Chapter 9 Follow the Leader?
It was pitch dark.
"What happened?" asked Annie.
"I don't know. Something weird," said Jack. "We have to get out of here?fast. Push against the door."
"Good idea," said Annie in a small voice.
They felt their way through the darkness to the top of the stairs.
"Don't worry. Everything's going to be okay," said Jack. He was trying to stay calm.
"Of course," said Annie.
They leaned against the wooden door and pushed.
It wouldn't budge.
They pushed harder.
No use.
Jack took a deep breath. It was getting harder to breathe. And harder to stay calm.
"What can we do?" asked Annie.
"Just...just rest a moment," said Jack, panting.
His heart was pounding as he tried to see through the darkness.
"Maybe we should start down the hall," he said. "Maybe we'll eventually come to…to an exit."
He wasn't sure about that. But they had no choice.
"Come on," he said. "Feel the wall."
Jack felt the stone wall as he climbed slowly down the stairs. Annie followed.
Jack started down the dark hallway. It was impossible to see anything.
But he kept going. Taking one step at a time. Moving his hands along the wall.
He went around a corner. He went around another corner. He came to some stairs. He went up.
There was a door. He pushed against it. Annie pushed too. This door wouldn't budge either.
Was this the same door they had started at?
It was no use. They were trapped.
Annie took his hand in the dark. She squeezed it. They stood together at the top of the stairs. Listening to the silence.
"Oh, man," Jack whispered.
"He's back!" said Annie.
"Follow him!” cried Jack. "He's going away from us."
They started down the dark hallway. Following the cat's meow.
Hands against the wall, Jack and Annie stumbled through the darkness.
They followed the sound. All the way through the winding hallway. Down, down, down.
Around one corner, then another. And another...
Finally they saw a light at the end of the tunnel. They rushed forward — out into the bright sunlight.
"Yay!” Annie shouted.
... ...
Chapter 10 Another Clue
... ...
Jack and Annie looked around at the trees. Then they looked at each other.
"Tomorrow," they said together.
And they took off, running out of the woods.
They ran down their street.
They ran across their yard.
They ran into their house.
They ran into their kitchen.
They ran right into their mom.
She was making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
這是《Magic Tree House》系列第三本,講的關(guān)于兄妹倆穿越到古埃及,探秘金字塔的故事陪白,而木乃伊也是我小時候特別感興趣的事物之一徐许。之前一直覺得Jack很懦弱吭历,然后這一本讓我改變想法丁稀。或許作者從來就沒想把Jack塑造成懦弱的人物溪掀,只是我一廂情愿地這樣認為告材。不管怎么說坤次,我發(fā)現(xiàn)作者總能把情景刻畫得很到位,仿佛我也經(jīng)歷過類似的“冒險”斥赋,讀起來有種身臨其境的感覺缰猴。Anyway,冒險過后能重新回到普通而溫馨的家庭生活灿渴,吃到媽媽做的菜洛波,真的是一件很美好的事情胰舆!