這段時間總是做差不多的夢 夢里一開始的我們總是那么美好 后面卻總會發(fā)生各種各樣不好的事情 我能清楚的記得有人一直牽著我的手 安慰我 可是我卻一直看不清他的臉 以致于每天醒來都特別的失落 最近特別地不開心 說不清是對現(xiàn)實還是夢境 就是覺得難受 一個人靜下來聽歌看電影都會格外的悲傷
那天跟姐姐講了三個鐘的電話 第一次這么真切地知道她那段感情 也第一次明白她有多么的不容易 我一直以為她當初應(yīng)該是恨的 沒想到更多的惋惜和無奈 反過來看自己的感情 真的就是小孩子過家家鬧脾氣 可是即便這樣 我們還是誰也沒能處理好 還是錯過了 還是失去了
《請以你的名字呼喚我》中Elio和Oliver分開后 他父親說的那段話真的很有深度 大概意思是不管你現(xiàn)在經(jīng)歷的是痛苦還是快樂 希望你能好好感受自己內(nèi)心的這種感受 第一次看這一幕的時候我不是很懂 倒回去看了好幾次才慢慢懂得 父親大概是想讓他好好地面對自己內(nèi)心的痛苦 而不是逃避 這樣下一次遇到愛的人他才能全心全意的付出 反觀我們從小到大 不管遇見什么事 大家都跟我們說會過去的 不要想太多 經(jīng)歷過的人都知道 這兩句話除了讓我們知道有人關(guān)心我們之外 真的沒有一點用 我們還是會痛苦 會懊惱 現(xiàn)在想想如果當時我們選擇直視自己的內(nèi)心 結(jié)果會不會不一樣 我們會不會更勇敢一點 而不是像現(xiàn)在這樣畏手畏腳
今天看思達的微博講他跟Ricky在一起到分開的那些事 真的特別心疼他 一個這么沒有安全感又多愁善感的人 要花多大的力氣才能放下 盡管每次只是從文字了解他 還是能真實地感受到他的喜怒哀樂 希望他能找到自己的幸福 希望他一直都是那個古靈精怪開開心心的Monata
父親的話原文:When you least expect it, nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot. Just... remember I'm here. Right now you may not want to feel anything. Maybe you never wanted to feel anything. And uh, maybe it's not to me you'll want to speak about these things but uh... feel something you obviously did. Look, you had a beautiful friendship. Maybe more than a friendship. And I envy you. My place, most parents would hope the whole thing goes away, pray their sons land on their feet but... I am not such a parent. We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to make yourself feel nothing so as not to feel anything... What a waste. Have I spoken out of turn? Then I'll say one more thing. It will clear the air. I may have come close, but I never had what you two have. Something always... held me back, or... stood in the way. How you live your life is your business. Just... remember, our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once. And, before you know it, your heart's worn out, and... and as for your body, there comes a point where no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it. Right now there's sorrow... pain... don't kill it, and with it the joy you've felt.