71. 認識這個詞(基礎篇)
詞:trade-off? ?
英英釋義:a balance between two opposing things, that you are willing to accept in order to achieve something.? ?
例句:Deciding which modules to dispaly in the Phenomenal English WeChat menu is a matter of trade-off.
2. 體會這個詞 (進階篇)
“trade-off”(也可以寫成 'tradeoff“)是個可數名詞汰蓉,意思是“權衡”“折中”嘹害,也可以根據語境接地氣地翻譯成“魚與熊掌不可兼得”诸狭。它是來自動詞短語 'trade off'败明,是個非常高頻绰垂、好用的地道單詞,可以在口語和寫作中替換“balance”杰赛。? ?
Life is full of trade-offs. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. (“You cannot have your cake and eat it too.”是一句口語中比較常見的英文諺語锰悼,表示“魚與熊掌不可兼得”柳骄,可以和“trade-off”一起記憶。)?
使用“trade-off”時箕般,最常見的表達句式是“a trade-off between A and B”耐薯。比如,對很多制造商來說隘世,他們必須在質和量之間有所權衡可柿,就可以說:?
There must be a trade-off between quality and quantity for many manufacturers.? ?
But leaving the EU inevitably involves difficult trade-offs. (“difficult trade-offs”在這里指英國一旦脫歐,就不得不面對政治和經濟的權衡丙者。)
3. 從認識到會用(作業(yè))
1)翻譯下面的句子:? ?
這個決定是權衡效率和成本后的結果复斥。? ?
This decesion is a trade-off between effeciency and cost.
Taking a part-time-job is a trade-off between study and life for many college students.