1设褐、go dutch/dutch treat平攤
2线梗、split the bill平攤費用
shall we split the bill?我們可以分開付賬么胞皱?/we'll split./let's split.
3俐巴、We'd like to pay separately.我們分開買單
4压汪、Separate check,please.分別買單力崇,謝謝
5斗塘、How about we pay our own share ?我們個各付各的如何?
6亮靴、Let's go halves on lunch today.我們午餐各付一半吧
1馍盟、My treat/It;s my treat tody.今天我做東。
2茧吊、I'm paying tonight.今晚我請客贞岭。
3、This dinner is on me. Please order whatever you want to have.晚餐我請搓侄,你想吃什么隨便點吧瞄桨。
4、Let me foot/pay the bill tonight.Next time you'll treat.今晚我付帳吧讶踪,下次你請客芯侥。
5、Listen,please don't argue with me.Let me pick up the tab/bill this time.行了俊柔,都別和我爭了筹麸,這次我來買單吧活合。