Christian Louboutin(克里斯提·魯布托)著名法國高跟鞋設計師桌吃,1963年生于巴黎谊娇,由母親把他和家中的四個姐妹撫養(yǎng)長大开财,16歲輟學去了法國的制鞋工業(yè)中心--Romans-sur-Isere,并在查理斯·喬丹鞋廠做了一個學徒司光。1988年此衅,Christian Louboutin被朋友說動强戴,加入Dior旗下專門生產鞋子的傳奇公司Roger Vivier亭螟,經過大師的指點,他的制鞋技巧飛上了一個高度骑歹,很快就家喻戶曉预烙。羽翼漸豐的Christian Louboutin在1992年開創(chuàng)了自己的品牌。他制作的高跟鞋色彩艷麗道媚、充滿異國情調扁掸,被媒體稱為“獨立于主流之外的極品”,一面世就大受關注最域。
本書分為“人生”谴分、“鞋”、“戀物”镀脂、“地點”和“二十年”五章狸剃,追溯了鞋履大師Christian Louboutin的職業(yè)歷程。本書涵蓋了Louboutin在香奈兒和Yves Saint Laurent的工作狗热,以及到如今他與大衛(wèi)·林奇這樣電影人的合作钞馁。此書裝幀精致,圖文并置地展現(xiàn)了Christian Louboutin充滿藝術性和戲劇效果的精彩設計匿刮,包括我們熟悉的性感高跟鞋僧凰。
I had to say something about this book. Itis in one word AMAZING! I was debating about spending so much on a book, butwhen I got it in the mail a few days later, I knew it was worth it before Ieven started looking through it. First off, it's really heavy because the hardcover is made from leather. The inside is just as great. I stayed up all nightand read the whole book the very first day! I find the book so precious that Iwill not let anyone touch it unless they wash their hands.After all, the leather is a really light pinkcolor. Buy the book if you are a Louboutin fan, don't think about it!