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看美劇練口語筆記 摩登家庭(Modern Family) S01E01

看到群班發(fā)的圖片tip口語句子有些非常實用,在練口語場景中能用到入宦,然而又木有文本的ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ,這里手敲出來室琢,9圖分9次更新……

垃圾都分類了乾闰,精句更要分類啦~, 邊碼字邊分類

  • 日常交際
  1. It's up to you. 聽你的盈滴。
  2. You name it! 隨你說涯肩,都OK。
  3. You're the boss. 聽你的巢钓,由你做主病苗。
  4. How shall I address you? 該怎么稱呼(你)?
  5. How can I get in touch with you? 我要怎么樣聯(lián)系到你呢症汹?
  6. Where are you headed/going? 你去哪硫朦?
  7. It's a small world. 這個世界真小啊。(好巧背镇,又見面了)
  8. When is the most convient time for you? 你什么時候方便咬展?
  9. Take your time. 別著急,慢慢來瞒斩。
  10. Take it easy. 放輕松點破婆。
  11. I couldn't get through. 電話打不通。
  12. Let's keep in touch. 保持聯(lián)系胸囱。
  13. Let's get together one of these days. 我們最近找個時間聚聚祷舀。
  14. be looking forward to it. 非常期盼。
  15. Something's come up. 有點事烹笔。
  16. We're in the same boat. 同病相憐裳扯。
  17. It's out of the question. 這不可能。
  18. It doesn't make any differences. 并沒有什么用谤职。然并卵嚎朽。
  19. You bet! 當(dāng)然
  20. Think nothing of it/don't mention it. 沒事。別放在心上柬帕。
  21. Are you pulling my leg? 你是在開我玩笑嗎哟忍?
  22. Can you give me a hand?能幫個忙嗎陷寝?
  23. What do you recommend? 有什么建議嗎锅很?
  24. You can never tell. 把不準(zhǔn)。
  25. It's incredible. 難以置信凤跑。
  26. It's hard to say. 難說爆安。
  27. I can't imagine why. 我想不通為什么。
  28. That can't be. 不可能仔引。
  29. That's really something. 真了不起扔仓。
  30. Are you sure? 你肯定褐奥?
  31. Are you crazy? 你瘋了?
  32. Excuse me for a moment. 失陪一會兒翘簇。
  33. I mean it/I'm serious/I'm not kidding! 不是開玩笑的撬码。
  34. I'm flattered. 過獎了。
  35. Sorry to bother you/to have botherd you. 打擾了版保。
  36. I wish I could. 不行(委婉表達(dá))呜笑。
  37. What's the rush? 忙什么呢彻犁。
  38. I could't agree more. 十分同意叫胁。
  39. Come to me if you're in any difficulty. 有困難來找我。
  40. I wonder what happened to him. 不知道他出了什么事汞幢。
  41. You have my word. 保證驼鹅。
  42. Your face says it all. 你的表情透漏了一切。
  43. You're going too far! 過分了吧瘛谤民!
  44. You're too outspoken. 你太直率了。
  45. What are you excited about? 什么事讓你這么興奮疾宏?
  46. She looks blue. 她滿臉憂傷张足。
  47. I just don't know what to say. 不知道該說什么。
  48. This idea is childish. 想法很幼稚坎藐。
  49. That reminds me. 那提醒了我为牍。
  50. What the hell are you doing? 你到底在干什么!
  51. I hope I'm not in the way. 希望不礙事岩馍。
  52. Are you out of your mind? 你瘋子嗎碉咆?
  53. Who is to blame? 該怪誰?
  54. There's a lot of rumors going around. 流傳著很多謠言
  55. You can say that again/I couldn't agree more. 非常同意蛀恩。
  56. I'll bet 我敢打賭/I bet 我肯定/you bet 當(dāng)然.
  57. Don't horse around. 別胡來疫铜。
  58. What in the world came over you? 你到底怎么回事了?
  59. Let's make a deal/That's a deal! 成交双谆。同意壳咕!
  60. He is full of baloney. /b??loni/.
  61. She is absolutely gorgeous/adorable/charming. 她太漂亮/可愛/迷人了。
  62. I'm doomed. 完了顽馋,這下慘了谓厘。
  63. Are you available? 你有空嗎?
  64. Please contact us when you are in town. 到了這里請與我們聯(lián)系寸谜。
  65. May I be excused for a moment, please? 抱歉我要離開一會竟稳。
  66. Sorry, I have no comments. 無可奉告。
  67. The plane will take off in 15 minutes. 飛機將在15分鐘后起飛。
  68. This isn't the issue. 這不是問題的所在他爸。
  69. How's it going?/What's up? 如何聂宾?
  70. Give me a break! 饒了我吧,別扯了诊笤。
  71. What's on your mind?
  72. Fly-by-night. 不可靠的系谐,不可信任的。
  73. Nervous wreck. 非常緊張盏混,極度激動。
  74. I hope he can pull through this. 我希望他可以度過難關(guān)惜论。
  75. Thumb though. 匆匆地翻讀许赃。
  76. Lose one's shirt. 一文不剩。
  77. Jennings doesn't mess around with this stuff. 簡寧可不會被這種東西糊弄馆类。
  78. Touch and go. 情勢危急混聊,不穩(wěn)。
  79. The handwriting is on the wall. 顯而易見得結(jié)果乾巧。
  80. You little devil! 淘氣鬼句喜。
  81. Don't be so modest. 別謙虛啦。
  82. I'm on your side. 我支持你沟于。
  • 飲食聚會
  1. It's my treat./It's on me this time. 這頓我請客咳胃。
  2. Would you care for a cup of coffee/tea? 要杯咖啡/茶嗎?
  3. Be my guest. 請便旷太。別客氣展懈。
  4. I have a sweet tooth. 喜歡吃甜食。
  5. This milk/food has gone bad. 牛奶/食物壞掉了供璧。
  6. I'm easy to please. 不挑剔存崖。
  7. We appreciate your hospitality and kindness. 感謝你的熱情款待。
  • 交通出行
  1. Where is the bathroom/ladies'/men's room. 衛(wèi)生間在哪睡毒。
  2. What's the weather like today? 今天天氣如何来惧?
  3. What do you do for relaxation? 你怎樣消遣?
  4. It's about time. 差不多到時間了
  5. Thank you for coming to see me off. 感謝來為我送行演顾。
  6. It's pouring out there. 外面下著傾盆大雨供搀。
  • 日常生活
  1. I'm mad/crazy about her. 對她相當(dāng)著迷。
  2. She never showed up. 她一直沒有出現(xiàn)钠至。
  3. That's not like him. 那不是他的風(fēng)格趁曼。
  4. I couldn't help it/myself. 我情不自禁。
  5. Keep that in mind. 切記棕洋。
  6. That was a close call. 僥幸挡闰。
  7. Chances are slim. 幾率渺茫。
  8. Far from it. 絕不。
  9. My mouth is watering. 嘴讒了摄悯。
  10. I ache all over. 全身酸痛赞季。
  11. I have a runny nose. 流鼻水,傷風(fēng)感冒奢驯。
  12. It is better than nothing. 總比什么也沒有強申钩。
  13. I can't express myself very well in English. 我不能很好的用英語表達(dá)。
  14. That is beyond me/way over my head. 無能為力瘪阁。
  15. You can't please everyone. 不可能讓所有人都滿意撒遣。
  16. It doesn't make any sense! 這完全不合理。
  17. If I were in your shoes. 異地而處管跺。
  18. Whatever you say. 隨你义黎。(我放棄了)
  19. It'll come to me. 我會記起來的。
  20. Time will tell. 時間會證明一切豁跑。
  21. As far as I'm concerned. 就我而言廉涕。
  22. I'm afraid I can't. 恐怕不行。
  23. I'm dying to see you. 太想見到你了(想你想的要死了)
  24. I'm very/really/tebbily/awfully/extremely sorry. 萬分抱歉艇拍。
  25. I'll be here, I give you my word. 向你保證我會來的狐蜕。
  26. I swear I'll never tell anyone. 我發(fā)誓不會說出去的。
  27. I can't make it. 我做不到了卸夕。
  28. I don't buy your story. 我不信层释。
  29. I'll make it up to you. 我會補償?shù)摹?/li>
  30. I hope it turns out all right. 希望一切順利。
  31. I can't handle this alone. 我自己做不到快集。
  32. How long will it take to fix this? 修好需要多長時間湃累?
  33. It doesn't seem to be. 看著不像。
  34. Don't get on my nerves! 不要攪我心煩碍讨。
  35. I'll be ready in a few minutes. 再過幾分鐘就好了治力。
  36. I couldn't care less. 我一點也不在乎。
  37. He hit the ceiling at the news. 暴跳如雷勃黍,大發(fā)雷霆宵统。
  38. You've gonna to something. 你一定要想想辦法。
  39. Don't be a wise guy. 別自作聰明覆获。
  40. I have no other choice. 別無選擇马澈。
  41. Don't bury your head in the sand. 不要逃避現(xiàn)實。
  42. His argument doesn't hold water. 他的論點站不住腳弄息。
  43. I don't have the nerve to do it. 我不敢去做痊班。
  44. I'm getting sick and tired of living out of a suitcase. 我厭煩離家太久了。
  45. I feel much better now. 我感覺好多了摹量。
  46. He has a slight fever. 他輕度發(fā)燒涤伐。
  47. He puts me to shame. 他使我不好意思(比他差).
  48. Every dog has his day. 每個人都有得意的時候馒胆。
  49. I'll have to face the music once the deadline arrives. 面對現(xiàn)實。
  50. A fool never learns. 朽木不可雕凝果。
  51. What goes up must come down. 天理循環(huán)祝迂。
  52. The construction noise goes on day in and day out./day and night. 噪聲晝夜不停。
  53. It is a mad house. 亂七八糟器净。
  54. We have been together through thick and thin. 我們同甘共苦型雳。
  • 職場/學(xué)校工作
  1. The sooner the better. 越快越好。
  2. So far so good. 目前一切順利山害。
  3. Let's call it a day. 結(jié)束今天的工作纠俭。
  4. Let's get to the point. Let's don't beat around the bush. 我們打開天窗說亮話。別拐彎抹角浪慌。
  5. I'm behind in my work. 工作進(jìn)度落后冤荆,有事未做完。
  6. Do you have any openings?有職位空缺嗎眷射?
  7. You can count on us. 你可以信賴我們匙赞。
  8. It doesn't work. 行不通佛掖。
  9. For the time being. 目前妖碉。
  10. It's up in the air. 尚無定論。
  11. I am not myself today. 今天狀態(tài)不好芥被。
  12. It slipped my mind. 我疏忽了
  13. I'm working on it. 我正在處理欧宜。
  14. Drop me a line. 給我寫一兩句就行了。
  15. I'll keep my ears open. 我會留意的拴魄。
  16. It isn't much. 微不足道冗茸。
  17. Neck and neck. 不分上下。
  18. I'm feeling under the weather. 身體不適匹中。
  19. Don't get me wrong. 不要誤解我夏漱。
  20. Over my dead body! 休想。(除非我死)
  21. We have thirty minutes to kill. 我有半小時空閑顶捷。
  22. Let's play it by ear. 見機行事挂绰。
  23. You should take advantage of it. 應(yīng)利用機會。
  24. Let's talk over coffee. 咖啡時間淡淡服赎。
  25. Let's give him a big hand. 讓我們熱烈鼓掌葵蒂。
  26. I'm up to my ears in work. 忙的不可開交。
  27. It won't take much time. 不會花很多的時間重虑。
  28. Just to be on the safe side. 比較保險的做法践付。
  29. I'll consider this matter. 會考慮這件事的。
  30. I'll do something about it. 會設(shè)法處理的缺厉。
  31. It's a matter of life and death. 事關(guān)重大永高。
  32. Nothing works. 什么都不管用隧土。
  33. Don't give me any excuse. 不要給我找借口。
  34. What's bothering you? 什么正在困擾你乏梁?
  35. I don't feel up to it. 我覺得不能勝任/不愿意接受次洼。
  36. He won the game hands down. 輕而易舉。
  37. Who am I supposed to see? 我該去見誰呢遇骑。
  38. I was lost in thought. 沒有思路卖毁。
  39. It dawned on me. 使我警覺到。
  40. She is a night owl/an early bird. 夜貓子/早起鳥落萎。
  41. The deal smells fishy. 有疑慮
  42. The buck stops here. 責(zé)任所在亥啦。
  43. Never compromise your principles. 絕不犧牲原則。
  44. The end justifies the means. 只問結(jié)果不問過程练链。
  45. Can I get back with you in a couple of days? 一兩天后回復(fù)可以嗎翔脱?
  46. Spread oneself too thin. 過勞。
  47. Rundown. 精疲力竭媒鼓,破財不堪届吁。
  48. That makes sense. 有道理。
  49. You said it. 你說對了绿鸣。
  50. I really need to blow off some stream!/need some fresh air. 我需要放松/松懈/休息一下疚沐。
  51. Pride comes before the fall. 驕傲常常導(dǎo)致失敗。
  • 購物美容
  1. Can you keep an eye on my bag?能幫我看一下包嗎潮模?
  2. Money comes and goes. 錢財乃身外之物亮蛔。
  3. I can't afford it. 我買不起。
  4. I think it's a reasonable price. 我覺得這個價錢合適擎厢。
  5. I'd like to try these hats/clothes. 我想試試這些帽子/衣服究流。
  6. How late are you open? 你們營業(yè)到多晚?
  7. What you see is what you get. 真材實料动遭。
  8. That's not my cup of tea. 不是我的菜芬探。
  9. He is a black sheep in the family. 他是這個家里的敗家子。
  10. He has discriminating taste.
  • 態(tài)度心情
  1. I envy you. 我非常羨慕你厘惦。
  2. I wasn't born yesterday. 我又不是三歲小孩子偷仿。
  3. I'm mad at him. 他把我氣死了。
  4. It drives me crazy/nuts. 這把我逼瘋了绵估。
  5. She turns me off. 她讓我感到非常厭煩炎疆。
  6. It's a pain in the neck. 令人頭痛的。
  7. I am fed up/down with him. 受夠他了国裳。
  8. I'm all mixed. 我被搞糊涂了形入。
  9. I'm not in the mood. 沒心情。
  10. I'm so scared. 我害怕極了缝左。
  11. I'm mad at myself. 我生自己的氣/非常后悔亿遂。
  12. You look very serious about something. 你似乎心情繁重浓若。


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  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國打工, 沒想到剛下飛機就差點兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留澳眷,地道東北人胡嘿。 一個月前我還...
    沈念sama閱讀 49,099評論 3 378
  • 正文 我出身青樓,卻偏偏與公主長得像境蔼,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親灶平。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子伺通,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
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  • rljs by sennchi Timeline of History Part One The Cognitiv...
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  • The Inner Game of Tennis W Timothy Gallwey Jonathan Cape ...
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  • 為什么用人單位招聘時都要求本科學(xué)歷? 很久以來逢享,社會上對用人單位招聘“重文憑罐监,輕能力”的做法怨聲載道。那些不乏...
    云尖上的天閱讀 252評論 0 0
  • 這么快2019年就過來了瞒爬,本來還在輕松平靜的跨年弓柱,不過早上在冥想的時候就突然察覺到今天自己需要去寫一下2019年的...
    吾宗老孫子閱讀 279評論 0 1
  • 1 什么是跨界學(xué)習(xí)矢空? 跨界學(xué)習(xí)是什么?就是在現(xiàn)有的知識體系之外禀横,再建立其他的知識體系屁药,并讓知識體系間產(chǎn)生鏈接,形成...
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