Let your faith be strong and unshakable. Faith has to be lived and demonstrated. not talked about. It grows stronger and stronger when used constantly. It is not something to be taken from a shelf every now and again, used and then put back again until it is next needed. As you learn to live by faith, you will learn to see Me in everyone and everything that is taking place, and realise that there is nowhere where I AM not. It is an inner awareness that all the very best of life stems from within. When you realise that you contain all within you, you will cease that eternal search. You will cease striving and struggling to reach the impossible, and in quietness and confidence find that store house full to 0overflowing of untold treasures. Now is the time to live by faith, not tomorrow or one day when you are feeling stronger and have more confidence. Put it into practice right now and sec how wonderfully it works.