浪淘沙(簾外雨潺潺)? 李煜(937-978)
簾外雨潺潺/Without the blind the rain is pattering,
春意闌珊/Last intimation of the spring.
羅衾不耐五更寒/These gauzy coverlets too little warmth at midnight bring
夢里不知身是客/To one who in his dreams fancied he was his own once more,
一響貪歡/Once fed and avid for the thing.
獨自莫憑欄/I'd lean upon the rail, but what's the worth?
無限江山/Of hills to cross there is no dearth.
別時容易見時難/Visions of what I felt so lightly bring me no more mirth.
流水落花春去也/Than fallen flowers faring home upon a running stream,
天上人間/Heaven is high, and man is on earth.