ArrayList is a non-generic list that accepts any Object type for its elements.
Using the default constructor creates an empty list. As soon as elements are added to the list, the capacity of the list is extended to allow 4 elements. If the fifth element is added, the list is resized to allow 8 elements. If 8 elements are not enough, the list is resized again to contain 16 elements. With every resize the capacity of the list is doubled.
When the capacity of the list changes, the complete collection is reallocated to a new memory block. With the implementation of List<T>, an array of type T is used. With reallocation, a new array is created, and Array.Copy copies the elements from the old array to the new array. To save time, if you know the number of elements in advance, that should be in the list; you can define the capacity with the constructor.
You can get and set the capacity of a collection by using the Capacity property.
List<int> intList = new List<int>(10);
intList.Capacity = 20;
The number of elements in the collection can be read with the Count property.
If you are finished adding elements to the list and don’t want to add any more, you can get rid of the unneeded capacity by invoking the TrimExcess method; however, because the relocation takes time, TrimExcess has no effect if the item count is more than 90 percent of capacity.