1.First step. you must stall the git-cli for windows,you can get it in this website,git-client-for-windows?Unfortunately,it is too slow to download it in the domestic,so you need to find some useful sources in the domestic or use VPN.
2.After installation,You can use it by git-bash.exe which is a liunx bash shell using in the windows under the root directory /
3.git usage and ?process
第一步,先設置github 賬號和郵箱,作為分布式管理系統(tǒng),賬號和郵箱是識別你的唯一標識符,相當于你的身份證
git config --global user.name "100455943@qq.com"
git config --global user.email "100455943@qq.com"
notice: git?