day18 337 如是 Today is the last day of October. Look back on this month, it was pretty complex. It was awesome to begin learning English. So was to join the Orange College's Growth Plan second time. Meanwhile, it was anxious to accompany Chloey to adapt to the primary school life. Such is life, happy mixed with anxiety, sadness, anger and so on. In all, I will keep moving in no rush, figure out the appropriate solution.
As for today's topic: If I were Jules, I wouldn't give up on my husband at first. I would communicate with him to make sure wether he wanted to be together or not. If we were happy with each other, we would do our best to figure out a solution to heal up. If we were not happy with each other, we would break up harmoniously, because we had a child. We would do our best to reduce the impact on our child.
1. 我周末從不早起
I never get up early on the weekend.
2. 在那個時候我感到很擔心
I was very worried at that time.
3. 我今天早上學英語學了一個小時
I learned one hour English this morning.
4. 昨天晚上我和朋友出去玩了
I went out with my friend last night.
5. 我將會在周五晚上有個約會
I will have a date on Friday evening.