
>>> import arcpy

>>> help (arcpy)

Help on package arcpy:


? ? arcpy


? ? d:\program files\arcgis\desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\__init__.py


? ? # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


? ? #


? ? #Unpublished material - all rights reserved under the

? ? #Copyright Laws of the United States.

? ? #

? ? #For additional information, contact:

? ? #Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.

? ? #Attn: Contracts Dept

? ? #380 New York Street

? ? #Redlands, California, USA 92373

? ? #

? ? #email: contracts@esri.com


? ? _base

? ? _ga

? ? _graph

? ? _import_list

? ? _importable_modules

? ? _management

? ? _mapping

? ? _na

? ? analysis

? ? arc

? ? arcobjects (package)

? ? ba

? ? cartography

? ? conversion

? ? da

? ? ddd

? ? edit

? ? fabric

? ? ga

? ? geocoding

? ? geoprocessing (package)

? ? interop

? ? lr

? ? management

? ? mapping

? ? md

? ? na

? ? sa (package)

? ? schematics

? ? server

? ? stats

? ? ta

? ? time

? ? toolbox

? ? toolbox_code

? ? utils


? ? arcobjectconversion

? ? geometries

? ? mixins


? ? AcceptConnections(sde_workspace, accept_connections)

? ? ? ? AcceptConnections(sde_workspace, accept_connections)

? ? ? ? Allows an administrator to enable or disable the ability of

? ? ? ? nonadministrative users to make connections to an enterprise geodatabase.

? ? ? ? ? sde_workspace(String):

? ? ? ? The Enterprise geodatabase that will have its connection property

? ? ? ? altered.

? ? ? ? The connection properties specified in the Enterprise Geodatabase must be

? ? ? ? the geodatabase administrator.

? ? ? ? ? accept_connections(Boolean):

? ? ? ? Boolean value indicating if the geodatabase will accept connections

? ? ? ? (True) or will not accept connections (False).

? ? AddDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name, server_path, client_path='', hostname='')

? ? ? ? AddDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name, server_path, {client_path}, {hostname})

? ? AddError(message)

? ? ? ? AddError(message)

? ? ? ? Creates a geoprocessing tool error message (Severity=2) that can be

? ? ? ? accessed by any of the GetMessages functions.

? ? ? ? ? message(String):

? ? ? ? The message to add.

? ? AddFieldDelimiters(datasource, field)

? ? ? ? AddFieldDelimiters(datasource, field)

? ? ? ? Adds field delimiters to a field name to allow for use in SQL

? ? ? ? expressions.

? ? ? ? ? datasource(String):

? ? ? ? The field delimiters are based on the data source used.

? ? ? ? ? field(String):

? ? ? ? The field name to which delimiters will be added.? The field does not

? ? ? ? have to currently exist.

? ? AddIDMessage(message_type, message_ID, add_argument1=None, add_argument2=None)

? ? ? ? AddIDMessage(message_type, message_ID, {add_argument1}, {add_argument2})

? ? ? ? Allows you to use system messages with a script tool.? A list of messages

? ? ? ? and IDs that can be used are provided under Understanding geoprocessing

? ? ? ? tool errors and warnings .

? ? ? ? ? message_type(String):

? ? ? ? The message type defines whether the message will be an error, warning,

? ? ? ? or informative. Valid message types are:

? ? ? ? * ERROR:? Adds an error message to the tool messages.

? ? ? ? * INFORMATIVE: Adds an informative message to the tool messages.

? ? ? ? * WARNING:? Adds a warning message to the tool messages.

? ? ? ? ? message_ID(Integer):

? ? ? ? The message ID allows you to reference existing messages for your

? ? ? ? scripting errors and warnings.

? ? ? ? ? add_argument1{Object}:

? ? ? ? Depending on which message ID is used, an argument may be necessary to

? ? ? ? complete the message. Common examples include dataset or field names.

? ? ? ? Datatype can be string, integer, or double.

? ? ? ? ? add_argument2{Object}:

? ? ? ? Depending on which message ID is used, an argument may be necessary to

? ? ? ? complete the message. Common examples include dataset or field names.

? ? ? ? Datatype can be string, integer, or double.

? ? AddMessage(message)

? ? ? ? AddMessage(message)

? ? ? ? Creates a geoprocessing informative message (Severity=0) that can be

? ? ? ? accessed with any of the GetMessages functions.

? ? ? ? ? message(String):

? ? ? ? The message to add.

? ? AddReturnMessage(index)

? ? ? ? AddReturnMessage(index)

? ? ? ? Sets the return message of a script tool as an output message by index.

? ? ? ? ? index(Integer):

? ? ? ? The message index.

? ? AddToolbox(input_file, module_name=None)

? ? ? ? AddToolbox(input_file, {module_name})

? ? ? ? Imports the specified toolbox into ArcPy, allowing for access to the

? ? ? ? toolbox's associated tools.

? ? ? ? Equivalent to the ImportToolbox function.

? ? ? ? ? input_file(String):

? ? ? ? The geoprocessing toolbox to be added to the ArcPy site package.

? ? ? ? ? module_name{String}:

? ? ? ? If the toolbox does not have an alias, the module_name is required.

? ? ? ? When a tool is accessed through the ArcPy site package, the toolbox alias

? ? ? ? where the tool is contained is a required suffix (

? ? ? ? arcpy.<toolname>_<alias> ).? Since ArcPy depends on toolbox aliases to

? ? ? ? access and execute the correct tool, aliases are extremely important when

? ? ? ? importing custom toolboxes.? A good practice is to always define a custom

? ? ? ? toolbox's alias.? However, if the toolbox alias is not defined, a

? ? ? ? temporary alias can be set as the second parameter.

? ? AddWarning(message)

? ? ? ? AddWarning(message)

? ? ? ? Creates a geoprocessing warning message (Severity=1) that can be accessed

? ? ? ? by any of the GetMessages functions.

? ? ? ? ? message(String):

? ? ? ? The message to add.

? ? AlterAliasName(table, alias)

? ? ? ? AlterAliasName(table, alias)

? ? ? ? Updates the alias name for a table or feature class.

? ? ? ? ? table(String):

? ? ? ? Input table or feature class.

? ? ? ? ? alias(String):

? ? ? ? The new alias name.

? ? CheckExtension(extension_code)

? ? ? ? CheckExtension(extension_code)

? ? ? ? Checks to see if a license is available to be checked out for a specific

? ? ? ? type of extension.

? ? ? ? Once the extension license has been retrieved by the script, tools using

? ? ? ? that extension can be used. Once a script is finished with an extension's

? ? ? ? tools, the CheckInExtension function should be used to return the license

? ? ? ? to the License Manager so other applications can use it. All checked-out

? ? ? ? extension licenses and set product licenses are returned to the License

? ? ? ? Manager when a script completes.

? ? ? ? ? extension_code(String):

? ? ? ? Keyword for the extension product that is being checked.

? ? ? ? * 3D:? 3D Analyst

? ? ? ? * Schematics:? ArcGIS Schematics

? ? ? ? * ArcScan:? ArcScan

? ? ? ? * Business:? Business Analyst

? ? ? ? * DataInteroperability:? Data Interoperability

? ? ? ? * GeoStats:? Geostatistical Analyst

? ? ? ? * JTX:? Workflow Manager

? ? ? ? * Network:? Network Analyst

? ? ? ? * Aeronautical:? Esri Aeronautical Solution

? ? ? ? * Defense:? Esri Defense Solution

? ? ? ? * Foundation:? Esri Production Mapping

? ? ? ? * Datareviewer:? ArcGIS Data Reviewer

? ? ? ? * Nautical:? Esri Nautical Solution

? ? ? ? * Nauticalb: Esri Bathymetry

? ? ? ? * Spatial:? Spatial Analyst

? ? ? ? * StreetMap:? StreetMap

? ? ? ? * Tracking:? Tracking? Licensing and extensions

? ? CheckInExtension(extension_code)

? ? ? ? CheckInExtension(extension_code)

? ? ? ? Returns the license to the License Manager so other applications can use

? ? ? ? it.

? ? ? ? Once the extension license has been retrieved by the script, tools using

? ? ? ? that extension can be used. Once a script is finished with an extension's

? ? ? ? tools, the CheckInExtension function should be used to return the license

? ? ? ? to the License Manager so other applications can use it. All checked-out

? ? ? ? extension licenses and set product licenses are returned to the License

? ? ? ? Manager when a script completes.

? ? ? ? ? extension_code(String):

? ? ? ? Keyword for the extension product that is being checked.

? ? ? ? * 3D:? 3D Analyst

? ? ? ? * Schematics:? ArcGIS Schematics

? ? ? ? * ArcScan:? ArcScan

? ? ? ? * Business:? Business Analyst

? ? ? ? * DataInteroperability:? Data Interoperability

? ? ? ? * GeoStats:? Geostatistical Analyst

? ? ? ? * JTX:? Workflow Manager

? ? ? ? * Network:? Network Analyst

? ? ? ? * Aeronautical:? Esri Aeronautical Solution

? ? ? ? * Defense:? Esri Defense Solution

? ? ? ? * Foundation:? Esri Production Mapping

? ? ? ? * Datareviewer:? ArcGIS Data Reviewer

? ? ? ? * Nautical:? Esri Nautical Solution

? ? ? ? * Nauticalb: Esri Bathymetry

? ? ? ? * Spatial:? Spatial Analyst

? ? ? ? * StreetMap:? StreetMap

? ? ? ? * Tracking:? Tracking? Licensing and extensions

? ? CheckOutExtension(extension_code)

? ? ? ? CheckOutExtension(extension_code)

? ? ? ? Retrieves the license from the License Manager.

? ? ? ? Once the extension license has been retrieved by the script, tools using

? ? ? ? that extension can be used. Once a script is finished with an extension's

? ? ? ? tools, the CheckInExtension function should be used to return the license

? ? ? ? to the License Manager so other applications can use it. All checked-out

? ? ? ? extension licenses and set product licenses are returned to the License

? ? ? ? Manager when a script completes.

? ? ? ? ? extension_code(String):

? ? ? ? Keyword for the extension product that is being checked.

? ? ? ? * 3D:? 3D Analyst

? ? ? ? * Schematics:? ArcGIS Schematics

? ? ? ? * ArcScan:? ArcScan

? ? ? ? * Business:? Business Analyst

? ? ? ? * DataInteroperability:? Data Interoperability

? ? ? ? * GeoStats:? Geostatistical Analyst

? ? ? ? * JTX:? Workflow Manager

? ? ? ? * Network:? Network Analyst

? ? ? ? * Aeronautical:? Esri Aeronautical Solution

? ? ? ? * Defense:? Esri Defense Solution

? ? ? ? * Foundation:? Esri Production Mapping

? ? ? ? * Datareviewer:? ArcGIS Data Reviewer

? ? ? ? * Nautical:? Esri Nautical Solution

? ? ? ? * Nauticalb: Esri Bathymetry

? ? ? ? * Spatial:? Spatial Analyst

? ? ? ? * StreetMap:? StreetMap

? ? ? ? * Tracking:? Tracking? Licensing and extensions

? ? CheckProduct(product)

? ? ? ? CheckProduct(product)

? ? ? ? Checks to see if the requested license is available.

? ? ? ? ? product(String):

? ? ? ? Product code for the product being checked.

? ? ? ? * arcview:? ArcGIS for Desktop Basic product code

? ? ? ? * arceditor:? ArcGIS for Desktop Standard product code

? ? ? ? * arcinfo:? ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced product code

? ? ? ? * engine:? Engine Runtime product code

? ? ? ? * enginegeodb:? Engine Geodatabase Update product code

? ? ? ? * arcserver:? Server product code

? ? ClearEnvironment(environment_name)

? ? ? ? ClearEnvironment(environment_name)

? ? ? ? Resets a specific environment setting to its default.

? ? ? ? ? environment_name(String):

? ? ? ? The name of the environment setting that will be reset to its default

? ? ? ? setting.

? ? Command(command_line)

? ? ? ? Command(command_line)

? ? ? ? Executes a geoprocessing tool as a single string.

? ? ? ? ? command_line(String):

? ? ? ? The double-quoted string representing a command line command that is to

? ? ? ? be executed.

? ? CopyParameter(from_param, to_param)

? ? ? ? CopyParameter(to_param, from_param)

? ? ? ? Copies the specified parameter by index to another parameter in the

? ? ? ? script tool. The specified parameters must be of the same data type.

? ? ? ? ? to_param(Integer):

? ? ? ? The index position of the parameter to be copied.

? ? ? ? ? from_param(Integer):

? ? ? ? The index position of the parameter that will be copied to.

? ? CreateGPSDDraft(result, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type='ARCGIS_SERVER', connection_file_path='', copy_data_to_server=True, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None, executionType='Asynchronous', resultMapServer=False, showMessages='None', maximumRecords=1000, minInstances=1, maxInstances=2, maxUsageTime=600, maxWaitTime=60, maxIdleTime=1800)

? ? ? ? CreateGPSDDraft(result, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type="ARCGIS_SERVER", connection_file_path="", copy_data_to_server=True, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None, executionType="Asynchronous", resultMapServer=False, showMessages="None", maximumRecords=1000, minInstances=1, maxInstances=2, maxUsageTime=600, maxWaitTime=60, maxIdleTime=1800)

? ? CreateGeocodeSDDraft(loc_path, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type='ARCGIS_SERVER', connection_file_path=None, copy_data_to_server=False, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None, max_result_size=500, max_batch_size=1000, suggested_batch_size=1000, supported_operations=['GEOCODE', 'REVERSE_GEOCODE'])

? ? ? ? CreateGeocodeSDDraft(loc_path, out_sddraft, service_name, {server_type}, {connection_file_path}, {copy_data_to_server}, {folder_name}, {summary}, {tags}, {max_result_size}, {max_batch_size}, {suggested_batch_size}, {supported_operations})

? ? ? ? Converts an address locator to Service Definition Draft ( .sddraft

? ? ? ? )? files.

? ? ? ? ? loc_path(String):

? ? ? ? A string that represents the catalog path to the address locator. Valid

? ? ? ? formats for the address locator are locator files (.loc) in a file folder

? ? ? ? or locators in a geodatabase.

? ? ? ? ? out_sddraft(String):

? ? ? ? A string that represents the path and file name for the output Service

? ? ? ? Definition Draft ( .sddraft ) file.

? ? ? ? ? service_name(String):

? ? ? ? A string that represents the name of the service. This is the name people

? ? ? ? will see and use to identify the service. The name can only contain

? ? ? ? alphanumeric characters and underscores. No spaces or special characters

? ? ? ? are allowed. The name cannot be more than 120 characters in length.

? ? ? ? ? server_type{String}:

? ? ? ? A string representing the server type.

? ? ? ? If a connection_file_path parameter is not supplied, then a server_type

? ? ? ? must be provided. If a connection_file_path parameter is supplied, then the

? ? ? ? server_type is taken from the connection file. In this case, you can choose

? ? ? ? FROM_CONNECTION_FILE or skip the parameter entirely.

? ? ? ? * ARCGIS_SERVER:? ArcGIS for Server server type

? ? ? ? * FROM_CONNECTION_FILE: Get the server_type as specified in the

? ? ? ? connection_file_path parameter

? ? ? ? ? connection_file_path{String}:

? ? ? ? A string that represents the path and file name to the ArcGIS for Server

? ? ? ? connection file? ( .ags ). A new connection file can be created using

? ? ? ? the CreateGISServerConnectionFile function

? ? ? ? ? copy_data_to_server{Boolean}:

? ? ? ? A Boolean that indicates whether the data referenced in the address

? ? ? ? locator will be copied to the server or not. The copy_data_to_server

? ? ? ? parameter is only used if the server_type is ARCGIS_SERVER and the

? ? ? ? connection_file_path isn't specified. If the connection_file_path is

? ? ? ? specified, then the server's registered data stores are used. For

? ? ? ? example, if the data in the address locator is registered with the server,

? ? ? ? then copy_data_to_server will always be False. Conversely, if the data in

? ? ? ? the address locator is not registered with the server, then

? ? ? ? copy_data_to_server will always be True.

? ? ? ? ? folder_name{String}:

? ? ? ? A string that represents a folder name to which you want to publish the

? ? ? ? service definition. If the folder does not currently exist, it will be

? ? ? ? created when the service definition is published as a service. The default

? ? ? ? folder is the server root level.

? ? ? ? ? summary{String}:

? ? ? ? A string that represents the Item Description Summary.

? ? ? ? Use this parameter to override the user interface summary, or to provide

? ? ? ? a summary if one does not exist.

? ? ? ? ? tags{String}:

? ? ? ? A string that represents the Item Description Tags.

? ? ? ? Use this parameter to override the user interface tags, or to provide

? ? ? ? tags if they do not exist. To specify mutiple tags, seperate each tag

? ? ? ? with a comma within the string.

? ? ? ? ? max_result_size(Integer):

? ? ? ? The maximum number of candidates returned by the service when geocoding a single address.

? ? ? ? ? max_batch_size(Integer):

? ? ? ? The maximum number of records to be processed in each batch job when performing batch geocoding.

? ? ? ? ? suggested_batch_size(Integer):

? ? ? ? The recommended number of records to pass in each batch job when performing batch geocoding.

? ? ? ? ? supported_operations(Integer):

? ? ? ? The built-in operations supported by the service. The parameter should be

? ? ? ? specified as a list containing one or more of the following string

? ? ? ? keywords:

? ? ? ? * GEOCODE: The service will allow geocoding operations.

? ? ? ? * REVERSE_GEOCODE: The service will allow reverse geocoding operations.

? ? ? ? For example, to specify that the service should only support geocoding

? ? ? ? operations and should not allow any reverse geocoding operations, the

? ? ? ? parameter should be specided as ["GEOCODE"]

? ? CreateImageSDDraft(raster_or_mosaic_layer, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type='ARCGIS_SERVER', connection_file_path='', copy_data_to_server=False, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None)

? ? ? ? CreateImageSDDraft(raster_or_mosaic_layer, out_sddraft, service_name, server_type="ARCGIS_SERVER", connection_file_path="", copy_data_to_server=False, folder_name=None, summary=None, tags=None)

? ? ? ? Create an image service SDDraft file

? ? CreateObject(name, options=None)

? ? ? ? CreateObject(name, {options})

? ? ? ? Creates geoprocessing objects. The extra arguments can be used to specify

? ? ? ? additional requirements for the object creation such as the number of

? ? ? ? columns in the ValueTable object.

? ? ? ? ? name(String):

? ? ? ? Name of the object to be created (ArcSDESQLExecute, Array, Extent,

? ? ? ? FeatureSet, Field, FieldInfo, FieldMap, FieldMappings, Geometry,

? ? ? ? NetCDFFileProperties, Point, RecordSet, Result, SpatialReference,

? ? ? ? ValueTable).

? ? ? ? ? options{Object}:

? ? ? ? Optional argument(s) depend on the object being created.

? ? CreateRandomValueGenerator(seed, distribution)

? ? ? ? CreateRandomValueGenerator(seed, distribution)

? ? ? ? Creates a new random number generator.

? ? ? ? ? seed(Integer):

? ? ? ? Initializes the random number generator.

? ? ? ? ? distribution(String):

? ? ? ? The random generation algorithm.

? ? ? ? * ACM599:? ACM collected algorithm 599

? ? ? ? * MERSENNE_TWISTER:? Mersenne Twister mt19937

? ? ? ? * STANDARD_C:? Standard C Rand

? ? CreateScratchName(prefix=None, suffix=None, data_type=None, workspace=None)

? ? ? ? CreateScratchName({prefix}, {suffix}, {data_type}, {workspace})

? ? ? ? Creates a unique scratch path name for the specified data type. If no

? ? ? ? workspace is given the current workspace is used.

? ? ? ? ? prefix{String}:

? ? ? ? The prefix that is added to the scratchname. By default, a prefix of xx

? ? ? ? is used.

? ? ? ? ? suffix{String}:

? ? ? ? The suffix added to the scratchname. This can be an empty double-quoted

? ? ? ? string.

? ? ? ? ? data_type{String}:

? ? ? ? The data type which will be used to create the scratchname. Valid

? ? ? ? datatypes are:

? ? ? ? * Coverage:? Only valid Coverage names are returned.

? ? ? ? * Dataset:? Only valid Dataset names are returned.

? ? ? ? * FeatureClass:? Only valid FeatureClass names are returned.

? ? ? ? * FeatureDataset:? Only valid FeatureDataset names are returned.

? ? ? ? * Folder:? Only valid Folder names are returned.

? ? ? ? * Geodataset:? Only valid Geodataset names are returned.

? ? ? ? * GeometricNetwork:? Only valid Geometric Network names are returned.

? ? ? ? * ArcInfoTable:? Only valid ArcInfo Table names are returned.

? ? ? ? * NetworkDataset:? Only valid Network Dataset names are returned.

? ? ? ? * RasterBand:? Only valid Raster Band names are returned.

? ? ? ? * RasterCatalog:? Only valid Raster Catalog names are returned.

? ? ? ? * RasterDataset:? Only valid Raster Dataset names are returned.

? ? ? ? * Shapefile:? Only valid Shapefile names are returned.

? ? ? ? * Terrain:? Only valid Terrain names are returned.

? ? ? ? * Workspace:? Only valid Workspace scratchnames are returned.

? ? ? ? ? workspace{String}:

? ? ? ? The workspace used to determine the scratch name to be created. If not

? ? ? ? specified, the current workspace is used.

? ? CreateUniqueName(base_name, workspace=None)

? ? ? ? CreateUniqueName(base_name, {workspace})

? ? ? ? Creates a unique name in the specified workspace by appending a number to

? ? ? ? the input name. This number is increased until the name is unique. If no

? ? ? ? workspace is specified, the current workspace is used.

? ? ? ? ? base_name(String):

? ? ? ? The base name used to create the unique name.

? ? ? ? ? workspace{String}:

? ? ? ? The workspace used for creation of the unique name.

? ? Describe(value)

? ? ? ? Describe(value)

? ? ? ? The Describe function returns a Describe object, with multiple

? ? ? ? properties, such as data type, fields, indexes, and many others. Its

? ? ? ? properties are dynamic, meaning that depending on what data type is

? ? ? ? described, different describe properties will be available for use.

? ? ? ? Describe properties are organized into a series of property groups. Any

? ? ? ? particular dataset will acquire the properties of at least one of these

? ? ? ? groups. For instance, if describing a geodatabase feature class, you

? ? ? ? could access properties from the GDB FeatureClass , FeatureClass , Table

? ? ? ? , and Dataset property groups. All data, regardless of the data type,

? ? ? ? will always acquire the generic Describe Object properties.

? ? ? ? ? value(String):

? ? ? ? The specified data element or geoprocessing object to describe.

? ? DisconnectUser(sde_workspace, users=None)

? ? ? ? DisconnectUser(sde_workspace, {users})

? ? ? ? Allows an administrator to disconnect users who are currently connected

? ? ? ? to an Enterprise geodatabase.

? ? ? ? ? sde_workspace(String):

? ? ? ? The Enterprise geodatabase containing the users to be disconnected.

? ? ? ? The connection properties specified in the Enterprise Geodatabase must

? ? ? ? have administrative rights that allow the user to disconnect other

? ? ? ? connections.

? ? ? ? ? users{Integer}:

? ? ? ? Specifies which users will be disconnected from the geodatabase.

? ? ? ? * sde_id: The ID value returned from the ListUsers function or the

? ? ? ? Connections tab in the Geodatabase Administration dialog. This can be

? ? ? ? passed to the function as an individual sde_id or a Python list

? ? ? ? containing multiple sde_ids.

? ? ? ? * ALL: Keyword specifying that all connected users should be

? ? ? ? disconnected.

? ? ? ? DisconnectUser will not disconnect the user who is executing the

? ? ? ? function.

? ? Exists(dataset)

? ? ? ? Exists(dataset)

? ? ? ? Determines the existence of the specified data object. Tests for the

? ? ? ? existence of feature classes, tables, datasets, shapefiles, workspaces,

? ? ? ? layers, and files in the current workspace. The function returns a

? ? ? ? Boolean indicating if the element exists.

? ? ? ? ? dataset(String):

? ? ? ? The name, path, or both of a feature class, table, dataset, layer,

? ? ? ? shapefile, workspace, or file to be checked for existence.

? ? FromWKB(byte_array, spatial_reference=None)

? ? ? ? FromWKB(byte_array)

? ? ? ? Create a new Geometry object from a well-known binary (WKB) string stored

? ? ? ? in a Python bytearray .

? ? ? ? ? byte_array(Bytearray):

? ? ? ? A WKB string stored in a Python bytearray .

? ? FromWKT(wkt_string, spatial_reference=None)

? ? ? ? FromWKT(wkt_string, {spatial_reference})

? ? ? ? Create a new Geometry object from a well-known text (WKT) string.

? ? ? ? ? wkt_string(String):

? ? ? ? A WKT string.

? ? ? ? ? spatial_reference{SpatialReference}:

? ? ? ? The spatial reference of the geometry. It can be specified with either a

? ? ? ? SpatialReference object or string equivalent.

? ? GetArgumentCount()

? ? ? ? GetArgumentCount()

? ? ? ? Returns the number of arguments passed to the script.

? ? GetIDMessage(message_ID, default_message=None)

? ? ? ? GetIDMessage(message_ID)

? ? ? ? Get the string of the error or warning ID message.

? ? ? ? ? message_ID(Integer):

? ? ? ? The geoprocessing message ID.

? ? GetInstallInfo(product=None)

? ? ? ? GetInstallInfo()

? ? ? ? The GetInstallInfo function returns a Python dictionary that contains

? ? ? ? information on the installation type properties.

? ? GetLogHistory()

? ? ? ? GetLogHistory()

? ? ? ? For

? ? ? ? script tools and stand-alone scripts (scripts run outside of an

? ? ? ? ArcGIS application),

? ? ? ? you can determine whether history logging is active using the

? ? ? ? GetLogHistory function.

? ? ? ? The history log file is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file that

? ? ? ? contains information about each geoprocessing operation. The information

? ? ? ? contained in the log file is essentially the same as that found in the

? ? ? ? Results window.

? ? GetMaxSeverity()

? ? ? ? GetMaxSeverity()

? ? ? ? Gets the maximum severity returned from the last executed tool.

? ? GetMessage(index)

? ? ? ? GetMessage(index)

? ? ? ? Returns a geoprocessing tool message by its index position.

? ? ? ? ? index(Integer):

? ? ? ? The message to retrieve.

? ? GetMessageCount()

? ? ? ? GetMessageCount()

? ? ? ? Returns a numeric count of all the returned messages from the last

? ? ? ? executed command.

? ? GetMessages(severity=None)

? ? ? ? GetMessages({severity})

? ? ? ? Returns the geoprocessing messages from a tool by specified severity

? ? ? ? level..

? ? ? ? ? severity{Integer}:

? ? ? ? The severity level of messages to return.

? ? ? ? * 0:? messages returned.

? ? ? ? * 1:? warning messages returned.

? ? ? ? * 2:? error messages returned.

? ? ? ? Not specifying a severity will return all types of messages.

? ? GetParameter(index)

? ? ? ? GetParameter(index)

? ? ? ? From the parameter list, select the desired parameter by its index value.

? ? ? ? The parameter is returned as an object.

? ? ? ? ? index(Integer):

? ? ? ? Selects the specified parameter, by its index, from the parameter list.

? ? GetParameterAsText(index)

? ? ? ? GetParameterAsText(index)

? ? ? ? Gets the specified parameter by its index position from the list of

? ? ? ? parameters.

? ? ? ? ? index(Integer):

? ? ? ? The numeric position of the parameter in the parameter list.

? ? GetParameterCount(tool_name)

? ? ? ? GetParameterCount(tool_name)

? ? ? ? Returns a count of the parameter values for the specified tool. If the

? ? ? ? tool is contained in a custom toolbox, use ImportToolbox to access the

? ? ? ? custom tool.

? ? ? ? ? tool_name(String):

? ? ? ? The name of the tool for which the number of parameters will be returned.

? ? GetParameterInfo(tool_name=None)

? ? ? ? GetParameterInfo(tool_name)

? ? ? ? Returns a list of parameter objects for a given tool. Commonly used in a

? ? ? ? script tool's ToolValidator class.

? ? ? ? ? tool_name(String):

? ? ? ? The tool name. Including the toolbox alias will help to resolve any

? ? ? ? conflicts with duplicated tool names. When the GetParameterInfo function

? ? ? ? is used as part of a script tool's ToolValidator class, the tool_name

? ? ? ? argument is optional.

? ? GetParameterValue(tool_name, index)

? ? ? ? GetParameterValue(tool_name, index)

? ? ? ? For a specified tool name, returns the default value of the desired

? ? ? ? parameter.

? ? ? ? ? tool_name(String):

? ? ? ? The tool name for which the parameter default value will be returned.

? ? ? ? ? index(Integer):

? ? ? ? Index position of the parameter in the specified tool's parameter list.

? ? GetReturnCode(index)

? ? ? ? GetReturnCode(index)

? ? ? ? Return the message error code by index.

? ? ? ? If the message for the specified index is a warning or informative

? ? ? ? message the function will return a 0; if the message is an error the

? ? ? ? function will return a value other than 0.

? ? ? ? ? index(Integer):

? ? ? ? The specified position of the message in the returned list of messages,

? ? ? ? warnings, or errors.

? ? GetSeverity(index)

? ? ? ? GetSeverity(index)

? ? ? ? Gets the severity code (0, 1, 2) of the specified message by index.

? ? ? ? ? index(Integer):

? ? ? ? Numeric index position of the message in the stack.

? ? GetSeverityLevel()

? ? ? ? GetSeverityLevel()

? ? ? ? Returns the severity level. The severity level is used to control how

? ? ? ? geoprocessing tools throw exceptions.

? ? GetSystemEnvironment(environment)

? ? ? ? GetSystemEnvironment(environment)

? ? ? ? Gets the specified system environment variable value, such as "TEMP".

? ? ? ? ? environment(String):

? ? ? ? The name of the system environment variable.

? ? ImportToolbox(input_file, module_name=None)

? ? ? ? ImportToolbox(input_file, {module_name})

? ? ? ? Imports the specified toolbox into ArcPy, allowing for access to the

? ? ? ? toolbox's associated tools.

? ? ? ? ? input_file(String):

? ? ? ? The geoprocessing toolbox to be added to the ArcPy site package.

? ? ? ? ? module_name{String}:

? ? ? ? If the toolbox does not have an alias, the module_name is required.

? ? ? ? When a tool is accessed through the ArcPy site package, the toolbox alias

? ? ? ? where the tool is contained is a required suffix (

? ? ? ? arcpy.<toolname>_<alias> ).? Since ArcPy depends on toolbox aliases to

? ? ? ? access and execute the correct tool, aliases are extremely important when

? ? ? ? importing custom toolboxes.? A good practice is to always define a custom

? ? ? ? toolbox's alias.? However, if the toolbox alias is not defined, a

? ? ? ? temporary alias can be set as the second parameter.

? ? InsertCursor(dataset, spatial_reference=None)

? ? ? ? InsertCursor(dataset, {spatial_reference})

? ? ? ? Inserts rows into a feature class, shapefile, or table. The InsertCursor

? ? ? ? returns an enumeration object that hands out row objects.

? ? ? ? ? dataset(String):

? ? ? ? The table, feature class, or shapefile into which rows will be inserted.

? ? ? ? ? spatial_reference{Object}:

? ? ? ? Coordinates are specified in the spatial_reference provided and converted

? ? ? ? on the fly to the coordinate system? of the dataset.

? ? IsSynchronous(tool_name)

? ? ? ? IsSynchronous(tool_name)

? ? ? ? Determines if a tool is running synchronous or asynchronous. When a tool

? ? ? ? is synchronous , the results are automatically returned, but no other

? ? ? ? action may be taken until the tool has completed. All non-server tools

? ? ? ? are synchronous. Server tools may be asynchronous , meaning that once the

? ? ? ? tool has been submitted to the server, other functionality can be run

? ? ? ? without waiting, and the results must be explicitly requested from the

? ? ? ? server.

? ? ? ? ? tool_name(String):

? ? ? ? The name of the tool to determine if it is synchronous.

? ? ListDataStoreItems(connection_file, datastore_type)

? ? ? ? ListDataStoreItems(connection_file, datastore_type)

? ? ListDatasets(wild_card=None, feature_type=None)

? ? ? ? ListDatasets({wild_card}, {feature_type})

? ? ? ? Lists all of the datasets in a workspace. Search conditions can be

? ? ? ? specified for the dataset name and dataset type to limit the Python List

? ? ? ? that is returned.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ? ? ? feature_type{String}:

? ? ? ? The feature type to limit the results returned by the wildcard argument.

? ? ? ? Valid dataset types are:

? ? ? ? * Coverage: Only coverages.

? ? ? ? * Feature: Coverage or geodatabase dataset, depending on the workspace.

? ? ? ? * GeometricNetwork: Only geometric network datasets.

? ? ? ? * Mosaic: Only mosaic datasets.

? ? ? ? * Network:? Only network datasets.

? ? ? ? * ParcelFabric: Only parcel fabric datasets.

? ? ? ? * Raster:? Only raster datasets.

? ? ? ? * RasterCatalog: Only raster catalog datasets.

? ? ? ? * Schematic: Only schematic datasets.

? ? ? ? * Terrain: Only terrain datasets.

? ? ? ? * Tin:? Only TIN datasets.

? ? ? ? * Topology: Only topology datasets.

? ? ? ? * All:? All datasets in the workspace. This is the default value.

? ? ListEnvironments(wild_card=None)

? ? ? ? ListEnvironments({wild_card})

? ? ? ? The ListEnvironments function returns a Python list of geoprocessing

? ? ? ? environment names.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.? # A wild_card of "*workspace" will return a

? ? ? ? list including the

? ? ? ? #? workspace and scratchWorkspace environment names

? ? ? ? arcpy.ListEnvironments("*workspace")

? ? ListFeatureClasses(wild_card=None, feature_type=None, feature_dataset=None)

? ? ? ? ListFeatureClasses({wild_card}, {feature_type}, {feature_dataset})

? ? ? ? Lists the feature classes in the workspace, limited by name, feature

? ? ? ? type, and optional feature dataset. A Python List is returned from the

? ? ? ? function.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ? ? ? feature_type{String}:

? ? ? ? The feature type to limit the results returned by the wild card argument.

? ? ? ? Valid feature types are:

? ? ? ? * Annotation:? Only annotation feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Arc:? Only arc (or line) feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Dimension:? Only dimension feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Edge: Only edge feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Junction: Only junction feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Label:? Only label feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Line:? Only line (or arc) feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Multipatch: Only multipatch feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Node:? Only node feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Point:? Only point feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Polygon:? Only polygon feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Polyline: Only line (or arc) feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Region:? Only region feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Route:? Only route feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * Tic:? Only tic feature classes are returned.

? ? ? ? * All:? All datasets in the workspace. This is the default value.

? ? ? ? ? feature_dataset{String}:

? ? ? ? Limits the feature classes returned to the feature dataset, if specified.

? ? ? ? If blank, only stand-alone feature classes will be returned in the

? ? ? ? workspace.

? ? ListFields(dataset, wild_card=None, field_type=None)

? ? ? ? ListFields(dataset, {wild_card}, {field_type})

? ? ? ? Lists the fields in a feature class, shapefile, or table in a specified

? ? ? ? dataset. The returned list can be limited with search criteria for name

? ? ? ? and field type and will contain field objects.

? ? ? ? ? dataset(String):

? ? ? ? The specified feature class or table whose fields will be returned.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ? ? ? field_type{String}:

? ? ? ? The specified field type to be returned. Valid field types are:

? ? ? ? * All:? All field types are returned. This is the default.

? ? ? ? * BLOB: Only field types of BLOB are returned.

? ? ? ? * Date:? Only field types of Date are returned.

? ? ? ? * Double:? Only field types of Double are returned.

? ? ? ? * Geometry:? Only field types of Geometry are returned.

? ? ? ? * GlobalID: Only field types of GlobalID are returned.

? ? ? ? * GUID:? Only field types of GUID are returned.

? ? ? ? * Integer:? Only field types of Integer are returned.

? ? ? ? * OID:? Only field types of OID are returned.

? ? ? ? * Raster:? Only field types of Raster are returned.

? ? ? ? * Single:? Only field types of Single are returned.

? ? ? ? * SmallInteger:? Only field types of SmallInteger are returned.

? ? ? ? * String:? Only field types of String are returned.

? ? ListFiles(wild_card=None)

? ? ? ? ListFiles({wild_card})

? ? ? ? Returns a list of files in the current workspace based on a query string.

? ? ? ? Specifying search conditions can be used to limit the results.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ListIndexes(dataset, wild_card=None)

? ? ? ? ListIndexes(dataset, {wild_card})

? ? ? ? Lists the indexes in a feature class, shapefile, or table in a specified

? ? ? ? dataset. The Python List returned can be limited with search criteria for

? ? ? ? index name and will contain index objects.

? ? ? ? ? dataset(String):

? ? ? ? The specified feature class or table whose indexes will be returned.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ListInstallations()

? ? ? ? ListInstallations()

? ? ? ? The ListInstallations function returns a Python List of the installation

? ? ? ? types (server, desktop, and engine).

? ? ListPrinterNames()

? ? ? ? ListPrinterNames()

? ? ? ? Returns a Python list of available printers on the local computer.

? ? ListRasters(wild_card=None, raster_type=None)

? ? ? ? ListRasters({wild_card}, {raster_type})

? ? ? ? Returns a Python list of the rasters in the workspace, limited by name

? ? ? ? and raster type.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ? ? ? raster_type{String}:

? ? ? ? The raster type to limit the results returned by the wild card argument.

? ? ? ? Valid raster types are:

? ? ? ? * BMP:? Bitmap graphic raster dataset format.

? ? ? ? * GIF:? Graphic Interchange Format for raster datasets.

? ? ? ? * IMG:? ERDAS IMAGINE raster data format.

? ? ? ? * JP2:? JPEG 2000 raster dataset format.

? ? ? ? * JPG:? Joint Photographics Experts Group raster dataset format.

? ? ? ? * PNG:? Portable Network Graphics raster dataset format.

? ? ? ? * TIFF:? Tagged Image File Format for raster datasets.

? ? ? ? * GRID:? GRID data format.

? ? ? ? * All:? All supported raster types are returned. This is the default.

? ? ListSpatialReferences(wild_card=None, spatial_reference_type=None)

? ? ? ? ListSpatialReferences({wild_card}, {spatial_reference_type})

? ? ? ? Returns a Python list of available spatial reference names for use as an

? ? ? ? argument to arcpy.SpatialReference .

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? Limit the spatial references listed by a simple wildcard check. The check

? ? ? ? is not case sensitive.

? ? ? ? For example, arcpy.ListSpatialReferences("*Eckert*") would list Eckert I

? ? ? ? , Eckert II , and so forth.

? ? ? ? ? spatial_reference_type{String}:

? ? ? ? Limit the spatial references listed by type.

? ? ? ? * GCS:? List only Geographic Coordinate Systems.

? ? ? ? * PCS: List only Projected Coordinate Systems.

? ? ? ? * ALL:? List both Projected and Geographic Coordinate Systems. This is

? ? ? ? the default.

? ? ListTables(wild_card=None, table_type=None)

? ? ? ? ListTables({wild_card}, {table_type})

? ? ? ? Lists the tables in the workspace, limited by name and table type. A

? ? ? ? Python List is returned from the function.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ? ? ? table_type{String}:

? ? ? ? The table type to limit the results returned by the wild card argument.

? ? ? ? Valid table types are:

? ? ? ? * dBASE:? Only tables of type dBASE are returned.

? ? ? ? * INFO:? Only stand-alone INFO tables are returned.

? ? ? ? * ALL:? All stand-alone tables, including geodatabase tables, are

? ? ? ? returned. This is the default.

? ? ListToolboxes(wild_card=None)

? ? ? ? ListToolboxes({wild_card})

? ? ? ? Lists the geoprocessing toolboxes, limited by name. A Python List is

? ? ? ? returned from the function.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ListTools(wild_card=None)

? ? ? ? ListTools({wild_card})

? ? ? ? Lists the geoprocessing tools, limited by name. A Python list is returned

? ? ? ? from the function.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ListTransformations(from_sr, to_sr, extent=None)

? ? ? ? ListTransformations(from_sr, to_sr, {extent})

? ? ? ? Returns a list of valid transformation methods for converting data from

? ? ? ? one spatial reference to another.? An extent can be used to narrow the

? ? ? ? list of valid transformation methods for a specific geographic area.

? ? ? ? ? from_sr(SpatialReference):

? ? ? ? The starting geographic coordinate system. Can be specified with a

? ? ? ? SpatialReference object, the name of the spatial reference, or a path to

? ? ? ? a projection file (.prj).

? ? ? ? ? to_sr(SpatialReference):

? ? ? ? The final geographic coordinate system.? Can be specified with a

? ? ? ? SpatialReference object, the name of the spatial reference, or a path to

? ? ? ? a projection file (.prj).

? ? ? ? ? extent{Extent}:

? ? ? ? Only transformations that span the entire extent will be returned.? The

? ? ? ? extent needs to be specified in coordinates from the in_sr .? When

? ? ? ? working with data, the extent on a Describe object can be used.

? ? ListUsers(sde_workspace)

? ? ? ? ListUsers(sde_workspace)

? ? ? ? Returns a list of named tuples containing information for users who are

? ? ? ? connected to an enterprise geodatabase.

? ? ? ? ? sde_workspace(String):

? ? ? ? An

? ? ? ? ? enterprise geodatabase (sde connection file).

? ? ? ? The connection properties specified in the enterprise geodatabase must

? ? ? ? have administrative rights that allow the user to disconnect other

? ? ? ? connections.

? ? ListVersions(sde_workspace)

? ? ? ? ListVersions(sde_workspace)

? ? ? ? Lists the versions the connected user has permission to use. A Python

? ? ? ? List is returned by the function.

? ? ? ? ? sde_workspace(String):

? ? ? ? An ArcSDE geodatabase workspace.

? ? ListWorkspaces(wild_card=None, workspace_type=None)

? ? ? ? ListWorkspaces({wild_card}, {workspace_type})

? ? ? ? Lists all of the workspaces within the set workspace. Search conditions

? ? ? ? can be specified for the workspace name and workspace type to limit the

? ? ? ? Python List that is returned.

? ? ? ? ? wild_card{String}:

? ? ? ? The wild card limits the results returned. If no wild card is specified,

? ? ? ? all values are returned.

? ? ? ? ? workspace_type{String}:

? ? ? ? The workspace type to limit the results returned by the wild card

? ? ? ? argument. There are six possible workspace types:

? ? ? ? * Access:? Only personal geodatabases will be selected.

? ? ? ? * Coverage:? Only coverage workspaces will be selected.

? ? ? ? * FileGDB:? Only file geodatabases will be selected.

? ? ? ? * Folder:? Only shapefile workspaces will be selected.

? ? ? ? * SDE:? Only ArcSDE databases will be selected.

? ? ? ? * All:? All workspaces will be selected. This is the default.

? ? LoadSettings(file_name)

? ? ? ? LoadSettings(file_name)

? ? ? ? Loads environment settings from an environment settings file (text stored

? ? ? ? in an Extensible Markup Language [XML] schema). See also SaveSettings on

? ? ? ? how to save environment settings.

? ? ? ? ? file_name(String):

? ? ? ? An existing XML file that contains environment settings.

? ? LogUsageMetering(code, task_name, num_objects=0, units=0.0)

? ? ? ? LogUsageMetering(code, task_name, num_objects, units)

? ? ? ? Updates the usage metering for this server tool.

? ? NumPyArrayToRaster(*args, **kwargs)

? ? ? ? NumPyArrayToRaster(in_array, {lower_left_corner}, {x_cell_size},

? ? ? ? {y_cell_size}, {value_to_nodata})

? ? ? ? Converts a NumPy array to a raster.

? ? ? ? ? in_array(NumPyArray):

? ? ? ? The NumPy array to convert to a raster.

? ? ? ? ? lower_left_corner{Point}:

? ? ? ? The lower left corner of the output raster to position the NumPy array.

? ? ? ? The X? and Y values are in map units.

? ? ? ? ? x_cell_size{Double}:

? ? ? ? The cell size in the x direction specified in map units. The input can be

? ? ? ? a specified cell size (type: double) or an input raster.

? ? ? ? When a dataset is input for the x_cell_size , the x cell size of the

? ? ? ? dataset is used for the x cell size for? the output raster.

? ? ? ? If only the x_cell_size is identified and not the y_cell_size, a square

? ? ? ? cell will result with the specified size.

? ? ? ? If neither x_cell_size or y_cell_size are specified, a default of 1.0

? ? ? ? will be used for both the x and y cell size.

? ? ? ? ? y_cell_size{Double}:

? ? ? ? The cell size in y direction specified in map units. The input can be a

? ? ? ? specified cell size (type: double) or an input raster.

? ? ? ? When a dataset is input for the y_cell_size the y cell size of the

? ? ? ? dataset is used for the y cell size for? the output raster.

? ? ? ? If only the y_cell_size is identified and not the x_cell_size a square

? ? ? ? cell will result with the specified size.

? ? ? ? If neither x_cell_size or y_cell_size are specified, a default of 1.0

? ? ? ? will be used for both the x and y cell size.

? ? ? ? ? value_to_nodata{Double}:

? ? ? ? The value in the NumPy array to assign to NoData in the output raster.

? ? ? ? If no value is specified for value_to_nodata , there will not be any

? ? ? ? NoData values in the resulting raster.

? ? ParseFieldName(name, workspace=None)

? ? ? ? ParseFieldName(name, {workspace})

? ? ? ? Parses a fully qualified field name into its components (database, owner

? ? ? ? name, table name, and field name) depending on the workspace.

? ? ? ? ParseFieldName returns a string containing the parsed table name,

? ? ? ? containing the database, owner, table, and field names separated by

? ? ? ? commas. The workspace must be a personal, file, or ArcSDE geodatabase.

? ? ? ? ? name(String):

? ? ? ? The field name to be parsed.

? ? ? ? ? workspace{String}:

? ? ? ? Specifies the workspace for fully qualifying the field name. The

? ? ? ? workspace must be a personal, file, or ArcSDE geodatabase.

? ? ParseTableName(name, workspace=None)

? ? ? ? ParseTableName(name, {workspace})

? ? ? ? Parses a table name into its components (database, owner, table)

? ? ? ? depending on the workspace. ParseTableName returns a string containing

? ? ? ? the parsed table name, with the database name, owner name, and table name

? ? ? ? separated by commas. This workspace must be a personal, file, or ArcSDE

? ? ? ? geodatabase.

? ? ? ? ? name(String):

? ? ? ? Specifies which table will be parsed.

? ? ? ? ? workspace{String}:

? ? ? ? Specifies the workspace for fully qualifying the table name. The

? ? ? ? workspace must be a personal, file, or ArcSDE geodatabase.

? ? ProductInfo()

? ? ? ? ProductInfo()

? ? ? ? Returns the current product license.

? ? RasterToNumPyArray(*args, **kwargs)

? ? ? ? RasterToNumPyArray(in_raster, {lower_left_corner}, {ncols}, {nrows},

? ? ? ? {nodata_to_value})

? ? ? ? Converts a raster to a NumPy array.

? ? ? ? ? in_raster(Raster):

? ? ? ? The input raster to convert to a NumPy array.

? ? ? ? ? lower_left_corner{Point}:

? ? ? ? The lower left corner within the in_raster from which to? extract the

? ? ? ? processing block to? convert to an array.

? ? ? ? The x-? and y-values are in map units.

? ? ? ? ? ncols{Integer}:

? ? ? ? The number of columns from the lower_left_corner in the in_raster to

? ? ? ? convert to the NumPy array.

? ? ? ? ? nrows{Integer}:

? ? ? ? The number of rows from the lower_left_corner in the in_raster to convert

? ? ? ? to the NumPy array.

? ? ? ? ? nodata_to_value{Variant}:

? ? ? ? The value to assign the in_raster NoData values in the resulting NumPy

? ? ? ? array. The data type depends on the type of the in_raster .

? ? ? ? If no value is specified, the NoData values in in_raster will be assigned

? ? ? ? the value associated with NoData in in_raster .

? ? RefreshActiveView()

? ? ? ? RefreshActiveView()

? ? ? ? Refreshes the active view and table of contents of the current map

? ? ? ? document.

? ? RefreshCatalog(dataset)

? ? ? ? RefreshCatalog(dataset)

? ? ? ? Forces a refresh of the Catalog window or Catalog tree .

? ? ? ? ? dataset(String):

? ? ? ? Data element to be refreshed.

? ? RefreshTOC()

? ? ? ? RefreshTOC()

? ? ? ? Refreshes the table of contents.

? ? RemoveDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name)

? ? ? ? RemoveDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name)

? ? RemoveToolbox(toolbox)

? ? ? ? RemoveToolbox(toolbox)

? ? ? ? Removes the specified toolbox, either by specifying its path or

? ? ? ? referencing its alias. Removes the specified toolbox from the current

? ? ? ? geoprocessing session. Server toolboxes can also be removed using a

? ? ? ? semicolon delimiter.

? ? ? ? ? toolbox(String):

? ? ? ? The name of the toolbox, including either path or alias, to be removed

? ? ? ? from the current geoprocessing session. The name/path or alias should be

? ? ? ? placed in a double-quoted string.

? ? ? ? Server toolboxes can be removed using a semicolon delimiter.? The name,

? ? ? ? including path, or alias, of the toolbox to be removed from the current

? ? ? ? geoprocessing session. Place the name/path, or alias, string inside

? ? ? ? double quotes. Server toolboxes can also be removed using a semicolon

? ? ? ? delimiter.

? ? ? ? ? Syntax for Internet ArcGIS for Server? ? URL

? ? ? ? ? servername;{username};{password}? ? Syntax for Local ArcGIS for Server

? ? ? ? ? machinename;servername .? Syntax for Internet ArcGIS for Server

? ? ? ? ? URL;servername;{username};{password}? ? Syntax for Local ArcGIS for

? ? ? ? ? Server? ? machinename;servername

? ? ResetEnvironments()

? ? ? ? ResetEnvironments()

? ? ? ? Resets all environment settings to their default settings.

? ? ResetProgressor()

? ? ? ? ResetProgressor()

? ? ? ? Resets the progressor back to its initial state.

? ? SaveSettings(file_name)

? ? ? ? SaveSettings(file_name)

? ? ? ? Saves environment settings to an environment settings file (text stored

? ? ? ? in an Extensible Markup Language [XML] schema). See also LoadSettings on

? ? ? ? how to load environment settings from an XML file.

? ? ? ? ? file_name(String):

? ? ? ? The XML file to be created that will store the current environment

? ? ? ? settings.

? ? SearchCursor(dataset, where_clause=None, spatial_reference=None, fields=None, sort_fields=None)

? ? ? ? SearchCursor(dataset, {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {fields},

? ? ? ? {sort_fields})

? ? ? ? The SearchCursor function establishes a read-only cursor on a feature

? ? ? ? class or table. The SearchCursor can be used to iterate through row

? ? ? ? objects and extract field values. The search can optionally be limited by

? ? ? ? a where clause or by field, and optionally sorted.

? ? ? ? ? dataset(String):

? ? ? ? The feature class, shapefile, or table containing the rows to be

? ? ? ? searched.

? ? ? ? ? where_clause{String}:

? ? ? ? An optional expression that limits the rows returned in the cursor. For

? ? ? ? more information on WHERE clauses and SQL statements, see

? ? ? ? About_building_an_SQL_expression .

? ? ? ? ? spatial_reference{Object}:

? ? ? ? When specified, features will be projected on the fly using the

? ? ? ? spatial_reference provided.

? ? ? ? ? fields{String}:

? ? ? ? The fields to be included in the cursor. By default, all fields are

? ? ? ? included.

? ? ? ? ? sort_fields{String}:

? ? ? ? Fields used to sort the rows in the cursor. Ascending and descending

? ? ? ? order for each field is denoted by A and D.

? ? SetLogHistory(log_history)

? ? ? ? SetLogHistory(log_history)

? ? ? ? For

? ? ? ? script tools and stand-alone scripts (scripts run outside of an

? ? ? ? ArcGIS application),

? ? ? ? you can enable or disable history logging using the SetLogHistory

? ? ? ? function.

? ? ? ? The history log file is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file that

? ? ? ? contains information about each geoprocessing operation. The information

? ? ? ? contained in the log file is essentially the same as that found in the

? ? ? ? Results window.

? ? ? ? ? log_history(Boolean):

? ? ? ? True, to enable geoprocessing logging history and? False, to disable.

? ? SetParameter(index, value)

? ? ? ? SetParameter(index, value)

? ? ? ? Sets a specified parameter property by index using an object. This is

? ? ? ? used when passing objects from a script to a script tool. If you need to

? ? ? ? pass a text value to a script tool, use SetParameterAsText .

? ? ? ? ? index(Integer):

? ? ? ? The specified parameter's index position in the parameter list.

? ? ? ? ? value(Object):

? ? ? ? The object that will set the specified parameter's property.

? ? SetParameterAsText(index, text)

? ? ? ? SetParameterAsText(index, text)

? ? ? ? Sets a specified parameter property by index using a string value. This

? ? ? ? is used when passing values from a script to a script tool. If you need

? ? ? ? to pass an object, such as a spatial reference to a script tool, use

? ? ? ? SetParameter .

? ? ? ? ? index(Integer):

? ? ? ? The specified parameter's index position in the parameter list.

? ? ? ? ? text(String):

? ? ? ? The string value that will set the specified parameter's property.

? ? SetProduct(product)

? ? ? ? SetProduct(product)

? ? ? ? The SetProduct function defines the desktop license. SetProduct returns

? ? ? ? information on the license.

? ? ? ? The product level should be set by importing the appropriate product

? ? ? ? module ( arcinfo , arceditor , arcview , arcserver , arcenginegeodb , or

? ? ? ? arcengine ) prior to importing arcpy. The SetProduct function is a legacy

? ? ? ? function and cannot set the product once arcpy has been imported.

? ? ? ? For scripts using the arcgisscripting module, the equivalent SetProduct

? ? ? ? method is still supported.

? ? ? ? ? product(String):

? ? ? ? Product code for the product being set.

? ? ? ? * arcview:? ArcGIS for Desktop Basic product code

? ? ? ? * arceditor:? ArcGIS for Desktop Standard product code

? ? ? ? * arcinfo:? ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced product code

? ? ? ? * engine:? Engine Runtime product code

? ? ? ? * enginegeodb:? Engine Geodatabase Update product code

? ? ? ? * arcserver:? Server product code

? ? SetProgressor(type, message=None, min_range=None, max_range=None, step_value=None)

? ? ? ? SetProgressor(type, {message}, {min_range}, {max_range}, {step_value})

? ? ? ? Establishes a progressor object which allows progress information to be

? ? ? ? passed to a progress dialog box. The appearance of the progress dialog

? ? ? ? box can be controlled by choosing either the default progressor or the

? ? ? ? step progressor.

? ? ? ? ? type(String):

? ? ? ? The progressor type (default or step).

? ? ? ? * default:? The progressor moves back and forth continuously.

? ? ? ? * step:? The progressor shows the percentage complete.

? ? ? ? ? message{String}:

? ? ? ? The progressor label. The default is no label.

? ? ? ? ? min_range{Integer}:

? ? ? ? Starting value for progressor. Default is 0.

? ? ? ? ? max_range{Integer}:

? ? ? ? Ending value for progressor. Default is 100.

? ? ? ? ? step_value{Integer}:

? ? ? ? The progressor step interval for updating the progress bar.

? ? SetProgressorLabel(label)

? ? ? ? SetProgressorLabel(label)

? ? ? ? Updates the progressor dialog box label.

? ? ? ? ? label(String):

? ? ? ? The label to be used on the progressor dialog box.

? ? SetProgressorPosition(position=None)

? ? ? ? SetProgressorPosition({position})

? ? ? ? Updates the status bar in the progressor dialog box.

? ? ? ? ? position{Integer}:

? ? ? ? Sets the position of the status bar in the progressor dialog box.

? ? SetSeverityLevel(severity)

? ? ? ? SetSeverityLevel(severity_level)

? ? ? ? Used to control how geoprocessing tools throw exceptions.

? ? ? ? ? severity_level(Integer):

? ? ? ? The severity level

? ? ? ? * 0:? A tool will not throw an exception, even if the tool produces an

? ? ? ? error or warning.

? ? ? ? * 1:? If a tool produces a warning or an error, it will throw an

? ? ? ? exception.

? ? ? ? * 2:? If a tool produces an error, it will throw an exception. This is

? ? ? ? the default.

? ? TestSchemaLock(dataset)

? ? ? ? TestSchemaLock(dataset)

? ? ? ? Tests if a schema lock can be acquired for a feature class, table, or

? ? ? ? feature dataset. Tools that alter schema will require a schema lock to be

? ? ? ? placed on the input data. The Add Field tool is an example of such a

? ? ? ? tool. If the tool requires a schema lock and is unable to aquire one at

? ? ? ? the time of execution, an appropriate error message is returned. Scripts

? ? ? ? that use such tools should test if a schema lock can be acquired on the

? ? ? ? input data. The TestSchemaLock function will not actually apply a schema

? ? ? ? lock on the input data, but will return a Boolean.

? ? ? ? ? dataset(String):

? ? ? ? The input data to be tested if a schema lock can be applied.

? ? UpdateCursor(dataset, where_clause=None, spatial_reference=None, fields=None, sort_fields=None)

? ? ? ? UpdateCursor(dataset, {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {fields},

? ? ? ? {sort_fields})

? ? ? ? The UpdateCursor function creates a cursor that lets you update or delete

? ? ? ? rows on the specified feature class, shapefile, or table. The cursor

? ? ? ? places a lock on the data that will remain until either the script

? ? ? ? completes or the update cursor object is deleted.

? ? ? ? ? dataset(String):

? ? ? ? The feature class, shapefile, or table containing the rows to be updated

? ? ? ? or deleted.

? ? ? ? ? where_clause{String}:

? ? ? ? An optional expression that limits the rows returned in the cursor. For

? ? ? ? more information on WHERE clauses and SQL statements, see

? ? ? ? About_building_an_SQL_expression .

? ? ? ? ? spatial_reference{Object}:

? ? ? ? Coordinates are specified in the spatial_reference provided and converted

? ? ? ? on the fly to the coordinate system? of the dataset.

? ? ? ? ? fields{String}:

? ? ? ? The fields to be included in the cursor. By default, all fields are

? ? ? ? included.

? ? ? ? ? sort_fields{String}:

? ? ? ? Fields used to sort the rows in the cursor. Ascending and descending

? ? ? ? order for each field is denoted by A and D.

? ? Usage(tool_name)

? ? ? ? Usage(tool_name)

? ? ? ? Returns the syntax for the specified tool or function.

? ? ? ? ? tool_name(String):

? ? ? ? The tool name to display the syntax.

? ? ValidateDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name)

? ? ? ? ValidateDataStoreItem(connection_file, datastore_type, connection_name)

? ? ValidateFieldName(name, workspace=None)

? ? ? ? ValidateFieldName(name, {workspace})

? ? ? ? Takes a string (field name) and a workspace path and returns a valid

? ? ? ? field name based on name restrictions in the output geodatabase. All

? ? ? ? invalid characters in the input string will be replaced with an

? ? ? ? underscore ( _ ). The field name restrictions depend on the specific

? ? ? ? database used (Structured Query Language [SQL] or Oracle).

? ? ? ? ? name(String):

? ? ? ? The field name to be validated. If the optional workspace is not

? ? ? ? specified, the field name is validated against the current workspace.

? ? ? ? ? workspace{String}:

? ? ? ? An optional specified workspace to validate the field name against. The

? ? ? ? workspace can be a file system or a personal, file, or ArcSDE

? ? ? ? geodatabase.

? ? ? ? If the workspace is not specified, the field name is validated using the

? ? ? ? current workspace environment.? If the workspace environment has not been

? ? ? ? set, the field name is validated based on a folder workspace.

? ? ValidateTableName(name, workspace=None)

? ? ? ? ValidateTableName(name, {workspace})

? ? ? ? Takes a table name and a workspace path and returns a valid table name

? ? ? ? for the workspace. An underscore "_" will replace any invalid character

? ? ? ? found in the table name and will honor the name restrictions for the

? ? ? ? workspace. The table name restrictions depend on the specific RDBMS used.

? ? ? ? ? name(String):

? ? ? ? The table name to be validated.

? ? ? ? ? workspace{String}:

? ? ? ? The optional workspace against which to validate the table name.

? ? ? ? If the workspace is not specified, the table name is validated using the

? ? ? ? current workspace environment.? If the workspace environment has not been

? ? ? ? set, the table name is validated based on a folder workspace.

? ? import_local(filename, local_dict)

? ? ? ? Loads a module into another module's local context


? ? env = <arcpy.geoprocessing._base.GPEnvironment object>

? ? f = r'D:\program files\arcgis\Desktop10.2\ArcToolbox\Scripts'

? ? gp = <arcpy.geoprocessing._base.Geoprocessor object>



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