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L5-U2-P1-1 Listening :?Psychology of Love 1

Psychology of Love 1

One of the most important human emotions is love.

However, there are many different kinds of love.

Romantic love is certainly one of the most interesting kinds of love.

It can be beautiful, wonderful, and heartbreaking, sometimes all at the same time.

Romantic love can make our lives full and meaningful, but it can also be an escape from loneliness and suffering.

Besides romantic love, another kind of love...is?between parents and children.

If romantic love has a purpose, neither psychology nor biology has discovered it.

However, throughout history, philosophers have offered opinions about it.

The Greek philosopher, Plato, said love makes us complete.

He relates a comic story in which humans originally had 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 faces.

Then, when they angered the Gods, they were cut in half.

Since then every person has been searching for their soulmate, the other half of his or her self.

If romantic love has apurpose,neither?psychology norbiology?has discovered it.However, throughouthistory, philosophers have offeredopinions?about it.

Another philosopher believed that love is an illusion.

In his view, people fall in love because they believe the other person can make them happy.

But in fact, this is just an illusion designed to make us have children.

Once we have children, we are right back to where we were, still searching for happiness.

For nature this is a success, because we have children to maintain our species.

But it leaves us still searching for something more.

According to this philosopher, what is the real purpose of love?-It's designed to maintain species.

Once we have children, we are rightback?to where wewere, stillsearching?for happiness. For nature this is asuccess, because we have children tomaintain?our species.

If something is an illusion, it isn't what it seems to be.

Once we have children, we are right back to where we were, still searching for happiness.

Some people say love can be adisguise for our sexual desires or a biological trick to make us have children.

Other kinds of love include the love between a parent and child.

In Buddhism, romantic love is seen as an attempt to satisfy our desires.

These desires are a defect, something we need to overcome.

The way to free ourselves from suffering is to remove desires.

Once free of desires we can reach a state of peace and wisdom.

This state of being is called nirvana.

According Buddhism, how can we free ourselves from suffering?-overcome our desires.

If romantic love has a purpose, neither psychology nor biology has discovered it.

Another philosopher believed that love is an illusion.

Once free of desires we can reach a state of peace and wisdom.

Since then every person has been searching for their soulmate, the other half of his or her self.

Romantic love can make our lives full and meaningful, but it can also be an escape from loneliness and suffering.

In Buddhism,romantic?love is seen as anattempt?tosatisfy?our desires. These desires are adefect, something we need toovercome.

If romantic love has a purpose, neither psychology nor biology has discovered it.

Another philosopher believed that love is an illusion.

The way to free ourselves from suffering is to remove desires.

Since then every person has been searching for their soulmate, the other half of his or her self.

Romantic love can make our lives full and meaningful, but it can also be an escape from loneliness and suffering.

L5-U2-P1-2 Listening :?Psychology of Love 2

Psychology of Love 2

In one of China's greatest classical novels, Dream of the Red Chamber, love is presented as a state of foolishness.

A young man falls in love with a beautiful woman who tricks and makes a fool of him.

This results in conflicting emotions of love and hate which tear him apart.

To cure him, a priest gives him a magic mirror.

The priest tells him to look into the reverse side of the mirror, but never to look in the front side.

What does the beautiful woman do to the young man?-She makes a fool of him.

What side of the mirror is he supposed to look into? - the reverse side

When the young man looks into the mirror, he doesn't like what he sees, so he looks into the forbidden side, the front side.

There he sees the lovely image of his love, who invites him into the mirror to be with her.

He does this several times until he is finally dragged away in chains.

He dies while looking into the mirror.

Perhaps the point of the story is that all such attachments should be avoided.

Why does the young man look into the?forbidden side of?the mirror? -He doesn't like what he sees in the mirror.

What finally happens to the young man?-He is?dragged away in chains and dies.

To cure him, a priest gives him a magic mirror.

He enters the mirror to be with his love and satisfy his desires.

The way to free ourselves from suffering is to remove desires.

Once free of desires we can reach a state of peace and wisdom.

A young man falls in love with a beautiful woman who tricks and makes a fool of him.

Perhaps the point of the story is that all such attachments should be avoided.

A famous French writer, Simone de Beauvoir has another point of view.

For her, love is the desire to integrate with another, like in a great friendship.

However, it is important that lovers not become too dependent on the other person.

Becoming dependent on another person can lead to boredom or power games.

Lovers should support each other in discovering themselves and developing their potentials.

In this way, romantic love can enrich the world.

Becomingdependenton another person can lead toboredomor power games. Loversshouldsupport each other indiscoveringthemselves and developing theirpotentials.

According to this writer, lovers should avoid...becoming too dependent on the other person.

Falling in love can be exciting and frightening.

Maybe we lose ourselves and maybe we find ourselves.

Will you dare to find out?

For her, love is the desire to integrate with another, like in a great friendship.

Maybe we lose ourselves and maybe we find ourselves.

Becoming dependent on another person can lead to boredom or power games.

Lovers should support each other in discovering themselves and developing their potentials.

L5-U2-P1-3 Vocabulary : Describing Situations

Describing Situations

Forbiddenorprohibited: to be against the rules or not allowed.

Smoking is prohibited on many airplanes.

Athletes are forbidden from taking certain kinds of drugs.

If something is allowed, it isn't forbidden or prohibited.

Access to that part of the factory isforbiddend?for securityreasons.

Tourists are forbidden from taking pictures inside the museum.

They were forbidden from going to that website because of its content.

Weapons of any kind are prohibited inside the stadium.

Access to that part of the factory is prohibited for security reason.

Risky: to be a bit dangerous or unsafe.

A risky investment maybe not be a good idea for people who worry too much.

If you make a risky investment, you may lose a lot of money.

What level of risk are you willing to take?

Meeting someone on the Internet can be veryrisky, so becareful.

Investing in that company is cery risky because it has many strong competitors.

Starting a new company can be very risky because most new companies fail within 5 years.

Ridiculous: to be foolish or not make any sense.

Their proposal is ridiculous because it requires too much time and money.

Without enough quality practice, it's ridiculous to expect much progress.

He is lazy and thequality?of his work is poor, so it'sridiculous?for him toexpect?a bonus.

At first, we though his proposal was ridiculous, but then we realized that it made sense.

Innovative: to come up with a new idea or way of doing things.

Innovative people are usually clever and creative.

To innovate means to come up with a new way of doing something.

Innovative thinking can lead to the development of new products and services.

He isn'tinnovative?because heresists?change and always wants to do things the sameway.

Agreeing to her innovative ideas was difficult at first, but it turned out to be the right decision.

She left the company because she didn't think it was innovative enough.

His innovative proposals made several of the engineers very uncomfortable, but they finally agreed.

If they want to be innovative, they should change the way they have been doing things.

Conservative:to be conservative is to avoid taking risks.

Conservative investors try to make safe investments.

A conservative investor wants to minimize risks.

A conservative approach to management may discourage innovation.

If you don't want to take arisk, you should take aconservative?approach toinvesting.

She wants to escape from her parents because they are too conservative.

Her parents are very conservative, so they don't approve of her wearing so much makeup.

A conservative approach to management may discourage innovation.

To avoid taking risks is to beconservative.

To come up with new way of doing things isto?innovate.

To be?foolish or not make any sense isto be ridiculous.

To be?against the rules or not allowed is tobe forbidden or prohibited.

Athletes areforbidden?fromtaking?certainkinds?of drugs.

Arisky?investment maybe not be a goodidea?for peoplewho worry?too much.

Smoking is prohibited on many airplanes.

To innovate means to come up with a new way of doing something.

She wants to escape from her parents because they are too?conservative.

Some parts of the factory are?forbidden to visitors unless they have special permission.

Their proposal is ridiculous because it requires too much time and money.

L5-U2-P1-4 Vocabulary :?Interacting with Others

Interacting with Others

To disguise: to change something's appearance so that it can't be recognized.

He wasn't good at disguising himself so weknew who he was right away.

She wore a disguise so I wasn't sure who she was.

Shedisguised?het true intensions so nobodyknew?what she wasplanning?to do.

He fooled everyone into believing in his plan, but it was all a disguise.

She didn't want anyone to recognize her, so she wore a disguise.

I don't trust him because he is so good at disguising his real plan.

To clarify: to explain or make something clear.

We weren't sure what he meant until he clarified his ideas.

Everyone was confused until she clarified what she meant.

We can'tagree?to your proposal?unless?youclarify?a few points.

There are still many details that need to be clarified.

His attempt to clarify things only added to confusion.

To confuse:to make things difficult to understand; the opposite of to clarify.

Everyone was confused because her presentation was so disorganized.

He confuses people because he keeps changing his ideas.

The instructions were confusing, so nobody knew what to do.

A good leader can makedecisions?even when the situation isconfusing.

Her comments during the meeting weren't very constructive because they were so confusing.

After the explposion, people were confused and unsure about where to go.

To ignore: to try not to notice or deal with something; to act as if something isn't there.

We tried to ignore her, but she finally stood up and told everyone to shut up.

People don't respect or like her, so they ignore her in the office.

He is anignorant?oldfool, so should justignore?him.

We are ignorant because we are ignoring the facts.

We can no longer ignore the fact that our company needs to be reorganized.

We can't ignore the fact that we are losing money.

To confirm: to indicate that something is correct or completed as expected.

We weren't sure if he was going to accept our offer until he called and confirmed it.

We can't start the project without a written confirmation that we agree on the details.

We can't afford to make amistake, so we need toconfirm?thefacts.

Can you confirm that the payment has been received?

He denied that he was at the meeting, but we have confirmed that he was there.

We won't sign the contract until we receive confirmation that they have made the first payment.

Please confirm or deny that you were at the meeting.

What do people do if they don't want to be recognized?-She didn't want anyone to recognize her so she wore a disguise.

To explain or make something clear meansto clarify.

To act as if something isn't there isto ignore.

To indicate that something is correct or completed as expected isto?confirm.

He wasn't good atdisguising?himself so weknew who?he was right away.

We can't start the project without a writtenconfirmation?that weagree?on thedetails.

There are still many details that need to be?clarified.

After the explosion, people were confused and unsure about whre to go.

Please confirm or deny that you were at the meeting.

We tried to ignore her, but she finally stood up and told everyone to shut up.

He wasn't good at disguising himself so weknew who he was right away.

He wasn't good atdisguising?himself so weknew who?he was right away.

Everyone wasconfusedbecause herpresentationwas sodisorganized.

She wore a disguise so I wasn't sure who she was.

Everyone was confused because her presentation was so disorganized.

People don't respect or like her, so they ignore her in the office.

We weren't sure if he was going to accept our offer until he called and confirmed it.

He was confused about what he was supposed to do, so he didn't do a very good job.

L5-U2-P1-5 Dialogue :?The Teenage Years

The Teenage Years

A: What's so funny? What are you writing about?

B: I'm writing about something I saw earlier this morning.

A: Really? Do you keep a journal?

B:?Yes, I do. Every weekend I write about things that happened during the week.

What does he write about in his?journal? - things that happened during the week

A: How long you've been doing it?

B:?I've been doing it fairly regularly since high school.

A: Are you going to turn it into a book?

B:?I don't know. Maybe I will someday, but for now it's just for me.

Are you going toturn?itinto?a book? I don'tknow. Maybe I willsomeday, butfor?now it'sjust?for me.

A:?So what was so interesting about what you saw this morning?

B:?I was in the same coffee shop I usually go to and a group of teenagers came in. I couldn't help watching them and trying to hear some of their conversation.

A:?That must have been interesting.

B:?Yes, it was. The more I watched them, the more I realized how glad I am that I don't have to go through that stage of life again.

(1) So what was so interesting about what you saw this morning?

(2)?I was in the same coffee shop I usually go to and a group of teenagers came in.

(3)?I couldn't help watching them and trying to hear some of their conversation.

(4)?That must have been interesting.

A:?So it brought back some memorizes?

B:?Yes, it did. It was so clear how uncomfortable some of them were, yet they were pretending to have a good time. At least, that's how it seemed to me.

A:?Why do you think they were pretending?

B:?It was just the way they smiled and laughed. It seemed unnatural and overdone, as if they were bad actors.

It seemed to him that some of them?were pretending to have a good time.

B: A couple of the boys were really awkward around the girls, and two of the girls were wearing too much makeup. I had to stop myself laughing.

A:?Yes, I can imagine it. I can remember wanting to be popular when I was in high school. Now that you mention it, it wasn't a great time, though I had some fun too.

B: I guess it wasn't so bad at the time, except when I was preparing for my university entrance examinations.

A: Yes, that was awful. My parents put tons of pressure on me, so I thought I was going to go crazy.

(1)?A couple of the boys were really awkward around the girls, and two of the girls were wearing too much makeup. I had to stop myself laughing.

(2)?Yes, I can imagine it. I can remember wanting to be popular when I was in high school.

(3)?Now that you mention it, it wasn't a great time, though I had some fun too.

(4)?I guess it wasn't so bad at the time, except when I was preparing for my university entrance examinations.

He is surprised to hear that his friend is keeping a journal.

That must have been interesting.

Why do you think they were pretending?

This kind of journal is a collection of observations rather than?personal?experiences.

In his opinion, the way they interacted with each other was a bit?unnatural?and?exaggerated.

A: What about girls? Did you have any girlfriends?

B: There was one girl I had a crush on, but I thought she was interested in somebody else. I didn't find out until much later that she was interested in me too. It was a lost opportunity, one of many.

A: Really? You should become a writer or make a movie. You have a great imagination.

B: To be honest, it's much easier to image things than actually do things.

A: You can say that again.

Whats was one of his lost?opportunities? -He didn't realize that the girl he?had a crush on was?interested in him.

I can remember wanting to be popular when I was in high school.

I didn't find out until much later that she was interested in me too.

I'm writing about something I saw?earlier?this morning.

My parents put tons of pressure on me, so I thought I was going to go crazy.

There was one girl I had a crush on, but I thought she was?interested in?somebody else.

L5-U2-P2-1 Listening :?Light and Color

People have wondered about the nature of light and color since ancient times.

Some people thought that light came from the eye rather than coming into the eye.

To see, light was projected from our eyes to illuminate things as we look at them.

Now we know that what we see is mostly reflected light, like the light from the moon which is reflected sunlight.

Light comes from a light source, such as the Sun, and either enters our eyes directly or after it has reflected off something.

Light comes from a lightsource?andeither enters our eyes directly or indirectly, afterreflectingoff something.

(1) People have wondered about the nature of light and color since ancient times.

(2) Some people thought that light came from the eye rather than coming into the eye.

(3) To see, light was projected from our eyes to illuminate things as we look at them.

(4) Now we know that what we see is mostly reflected light, like the light from the moon which is reflected sunlight.

Light enters our eyes directly or after it has reflected off something.

Besides the Sun, what's another example of a direct light source? - a fire or flashlight

In 1666, Sir Isaac Newton showed that when light passes through a prism, it separates into all the other colors.

This clearly demonstrated that light is composed of many different colors.

The difference between colors is due to their wavelength.

A prism separates light into different colors because each color has a different wavelength.

The angle at which a color bends in a prism depends on its wavelength.

What determines the color of light? -Its wavelength

The angle?at which a colorbends?in a prism...depends?on itswavelength.

Colors with shorter wavelengths bend more than colors with longer wavelengths.

This explains why red light bends less than yellow light.

The reason is because its wavelength is longer.

Of the visible colors, violet light has the shortest wavelength, so it bends the most.

Of the visible colors, which color has the shortest wavelength??-violet

The angle at which a color bends in a prism depends on its wavelength.

This clearly demonstrated that light is composed of many different colors.

Besides the Sun, any object that produces its own light is a direct light source.

Of the visible colors, which color has the shortest wavelength? -violet

A prism separates light into its component colors.

Each color is a single wavelength of light.

A prism separates light into different colors because each color has a different wavelength.

If you have ever painted, you know that different colors can be combined to create new colors.

For example, if you add white to a color, you lighten it.

However, the three primary colors, red, blue and yellow cannot be made by mixing other colors.

It isn't possible to mix any combination of colors to create red, blue or yellow.

Mixing two primary colors creates a secondary color such as purple, which is made by mixing blue and red.

Mixing three primary colors creates a tertiary color such as brown or gray.

How can you create a secondary color?-Mixing two primay colors.

If youhave everpainted, you know that different colorscan becombinedto createnew colors.

This explains why red light bends less than yellow light.

The primary colors cannot be created by mixing other colors.

Of the visible colors, violet light has the shortest wavelength, so it bends the most.

Mixing two primary colors creates a secondary color such as purple, which is made by mixing blue and red.

Which colors cannot be created by combining other colors?- the primary colors

What happens to a color if add white to it?- It gets lighter.

The difference between colors is due to their wavelength.

Purple is made by mixing blue and red.

Colors with shorter wavelengths bend more than colors with longer wavelengths.

It isn't possible to mix any combination of colors to create red, blue or yellow.

L5-U2-P2-2 Listening :?Color’s Effect

Color’s Effect

Color are wonderful to look at, but they also affect people in ways besides sight.

They have a powerful effect on how people feel and behave.

Artists know this and so do business people who want to influence how people feel about their products and advertisements.

For example, research has shown that people can be more productive if they are working in a blue room.

The color purple is often linked to wealth and royalty and is seen as a mysterious, spiritual color.

Some colors have even been associated with changes in blood pressure.

Though color can influence how we feel and act, these effects may depend on personal and cultural factors.

Therefore, it's important not to believe everything you hear about the effects of color.

If two things are associated with each other, they...are connected in some way.

Though color caninfluencehow we feel andact, these effectsmaydepend on personal and culturalfactors.?Therefore, it's important not tobelieveeverything you hear about theeffectsof color.

They have a powerful effect on how people feel and behave.

Some colors have even been associated with changes in blood pressure.

Though color can influence how we feel and act, these effects may depend on personal and cultural factors.

The color purple is often linked to wealth and royalty and is seen as a mysterious, spiritual color.

What do effects of color depend on? - personal and cultural factors

Color arewonderful?to look at, but they alsoaffect?people in waysbesides?sight.

They have a powerfuleffect?on how people feel andbehave.

Color are wonderful to look at, but they also affect people in ways besides sight.

Different colors can be combined to form other colors.

However, the three primary colors, red, blue and yellow cannot be made by mixing other colors.

Research has shown that people can be more productive if they are working in a blue room.

Though there are differences between cultures, there is a general agreement about some colors.

The color red, for example, is a warm color, associated with energy and excitement in many cultures.

In China, red is associated with fire, energy and good fortune.

On the other hand, one experiment showed that exposing students to red before taking a test can have a negative effect.

In fact, of all the colors, research shows that red has the most powerful effect on human behavior.

In China, red isassociatedwith fire, energy and goodfortune. On the other hand, oneexperimentshowed thatexposingstudents to red before taking a test can have a negativeeffect.In fact, of all the colors,researchshows that red has the most powerful effect on humanbehavior.

(1) Though there are differences between cultures, there is a general agreement about some colors.

(2) The color red, for example, is a warm color, associated with energy and excitement in many cultures.

(3) In China, red is associated with fire, energy and good fortune.

(4) On the other hand, one experiment showed that exposing students to red before taking a test can have a negative effect.

Certainly, it's interesting and important to better understand the psychological effects of light and color.

To gain a better understanding of these effects, more research is needed.

Mixing two primary colors creates a secondary color.

Purple is made by mixing blue and red.

To see, light was projected from our eyes to illuminate things as we look at them.

However, the three primary colors, red, blue and yellow cannot be made by mixing other colors.

The color red, for example, is a warm color, associated with energy and excitement in many cultures.

In China, red is associated with fire, energy and good fortune.

To gain a better understanding of these effects, more research is needed.

Mixing three primary colors creates a tertiary color such as brown or gray.

If you have ever painted, you know that different colors can be combined to create new colors.

Though there are differences between cultures, there is a general agreement about some colors.

L5-U2-P2-3 Vocabulary :?Verbs for Business 1

Verbs for Business 1

Topromote: to move someone up in an organization, usually because she has done a good job.

We're going to promote her to manager.

If we don't promote him, he'll probably be upset.

The opposite of promote isdemote.

We shouldn'tpromote?anyone unless they reallydeserve?it, which means they have toprove?themselves.

I don't think she deserves a promotion yet, but her boss is insisting that we give it to her.

Totransfer: to move someone or something from one place to another.

The company is going to transfer him to Shanghai next month.

She doesn't want to be transferred because her husband is against moving to another city.

He likesworking?for us, but he wants to betransferred?to a different place within the company.

She won't agree to be transferred unless we give her a promotion and a salary increase.

Transferring him out of sales was a mistake, so we need to find another position for him.

To motivate: to get someone interested and excited about doing something.

She's really good at motivating her employees.

One way to motivate someone is to encourage them by giving constructive feedback.

He's nofool, so giving him an award without an increase insalary?won'tmotivate?him.

When he didn't get his bonus he was really demotivated, so the quality of his work went down.

They aren't working hard enough because they aren't being motivated.

Topostpone:to delay or put off something until a later date.

We had to postpone the presentation, because she wasn't ready to give it.

We can't continue to postpone the meeting or they will cancel it completely.

We can'tpostpone?launching the product, so everyone will have to work harder to meet thedeadline.

They are asking to postpoine making their first payment, so we may decide to cancel the contract.

Toevade: to escape or avoid something.

They are trying to evade taking responsibility for their failure.

He was arrested for tax evasion.

Theydesigned?the airplaneto evade?detection by radar.

The hackers broke into the computer and evaded detection until it was too late to catch them.

They can't evade paying the import tax or they will lose their license to do business in that country.

To delay or put off something until a later dateto postpone.

To get someone?interested and excited about their workto motivate.

To promote someone means...to give them a higher level job.

Giving constructive feedback is ...one way to motivate them.

One wayto motivate?someone is to encourage them bygiving?constructivefeedback.

They are tryingto evade?takingresponsibility?for theirfailure.

If we don't promote him, he'll probably be upset.

She's really good at motivating her employees.

They are trying?to evade?taking?responsibility?for their?failure.

He was arrested for tax evasion.

One way to motivate someone is to encourage them by giving constructive feedback.

We need to motivate people more and not demotivate them by reducing benefits.

L5-U2-P2-4 Vocabulary : Verbs for Business 2

Verbs for Business 2

Toassign: to give someone a task to do.

His boss assigned him to increase sales by fifty percent?(50%).

Her company assigned her to find out more about the competition.

His department was the one which wasassigned?to?complete?the project, so our?department wasn'tinvolved.

Her boss assigns her to do too many things at the same time, so she's frustrated.

It's very dangerous, so I won't assign this project to you unless you are willing to take a risk.

Topenalize:to fine or punish someone for doing something wrong.

They were penalized for breaking the rules.

You will be penalized if you are late.

They were allpenalized, so they had to work even harderto complete?the project on time.

We knew we would be penalized, but the penalty was unfair, so we dropped out of the competition.

Tolay off: to fire or sack a worker because business is bad.

The company was failing, so he was laid off.

Our company had to lay off 50% of our employees.

A company may have to lay off workers when business is bad.

He was dong a good job, but the company had tolay him off?because they werelosing?money.

He lost his job because his company had to lay off most of its employees.

She was laid off, not fired, so it should be easier for her to find a new job.

Torecruit:to look for new employees to hire.

They are expanding their business and recruiting new employees.

She joined the company after she was recruited at a job fair.

He left his job?because he wasrecruited?by another company andoffered?a much higher salary.

It isn't easy for a small company to recruit experienced managers.

Toresign: to voluntarily quit one's job.

His boss didn't like him, so he was asked to resign.

She resigned from her job because of health reasons.

She has decidedto?resign?because she wants tospend?more time with her family.

He didn't want to be transferred so he decided to resign and work for a competitor.

To fine or punish someone for doing something wrongto penalize.

To voluntarily quit one's jobto resign.

Her companyassigned?her tofind out?more about thecompetition.

Shejoined?the companyafter?she wasrecruited?at a job fair.

His boss assigned him to increase sales by?fifty percent.

The company was failing, so he was laid off.

She joined the company after she was recruited at a job fair.

He wanted to resign, but he needed to stay on for another year to complete the project.

He was doing a good job, but the company had to lay him off because they were losing money.

L5-U2-P2-5 Dialogue :?Thoughts in Love

Thoughts in Love

M: WOW, you look different today.

W: You mean more beautiful?

M: What's with all the makeup?

W: I felt like dressing up today. Don't you like it?

M: Do you want me to be honest?

W: Of course, but I know you. You are so old fashioned.

M: I just think you don't need so much makeup to look beautiful. That lipstick is like a fire engine.

W: Well, not everyone agrees with you. And I like looking different once in a while.

Why is she wearing so much makeup today?-She felt like dressing up today.

Do you want me to be honest?

And I like looking different once in a while.

I just think you don't need so much makeup to look beautiful.

She's wearing more makeup than usual, especially with the bright red lipstick.

Why does she look different today?- She's wearing more makeup than usual.

I felt like dressing up today.

That lipstick is like a fire engine.

I just think you don't need so much makeup to look beautiful.

She's wearing more makeup than usual, especially with the bright red lipstick.

M: I'm glad I'm not a woman. There are too many things to deal with.

W: Yes, you wouldn't be good at it. You always wear the same old clothes, it's boring.

M: Maybe it's boring, but it's comfortable.

W: You're never going to find a new girlfriend if you don't change.

M: I'm not interested in women anymore, you know that, there is nothing but trouble.

What reason does he give for not being intrested in women?-He says women are too much trouble.

What wouldn't he be good at? -being a woman

W: Am I trouble?

M: You and I are just opposites. You are always doing something new, and I would rather just relax.

W: You sound like an old man. You need to act younger. You need to be more exciting.

M: And then what? Find my soulmate?

W: Really, you sound so cynical. Don't you believe in love?

M: Sure, in the movies maybe.

You and I are justopposites. You are always doing something new, and Iwould ratherjustrelax.

How would you describe their personalities?-They are quite different.

M: Love is an illusion. It never lasts, and once it starts just difficult to break off.

W: Your problem is that you expect too much from love. You are too romantic. You need to be more practical.

M: I thought you were the romantic one.

W: I have a romantic side, yes, but I'm practical. My man has got to be good looking, well-dressed and hopefully rich.

M: Ah ha, then that lets me out.

W: Yes, you've got a lot to learn.

According to her, she...has a romantic side.

Really, you sound so cynical.

Maybe it's boring, but it's comfortable.

He thinks love is an illusion and doesn't last for very long.

You're never going to find a new girlfriend if you don't change.

You always wear the same old clothes.

I have aromantic?side, yes, but I'm practical. My manhas?got to be good-looking, well dressed and hopefullyrich. Ah ha, thenthat?lets meout.

Really, you sound so cynical.

You need to be more exciting.

He thinks love is an illusion and doesn't last for very long.

You're never going to find a new girlfriend if you don't change.

You always wear the same old clothes.

W: Now, where are we going for dinner? Somewhere expensive?

M: OK, you've convinced me that your makeup isn't so bad. But I think it's your turn to pay.

W: That's what you think.

Ok, you'veconvincedme that your makeup isn't so bad.

He cares a lot about fashion.

What kind of place are they going for dinner?- Somewhere expensive

They'll?split the bill.

You need to be more practical.

I have a romantic side, yes, but I'm practical.

Their personalities are quite different, almost complete opposites.

My man has got to be good looking, well-dressed and hopefully rich.

L5-U2-P3-1 Listening :?Introducing the Iceman

Introducing the Iceman

One of the most interesting people in history is probably someone you have never heard of.

We will call him "Iceman" because his body was frozen in ice for several thousand years.

His body was discovered in 1991 by two hikers in the mountains near the border of Austria and Italy.

The lower part of his body was still frozen in ice, but the upper part was uncovered and visible.

Once the body was extracted from the ice, it was taken in for examination.

Upon examination, scientists determined that the Iceman lived around 5,300 (fifty-three hundred) years ago.

This was at the end of the Stone Age, nearly 1,000 years before the great pyramids were built.

This made him the oldest mummy ever found.

What had to happen before the body could be examined? -It had to be extracted from the ice before it could be examined.

Which part of the body was uncovered and visible? -the upper part

Iceman's body was in good condition when it was found.

People believed that the body was one of many hikers who had been lost in recent years.

Nobody suspected that the body was as old as it was.

It had been preserved by the ice for thousands of years.

Given its good condition, studying it was like opening a window in time.

Scientists could learn a lot about how people lived 5,000 years ago.

Why was the body was in such good condition when it was found?- It had been preserved by the ice.

(1) Iceman's body was in good condition when it was found.

(2) Nobody suspected that the body was as old as it was.

(3) It had been preserved by the ice for thousands of years.

(4) Given its good condition, studying it was like opening a window in time.

The Iceman lived at the end of the Stone Age, a time of great change in human history.

Hunting was still a major source of food, but people were beginning to farm.

People were settling down and forming communities.

These communities were claiming territory and setting up boundaries.

As a result, sometimes they had to fight to defend their territory from outsiders.

The village where the Iceman lived was probably not far from where he died.

Perhaps he was killed in a battle with outsiders.

What was still a major source of food at the end of the Stone Age? - hunting

Why did people have to fight outsiders?- to defend their territory

Why did people need to claim territory?- They were settling down to farm.

Once the body was extracted from the ice, it was taken in for examination.

It was in good condition because it had been preserved by the ice.

Given its good condition, studying it was like opening a window in time.

The lower part of his body was still frozen in ice, but the upper part was uncovered and visible.

The Iceman lived at the end of the Stone Age, a time of great change in human history.

Comunities were claiming territory and fighting to defend from the outsiders.

It was in good condition because it had been perservered by the ice.

L5-U2-P3-2 Listening :?Death of the Iceman

Iceman was about 45 years old when he died.

He was 1.60 meters tall and weighed about 50 kilograms when he was alive.

Along with the body were some other objects.

These included some weapons, including a bow and arrow, a knife and an ax.

He was still wearing one of his shoes and he had a backpack with a wooden frame.

What was one of the weapons that was found with his body?- a bow and arrow

He also had some plants that may have been used for medical purposes.

Further examination of the body showed that he was well fed, with a diet of meat, bread and fruit.

In fact, he had eaten several meals within a few hours of his death.

From all the evidence, he probably had a good life.

Perhaps he was hunting for food when he was caught in a sudden storm.

The plans that he had may have been used what purpose? - for medical purposes

For several years after the discovery of the body, scientists believed that he died from the cold.

Weather is unpredictable in the area where he was found, so perhaps he was caught in an unexpected storm.

However, ten years after his body was found, new evidence pointed to a new cause of death.

In 2001, examiners x-rayed the body and found an arrowhead deep in the Iceman's chest.

Further analysis revealed that the Iceman had been shot from behind.

The arrow had cut through an artery and had caused severe bleeding.

Clearly, it was a case of murder, the oldest case of murder ever discovered.

What new evidence was found for the cause of death? - an arrowhead in his chest

(1) For several years after the discovery of the body, scientists believed that he died from the cold.

(2) Weather is unpredictable in the area where he was found, so perhaps he was caught in an unexpected storm.

(3) However, ten years after his body was found, new evidence pointed to a new cause of death.

(4) In 2001, examiners x-rayed the body and found an arrowhead deep in the Iceman's chest.

People were settling down and forming communities.

From all the evidence, he probably had a good life.

He ate several meals within a few hours of his death.

People believed that the body was one of many hikers who had been lost in recent years.

In 2001, examiners x-rayed the body and found an arrowhead deep in the Iceman's chest.

L5-U2-P3-3 Vocabulary :?Regulations in Company

Regulations in Company

Tosue: to take someone to court in a legal disagreement.

They broke our contract and didn't pay, so we sued them and won.

She sued her employer for firing her, but she lost because they had the right to fire her.

We couldn't agree to her plan toavoid?paying taxes, which wasillegal, so shethreatened?tosue?us.

When she left her job shesuedher emplpoyer for notkeepingits promiseto payher a bonus.

Torestrict: to put limits on something.

This is a restricted area, so stay away.

We need to restrict them from talking to anyone about our project.

We can'ttrust?him, so we will have torestrict?hisactivities?until we know him better.

We have unlimited access to theirresearchand there are norestrictionsonhowwe use the informaion.

Tonegotiate: to deal with or bargain with others to reach an agreement.

Instead of starting a war, we should negotiate and find a way to compromise.

We are trying to negotiate a better deal, but it isn't easy.

He never wants tonegotiate, so he haslost?several importantcustomers.

The price is too high, but if wenegotiatewe may be ableto getadiscount.

Responsiblefor or responsible to: to be responsible for something means to have the job of getting it done or taking care of.

If you are responsible to someone, it means that you are working under their control.

She is the personresponsibleforimprovingsales last year, so we should give her apromotion.

He isresponsible?to the CEO, so he can'tsign?the contract without her finalapproval.

We need to report this to our boss because we are responsible to her and because she will judge our performance.

We have many responsibilities, but she is the one responsible for product development.

Overseeorsupervise: to control or direct a process or project.

One of his responsibilities was to supervise the rescue operations and keep things under control.

As product manager, she oversees the work of several departments.

When we got to the accident, everyone wasconfusedbecause there was nobody there tosupervise.

Their new project is behind schedule because nobodyoversees?how the departmentswork?together.

If something is confidential, you should...restrict access to it.

Theybrokeour contract and didn'tpay, so wesuedthem andwon.

We need torestrict them fromtalkingtoanyoneabout our project.

If you areresponsibleto someone it means that you are workingundertheircontrol.

They broke our contract and didn't pay, so we sued them and won.

We are trying to negotiate a better deal, but it isn't easy.

If something is confidential, you should restrict access to it.

She sued her employer for firing her, but she lost because they had the right to fire her.

We can't?trust?him, so we will have to?restrict?his?activities?until we know him better.

If you have a legal disagreement, youhave to sue.

To deal with or bargain with others to reach an agreement ——to negotiate.

To be responsible for something means...to have the job of getting it done.

Shesued?her employer forfiring?her, but shelost?because they had theright?to fire her.

Instead ofstarting?a war, we shouldnegotiate?and find a way tocompromise.

One of hisresponsibilities?was tosupervise?therescue?operations andkeep?things under control.

This is a restricted area, so stay away.

He never wants to negotiate, so he has lost several important customers.

We have many responsibilities, but she is the one responsible for product development.

When she asked for an extra payment, we refused because it was illegal and she could have sued us.

Instead of starting a war, we should negotiate and find a way to compromise.

If something is confidential, you should restrict access to it.

L5-U2-P3-3?Vocabulary :?Business Terms

Business Terms

Tomerge: to combine or come together.

Those two companies used to be competitors, but now they have merged into one company.

When the two companies merged, many people were laid off.

When two companiesmerge, there are often many problems, includinglayoffs.

They plan to merge with a much larger company, so they will lose her identity.

Toacquire: to buy or take possession.

Some big companies grow by acquiring other companies.

One way to protect your business is to acquire your competitors.

We need toacquire?new technology as soon as possiblebecause?we are out-of-date.

One way to acquire new technology is to hire innovative people from other companies.

The best way to acquire a new skill is to find a great teacher orprogram and practice every day.

Anagenda: a plan or list of items to be discussed at a meeting.

The agenda for the meeting is still unclear.

What are the main points on the agenda for the meeting?

There are too manyitems?on theagenda, so we need to cut it down and focus on fewer things.

Acontract: a written document that defines the rules in a relationship.

A contract isn't usually useful until things begin to go badly in a relationship.

According to our contract, their first payment is due next week.

It took a long time to agree on acontract?because theirlawyers?kept findingissues?that kept us apart.

The contract was too much in their favor, so we didn't sign it.

Assetsandliabilities: assets are what you own and liabilities are what you owe.

Knowing the assets and liabilities of a company helps determine a company's value.

The company had more liabilities than assets so we decided not to invest.

Theirassets?were rapidly increasing invalue?each year, so we decided toinvest.

To combine or come together ——to merge.

To buy or take possession ——to acquire.

A written document that defines the rules in a relationship ——a contract.

What you own, including money and property ——your assets.

What you owe, including debts and obligation ——your liabilities.

Knowing theassets?and liabilities of a company helpsdetermine?a company'svalue.

Acontract?isn't usuallyuseful?until?things begin to gobadly?in a relationship.

When the two companies merged, many people were laid off.

What are the main points on the agenda for the meeting?

When two companies combined into one, it's called a merger.

They have to pay a huge tax penalty, so they have lost value due to the increase in their liabilities.

He may have a hidden agenda that hides his real plan, so let's be careful what we say at the meeting.

We don't know what's on his agenda, so we need to be careful what we say.

If a company borrows a lot of money, it's increasing its liabilities.

L5-U2-P3-5 Dialogue :?Quitting a Job

Quitting a Job

M: Good morning, Lisa. What was it you wanted to see me about?

L: Eh, good morning. Thanks for seeing me on such short notice, I know it's a busy time for you.

M: That's okay, Lisa. I can see that you're upset about something. Is there something wrong?

L: Yes, actually there is, and I've been thinking about it a lot. To make it short, I've decided to leave the company.

How is Lisa feeling? -She is upset about someting.

I can see that you're upset about something.

To make it short, I've decided to leave the company.

Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.

What has Lisa decided to do?- She has decided to leave the company.

I can see that you're upset about something.

She has been thinking about it a lot.

What was it you wanted to see me about?

M: You are going to leave?

L: Yes, I think it's best, I'm really not happy here anymore.

M: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you found another job?

L: No, it isn't that. My husband and I have just decided that I really don't need to work.

What has she and her husband decided?- She doesn't need a job.

I'm really not happy here anymore.

My husband and I have just decided that I really don't need to work.

Why has she decided to quit her job?-She is not happy working there.

I'm really not happy here anymore.

She decided to quit because she's not happy working there.

M: Well, I'm sorry to hear that you want to leave. But I really want you to reconsider. You've only been here for a year. That isn't very long, and it won't help your resume if you decide to look for a job in the future.

L: Yes, that may be true, but staying here is really stressful. You may not be aware of it, but I have real problems with my supervisor , Bill.

Who is bill?-He is her supervisor.

Yes, that may betrue, butstayinghere is reallystressful. You may not beawareof it,butI have realproblemswith mysupervisor, Bill.

I'm sorry to hear that you want to leave.

She's been working there for about a year.

Bill is her supervisor, so he supervises her work.

She has some serious problems working with her supervisor.

Yes, that may be true, but staying here is really stressful.

(1) I'm sorry to hear that you want to leave.

(2) But I really want you to reconsider.

(3)That isn't very long, and it won't help your resume if you decide to look for a job in the future.

(4) You've only been here for a year.

Why is her job so stressful?- She doesn't like working with her supervisor.

You've only been here for a year.

But I really want you to reconsider.

She has some serious problems working with her supervisor.

That isn't very long, and it won't help your resume if you decide to look for a job in the future.?

M: Oh, what kind of problems?

L: He takes on projects and assigns them to me with no regard from my other responsibilities. It's just too much. Then he takes all the credit for my work. Maybe I'm just too sensitive.

M: Yes, I know he can't act that way and I have told him it's an area he needs to improve. Anyway, there are people like that in every organization.

What does her supervisor need to improve? -How he works with others.

To take credit for something means...to claim responsibility for the results.

M: I know it's difficult, but you need to learn how to deal with people like him.

L: Well, I don't know. It's really stressful. It isn't easy for me that talk to him.

M: Listen, Lisa. You have great potential and I don't want to lose you. If you already had a job offer, I wouldn't stand in your way. But since you don't, I really want you to stay.

L: I appreciate your saying that. It means a lot.

To stand in the way of something means...to try to stop it.

What's another word for potential? -ability.

(1) If you already had a job offer, I wouldn't stand in your way.

(2) But since you don't, I really want you to stay.

(3) I appreciate your saying that.

(4) It means a lot.

You have greatpotential?and I don't want tolose?you.

If youalready?had a joboffer, I wouldn'tstand?in your way.

Butsince?you don't, I really want you tostay.

M: So will you please reconsider your decision?

L: Yes, I'll talk to my husband.

M: As for Bill, please try to work with him for a bit longer. This is a part of your learning experience.

L: Thanks, I really appreciate your advice. You are a great sales person. I'm feeling better already.

M: You are welcome, Lisa. I need you to stay. Please give it at least another year.

Why does Lisa think her boss is a great sales person?-She has convinced her of the importance of staying instead of quitting.

So will you please reconsider your decision?

She had sold Lisa on the idea of staying for another year.

This is a part of your learning experience.

I know it's difficult, but you need to learn how to deal with people like him.

He takes on projects and assigns them to me with no regard from my other responsibilities.

What advice does she give to Lisa?-to reconsider her decision and stay for at least another year

Thanks, I really appreciate your advice.

Please give it at least another year.

You have great potential and I don't want to lose you.

As for Bill, please try to work with him for a bit longer.

If you already had a job offer, I wouldn't stand in your way.

L5-U2-P4-1 Listening : World's Oldest Murder 1

World's Oldest Murder 1

When the body of the Iceman was discovered, nobody realized that he had been murdered.

It was first believed that he got lost in a storm and had died?in the cold weather.

However, when the discovery of an arrowhead in his body, it was clear that the Iceman was murdered.

Analysis showed that the arrow had entered his body?and cut through an artery in his chest.

This would have caused?severe bleeding and weakened him.

With the loss of blood, he couldn't have survived for very long after being shot.

What damage did the arrow do when it entered his body?- It?cut through an artery.

(1)?When the body of the Iceman was discovered, nobody realized that he had been murdered.

(2)?It was first believed that he got lost in a storm and had died?in the cold weather.

(3)?However, when the discovery of an arrowhead in his body, it was clear that the Iceman was murdered.

(4)?Analysis showed that the arrow had entered his body?and cut through an artery in his chest.

Further examinations revealed something more about how he may have died.

Using a CT scan, scientists found blood in his brain.

This indicated that he was struck on the head before he died.

Either he was hit on the head or he fell and struck his head on a rock.

This probably happened when he was in a weakened condition after being shot by the arrow.

What did the presents of blood in his brain indicate?-He was struck on the head before he died.

Using a CT?scan, scientists found?blood?in his brain. This indicated that he wasstruck?on the head before he died.Either?he was hit on the head or hefell?and struck his head on arock. This probablyhappened?when he was in a weakenedcondition?after beingshot?by the arrow.

Additional evidence showed that the arrow itself had been pulled out of the body.

It had been pulled out with force, leaving just the arrowhead inside.

Even more interesting was what was left behind, the copper ax.

The technology needed to make such a weapon was new at the time.

As a result, scientists believe it was a sign of great wealth and position.

This suggests that the Iceman may have been an important leader.

It also raises the question of why the killer didn't take it with him.

What didn't the killer take with him after killing the Iceman? -the copper ax

(1) Additional evidence showed that the arrow itself had been pulled out of the body.

(2) It had been pulled out with force, leaving just the arrowhead inside.

(3)?Even more interesting was what was left behind, the copper ax.

(4)?The technology needed to make such a weapon was new at the time.

Either he was hit on the head or he fell and struck his head on a rock.

The killer left?the copper ax behind, even though it was valuable.

It also raises the question of why the killer didn't take it with him.

The copper ax, a symbol of power and?wealth, was left near the body.

When the body of the Iceman was discovered, nobody realized that he had been murdered.

L5-U2-P4-2 Listening?:?World's Oldest Murder 2

World's Oldest Murder 2

If the Iceman was important, he may have been the leader of his community.

One leading theory about his death is that he was assassinated.

In ancient times, to take power, you often had to kill the leader.

Perhaps the Iceman was the target of an assassination.

The murderer may have followed the Iceman and killed him from behind.

Then, to protect his identity, he pulled out the arrow and covered the body.

He left the copper ax behind so that he couldn't be identified.

According to this theory, the Iceman was killed by a member of his own community.

Therefore, the murderer was probably someone he knew.

According to this theory, why didn't the killer take the ax? -He didn't want to be identifed.

The murderer may havefollowedthe Iceman andkilledhim from behind.Then, toprotecthis identity, he pulled out the arrow andcoveredthe body. Heleftthe copper axbehindso that hecouldn'tbe identified.

According to this theory,...the?Iceman was assassinated.

If the Iceman wasimportant,he may have been theleader?of his community. Oneleading?theory about his death isthat?he wasassassinated. In ancient times, to takepower, you often had to kill the leader. Perhaps the Iceman was thetarget?of anassassination.

Another theory is that the Iceman was killed after a battle with outsiders.

Since his community was located along an important trade route, it may have been attacked.

The Iceman may have been a military leader fighting to defend his village.

Perhaps he was in a battle with the attackers on the day that he died.

According to this theory, he was fleeing from the battle and was caught from behind in an isolated area.

According to this theory, who killed the iceman? - an of the outsider attackers

Why might the Iceman's?village have?been?attacked? -his community was located along an important trade route.

However, from an analysis of his stomach, it is unlikely that he was running from anyone.

There was a half-pound of food in his stomach when he died.

Since food only remains in the stomach for about an hour, he must have eaten a large meal shortly before his death.

Someone who is in a hurry would never take the time to stop and eat such a large meal.

And if he was killed by outsiders, why didn't they take the copper ax?

So the question remains about what happened on that final day of his life.

The truth is that nobody will ever know what really happened.

The Iceman's murder will remain a mystery forever.

Why is it unlikely that he was killed by outsiders?-Outsiders probably wouldn't have left the ax.

The Iceman's murder will remain a mystery forever.

The murderer may have followed the Iceman and killed him from behind.

In ancient times, to take power, you often had to kill the leader.

Since food only remains in the stomach for about an hour, he must have eaten a large meal shortly before his death.

If the Iceman was important, he may have been the leader of his community.

Why is?it unlikely that he was running away?- He stopped to eat a meal shortly after he was killed.

There was a half-pound of food in his stomach when he died.

Perhaps he was in a battle with the attackers on the day that he died.

One leading theory about his death is that he was assassinated.

Someone who is in a hurry would never take the time to stop and eat such a large meal.

Since his community was located along an important trade route, it may have been attacked.

L5-U2-P4-3 Vocabulary : Interactions

Tointerfere, to slow something down or make it worse by getting in the way.

Having too many meetings is interfering with our work.

I told her to leave us alone and not to interfere in our problems.

All that noise isinterferingwith my ability tothink.

She told me notto interfere, so I left the room and let themdealwith the problem.

We can't finish the project on time if she continues tointerferebyaskingtoo many questions.

Toreflect, to think about or consider something, or to throw back image as from a mirror.

Before I make a decision, I'd like some time to reflect.

When you look into a mirror, your image is reflected back to you.

Afterfinishingthe project, he looked back andreflectedon what?might have beendoneto make it better.

Upon?furtherreflection, I've?decided topostponethe project.

When Ireflecton something, I look at it again and again in mymindand try to see allsidesof it.

Toinfluence, to have an effect on something.

I think she can help us influence the others.

I don't think we can influence the final result.

They don't care what we think, so it will be difficult to influence their decision.

With his powerful support, maybe we caninfluencetheirdecisiontoposponethe project.

We can'tinfluencetheresult, so we don't need toworryabout it.

There's nothing we can doto influencethe result because they don't care anythingexceptmoney.

To focus, to bring attention to something and make it clear.

If we don't focus on something, we won't get anything done.

We aren't sure what to focus on, so everyone is confused.

Hefocusedon too many details and didn't see theoverallshape, so the product was afailure.

The problem with that company isthatthey don'tfocusenough onimprovingquality.

It's important tofocus, but you have to be careful not to get lost indetails.

Toexaggerate, to describe something is larger or more important than it really is.

It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerates.

She said she could sell anything, but of course that was an exaggeration.

Theyexaggeratethe benefits of their product andignorethe problems in quality, so I don'ttrustthem.

In myopinion, it's betterto exaggerateyour skills a bit in an interviewratherthan be too modest.

She said she wasfluentin English, but she wasexaggerating, so it's no surprise that she makes so manymistakes.

I told her toleaveus alone and not tointerferein ourproblems.

They?don'tcarewhat wethinkso it will be difficult to?influencetheir decision.

She said she couldsellanything, but of coursethatwas anexaggeration.

Upon further reflection I've decided?to?postpone the project.

We can't?influence?the?result, so we don't need to?worry?about it.

I'm afraid this terrible news may influence their decision to support us.

When I reflect on something, I look at it again and again in my mind and try to see all sides of it.

The problem with that company is?that?they don't?focus enough on?improving?quality.

Before making a quick decision,he needs some time to reflect.

I'm afraid this terrible newsmay influence their decision.

If things are unclear and confusing,we need to focus on something.

To describe something as larger or more important than it really is ——to exaggerate.

When you look into amirror, yourimage?isreflected?back to you.

We aren'tsure?what tofocus?on, so everyone isconfused.

It's difficult tobelieve?what he saysbecause?he alwaysexaggerates.

All that noise is interfering with my ability to think.

I don't think we can influence the final result.

It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerates.

After finishing the project, he looked back and reflected on what might have been done to make it better.

If we don't focus on something, we won't get anything done.

L5-U2-P4-4 Vocabulary : Features of Information

Features of Information

To bepersuasive, able to cause people to do something by asking or giving reasons.

She is good at selling things, because she is very persuasive.

You can be more persuasive if you have facts to support you.

He isn't verypersuasivebecause people don'ttrusthim.

They can't be persuaded to change their minds, so let's not waste time with them.

To beconvincing, to provide powerful support for a believe and to overcome doubts.

The evidence that he was murdered was convincing.

I couldn't?convince?them?that I was telling the truth, so they arrested me.

They weren'tconvincedthat the date was useful, because it was toodisorganized.

The evidence we use to persuade them was very convincing.

To bemisleading, to lead away from the truth, to give a false idea.

Their advertisements are misleading, so be careful not to be fooled.

He tried to mislead me into buying it by exaggerating the benefits.

The claims made by that companymisleadme intobuyingsomethingthat?didn't work.

I won't vote for him because what he says is misleading and too good to be true.

To beunique, to be highly unusual or different from others.

I like that design, because it's unique and attractive.

She has a unique personality that some people don't like.

They try too hard to beunique, but they shouldfocusmore on quality and better service.

Everthing about her is uniqure, so people are curious to know more about her.

To beordinary, to be just like others, not different from any other.

Their products are?ordinary?with nothing?except?a low price to?recommend?them.

The food at that restaurant was expensive, but the taste was ordinary.

They said they werespecial, but their designs wereordinaryand boring.

Able to cause people to do something by asking or giving reasons ——to be persuasive.

To be highly unusual or different from others ——to be unique.

To lead away from the truth, to give a false idea ——to be misleading.

To be just like others, not different from any other ——to be ordinary.

Their products areordinary?with nothingexcept?a low price torecommend?them.

I couldn'tconvince?themthat?I was telling the truth, so theyarrested?me.

He tried tomislead?me intobuying?it byexaggerating?the benefits.

There is nothing ordinary about her, so we should give her a promotion.

Their advertisements are misleading, so be careful not to be fooled.

She is good at selling things because she is very persuasive.

Their demonstration was boring and disorganized, so it failed to persuade anyone.

He tried to mislead me into buying it by exaggerating the benefits.

L5-U2-P4-5 Dialogue : Improving Personal Image

Improving Personal Image

M: Did you see the beautiful sunset tonight? It was gorgeous.

W: No I didn't, but I'm surprised you even noticed such things.

M: Really? Why are you surprised?

W:?You're so focused on your work. I didn't imagine you had room in your mind for nature.

M: Really? Well, I just don't show it. I make a point of it to notice such things as often as I can.

She couldn't imagine...that he had room in his mind for nature.

W:?You know, I think you should try to show that side of yourself more often. It will improve your image.

M: So you think my image needs improving?

W:?Well, it wouldn't hurt to be a little less formal and to smile once in a while. You might also improve the way you dress, maybe with a few more warm colors?

Which side of himself should he show more often?- the side that notices nature

M: I'm afraid I don't know much about fashion design and warm colors.

W:?Do you really think the way we dress influences people?

W:?You must be kidding. The first impression you give is based on your appearance and clothes. Don't you ever notice the kind of shoes someone is wearing?

M: No, I hardly notice.

What doesn't he know much about?- fashion design and warm colors

You're so focused on your work.

She was surprised that he noticed the?beautiful sunset.

Don't you ever notice the kind of shoes someone is wearing?

I'm afraid I don't know much about fashion design and warm colors.

She couldn't imagine that he had room in his mind to notice things like?sunsets.

W:?Well then, that explains why your shoes are always the same. How old the shoes you are wearing now?

M: These? I don't know, probably a year or so.

W:?And I bet you've been wearing them almost everyday. They look like it.

M: That's right. These shoes are comfortable and they weren't expensive. I'll bet yours were expensive.

W:?Well, they weren't cheap. I think it's important to dress right, to dress for the occasion and make a good impression.

How long has he had the shoes wearing?-about a year

To bet on something means...to be fairly confident about it.

M: OK, why don't we go shopping together this weekend? You can be my fashion adviser.

W:?What's it for me?

M: If I like your advice, I'll buy you another pair of shoes. How's that?

W:?OK, but they won't be cheap. You understand that, right?

M:?Of course, but it'll be worth it if you think my new look will improve my image.

W:?I guarantee it. With me as an adviser, you can't go wrong.

What does he suggest for the weekend?-He suggests that they go shopping together.

She guarantees that his?new look will improve his image.

With me as an adviser, you can't go wrong.

He hardly notices things such as shoes or clothes styles.

I think it's important to dress right, to dress for the occasion and make a good impression.

You might also improve the way you dress, maybe with a few more warm colors?

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