ParticleSystem ps;
PShape s;
float angle=0;
float aVelocity=0;
float aAcceleration=0.001;
void setup() {
? size(240, 860);
? ps = new ParticleSystem(new PVector(width/2, height-50));
void draw() {
? background(255);
? ps.addParticle();
void mousePressed(){
? ps=(new ParticleSystem(new PVector(mouseX,mouseY)));
class Particle {
? PVector location;
? PVector velocity;
? PVector acceleration;
? float lifespan;
? Particle(PVector l) {
? ? // The acceleration
? ? acceleration = new PVector(0, 0.05);
? ? // circel's x and y ==> range
? ? velocity = new PVector(random(-1, 1), random(-14, -1));
? ? // apawn's position
? ? location = l.copy();
? ? // the circle life time
? ? lifespan = 255.0;
? }
? void run() {
? ? update();
? ? display();
? }
? void update() {
? ? velocity.add(acceleration);
? ? location.add(velocity);
? }
? boolean isDead() {
? ? if (lifespan <= 0) {
? ? ? return true;
? ? } else {
? ? ? return false;
? ? }
? }
? void display() {
? ? // border
? ? stroke(0, lifespan);
? ? // border's weight
? ? strokeWeight(1);
? ? float r = random(0,255);
? ? float g = random(0,255);
? ? float b = random(0,255);
? ? // random the circle's color
? ? fill(r,g,b, lifespan);
? ? rectMode(CENTER);
? ? pushMatrix();
? // translate(0,0);
? ? rotate(angle);
? ? float k=random(1,10);
? ? line(location.x-k,location.y,location.x+k,location.y);
? ? ellipse(location.x+k,location.y,8,8);
? ? ellipse(location.x-k,location.y,8,8);? ?
? ? line(location.x,location.y-k,location.x,location.y+k);
? ? ellipse(location.x,location.y+k,8,8);
? ? ellipse(location.x,location.y-k,8,8);
? ? s=createShape();
? s.beginShape();
? s.vertex(location.x+50/2,location.y+18/2);
? s.vertex(location.x+61/2,location.y+37/2);
? s.vertex(location.x+83/2,location.y+43/2);
? s.vertex(location.x+69/2,location.y+60/2);
? s.vertex(location.x+71/2,location.y+82/2);
? s.vertex(location.x+50/2,location.y+73/2);
? s.vertex(location.x+29/2,location.y+82/2);
? s.vertex(location.x+31/2,location.y+60/2);
? s.vertex(location.x+17/2,location.y+43/2);
? s.vertex(location.x+39/2,location.y+37/2);
? s.endShape();
? ? shape(s);
? ? popMatrix();
? ? // draw circle
? ? //float k=10;
? // ellipse(location.x, location.y, k, k);
? }
class ParticleSystem {
? ArrayList<Particle> particles;
? PVector origin;
? ParticleSystem(PVector position) {
? ? origin = position.copy();
? ? particles = new ArrayList<Particle>();
? }
? void addParticle() {
? ? particles.add(new Particle(origin));
? }
? void run() {
? ? for (int i = particles.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
? ? ? Particle p = particles.get(i);
? ? ?;
? ? ? if (p.isDead()) {
? ? ? ? particles.remove(i);
? ? ? }
? ? }
? }