准,每一個目錄包括兩見中心色單品(白色和黑灰色),除了裙子缭受,因為裙子通承舶模可以單穿,所以要少些混搭米者。我在大的類別(如襯衣和無袖背心)中加入了一些強調色韭畸,然后用主色調填充了剩余的位置。

Of course, things always get shuffled around in the end, but a rough plan like this always helps me to spot the gaps in my closet and ultimately leads to a better capsule wardrobe that is really in tune with my aesthetic preferences and mood of the season.


Do you have a defined colour palette? Does it change with the seasons?

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