


  • 信號(hào)量


  • 優(yōu)先級(jí)反轉(zhuǎn)


  1. 低優(yōu)先級(jí)任務(wù)Task C先鱼,獲取一個(gè)信號(hào)量,獲得對(duì)保護(hù)資源的獨(dú)占使用奸鬓;
  2. 任務(wù)Task C掛起焙畔,讓高優(yōu)先級(jí)任務(wù)Task A執(zhí)行;
  3. 任務(wù)Task A試圖獲取任務(wù)Task C所持有的信號(hào)量而被阻塞串远,直到任務(wù)Task C放棄信號(hào)量宏多;
  4. 任務(wù)Task C允許被再次執(zhí)行,但是被某個(gè)中等優(yōu)先級(jí)的任務(wù)Task B掛起抑淫。

在這種情況下绷落,高優(yōu)先級(jí)任務(wù)Task A在任務(wù)Task B(可能還有其他中等優(yōu)先級(jí)的任務(wù))完成和任務(wù)Task C釋放信號(hào)量之前不能執(zhí)行。表現(xiàn)出來(lái)就是任務(wù)Task A的優(yōu)先級(jí)好像比任務(wù)Task C優(yōu)先級(jí)要低一樣始苇,這種現(xiàn)象就叫優(yōu)先級(jí)反轉(zhuǎn)砌烁。
在一些操作系統(tǒng)中通過(guò)增加低優(yōu)先級(jí)任務(wù)Task C來(lái)避免優(yōu)先級(jí)反轉(zhuǎn)(這種行為的可操作術(shù)語(yǔ)叫優(yōu)先級(jí)繼承)。Nuttx在CONFIG_PRIORITY_INHERITANCE被選中時(shí)是支持這種行為催式,否則的話函喉,需要設(shè)計(jì)人員提供不會(huì)發(fā)生優(yōu)先級(jí)反轉(zhuǎn)的實(shí)現(xiàn),比如:

  • 將需要同一個(gè)信號(hào)量管理的資源的所有任務(wù)設(shè)置成同一級(jí)別的優(yōu)先級(jí)
  • 當(dāng)需要獲取信號(hào)量時(shí)荣月,將低優(yōu)先級(jí)任務(wù)的優(yōu)先級(jí)提升
  • 在低優(yōu)先級(jí)任務(wù)中使用sched_lock()
  • 優(yōu)先級(jí)繼承



    此外窍育,可能存在多個(gè)不同優(yōu)先級(jí)的線程需要等待來(lái)自信號(hào)量的計(jì)數(shù)卡睦,低優(yōu)先級(jí)線程持有信號(hào)量需要被提高,但是又必須跟蹤所有提高優(yōu)先級(jí)的值以便最后能恢復(fù)漱抓,這個(gè)會(huì)讓事情變得復(fù)雜表锻。 CONFIG_SEM_NNESTPRIO定義數(shù)組的大小,每個(gè)活動(dòng)線程都有一個(gè)數(shù)組乞娄。這個(gè)值設(shè)置為等待另一個(gè)線程釋放信號(hào)量上的高優(yōu)先級(jí)線程的最大數(shù)量(-1)瞬逊。

  • 給線程行為帶來(lái)未知風(fēng)險(xiǎn)
    優(yōu)先級(jí)繼承相關(guān)的一些數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)與信號(hào)量的實(shí)現(xiàn)緊密耦合在一起,可能帶來(lái)某些影響仪或。比如确镊,如果線程在信號(hào)量進(jìn)行計(jì)數(shù)時(shí)執(zhí)行;或者如果線程在不調(diào)用sem_destroy()時(shí)退出范删;或者優(yōu)先級(jí)提高后的線程重新確定自己的優(yōu)先級(jí)又會(huì)怎樣蕾域。Nuttx在實(shí)現(xiàn)優(yōu)先級(jí)繼承的時(shí)候會(huì)嘗試去處理所有的corner case,但是也很有可能會(huì)遺漏到旦,最壞的情況是旨巷,內(nèi)存在優(yōu)先級(jí)繼承的情況下出現(xiàn)問(wèn)題。

  • Locking信號(hào)量 VS Signaling信號(hào)量


  • Locking信號(hào)量

  • Signaling信號(hào)量



/* This structure contains information about the holder of a semaphore */

struct tcb_s; /* Forward reference */
struct semholder_s
  struct semholder_s *flink;     /* Implements singly linked list */
  FAR struct tcb_s *htcb;        /* Holder TCB */
  int16_t counts;                /* Number of counts owned by this holder */

/* This is the generic semaphore structure. */

struct sem_s
  volatile int16_t semcount;     /* >0 -> Num counts available */
                                 /* <0 -> Num tasks waiting for semaphore */
  /* If priority inheritance is enabled, then we have to keep track of which
   * tasks hold references to the semaphore.

  uint8_t flags;                 /* See PRIOINHERIT_FLAGS_* definitions */
  FAR struct semholder_s *hhead; /* List of holders of semaphore counts */
# else
  struct semholder_s holder;     /* Single holder */
# endif


  • struct sem_s:用于描述通用的信號(hào)量妻献,其中該結(jié)構(gòu)中包含了信號(hào)量的計(jì)數(shù)變量,以及struct semholder_s成員团赁;
  • struct semholder_s:用于描述信號(hào)量的持有者育拨,對(duì)應(yīng)一個(gè)TCB,以及在該TCB所描述的任務(wù)中信號(hào)量的計(jì)數(shù)值欢摄。由于可能會(huì)存在多個(gè)任務(wù)等待一個(gè)信號(hào)量熬丧,因此這個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu)實(shí)現(xiàn)為一個(gè)單鏈表形式。


  • int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value)

  • int sem_destroy(sem_t *sem)
    完成未命名信號(hào)量sem的銷毀,只有調(diào)用sem_init()接口創(chuàng)建的信號(hào)量吞滞,才能被sem_destroy()銷毀佑菩。調(diào)用sem_destroy() 去銷毀一個(gè)命名信號(hào)量的行為是未定義的,在sem_destroy()之后再去使用信號(hào)量的行為也是未定義的冯吓。

  • sem_t *sem_open(const char *name, int oflag, ...)

  • int sem_close(sem_t *sem)

  • int sem_unlink(const char *name)

  • int sem_wait(sem_t *sem)

  • int sem_timedwait(sem_t *sem, const struct timespec *abstime)

  • int sem_trywait(sem_t *sem)

  • int sem_post(sem_t *sem)

  • int sem_getvalue(sem_t *sem, int *sval)

  • int sem_getprotocol(FAR const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, FAR int *protocol)
    獲取信號(hào)量協(xié)議屬性值螟左,值有: SEM_PRIO_NONE, SEM_PRIO_INHERIT, SEM_PRIO_PROTECT

  • int sem_setprotocol(FAR pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int protocol)
    設(shè)置信號(hào)量協(xié)議屬性匆骗,值有: SEM_PRIO_NONE, SEM_PRIO_INHERIT, SEM_PRIO_PROTECT堰汉。SEM_PRIO_INHERIT只有在CONFIG_PRIORITY_INHERITANCE被選中時(shí)才支持,此外喘先,SEM_PRIO_PROTECT在當(dāng)前的配置下不支持。





  • struct sem_s:該結(jié)構(gòu)中維護(hù)了一個(gè) 信號(hào)燈計(jì)數(shù)值窘拯,當(dāng)有任務(wù)在等待這個(gè)信號(hào)量時(shí),該計(jì)數(shù)值就加1坝茎,釋放信號(hào)量時(shí)树枫,計(jì)數(shù)值則減1.此外還維護(hù)了一個(gè)holder持有者鏈表,把所有想獲取這個(gè)信號(hào)量的任務(wù)組織成鏈表形式景东。
  • g_freeholder:全局隊(duì)列結(jié)構(gòu)砂轻,該結(jié)構(gòu)預(yù)先靜態(tài)分配好了所有的holder持有者數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu),當(dāng)有新的任務(wù)需要等待信號(hào)量時(shí)斤吐,便從這個(gè)全局隊(duì)列中分配一個(gè)搔涝,如果釋放信號(hào)量,則將holder持有者數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)返回到這個(gè)隊(duì)列中和措。
  • g_waitingforsemaphore:全局任務(wù)隊(duì)列庄呈,當(dāng)有任務(wù)調(diào)用sem_wait()等待信號(hào)量,但是沒(méi)法獲取的時(shí)候派阱,就將該任務(wù)添加到g_waitingforsemaphore隊(duì)列中诬留,并讓出CPU,當(dāng)有任務(wù)調(diào)用sem_post()釋放信號(hào)量時(shí)贫母,會(huì)去查詢g_waitingforsemaphore隊(duì)列文兑,是否有等待該信號(hào)量的任務(wù)被阻塞,如果有的話腺劣,則喚醒對(duì)應(yīng)的任務(wù)绿贞。
  • struct semholder_s:信號(hào)量持有者,該結(jié)構(gòu)中主要包含了struct tcb_s橘原,對(duì)應(yīng)到等待該信號(hào)量的任務(wù)籍铁,struct tcb_s結(jié)構(gòu)中有一個(gè)waitsem字段,用于指向這個(gè)任務(wù)在等待的信號(hào)量趾断。此外還有一個(gè)counts計(jì)數(shù)值拒名,用于記錄該任務(wù)想獲取同一個(gè)信號(hào)量的次數(shù)。




  1. 判斷是否在中斷上下文中芋酌,由于sem_wait()可能觸發(fā)任務(wù)調(diào)度增显,造成本身睡眠,因此不能在中斷上下文中調(diào)用隔嫡;
  2. 如果信號(hào)量可用甸怕,將計(jì)數(shù)值減1甘穿,并將調(diào)用任務(wù)添加到信號(hào)量的持有者鏈表中;
  3. 如果信號(hào)量不可用梢杭,將計(jì)數(shù)值減1温兼,將調(diào)用任務(wù)中waitsem值設(shè)置成當(dāng)前信號(hào)量。如果使能了優(yōu)先級(jí)繼承武契,則提升該信號(hào)量持有者中比當(dāng)前調(diào)用任務(wù)優(yōu)先級(jí)低的任務(wù)優(yōu)先級(jí)募判。最后將調(diào)用任務(wù)添加到信號(hào)量等待隊(duì)列g_waitingforsemaphore中。
 * Name: sem_wait
 * Description:
 *   This function attempts to lock the semaphore referenced by 'sem'.  If
 *   the semaphore value is (<=) zero, then the calling task will not return
 *   until it successfully acquires the lock.
 * Parameters:
 *   sem - Semaphore descriptor.
 * Return Value:
 *   0 (OK), or -1 (ERROR) is unsuccessful
 *   If this function returns -1 (ERROR), then the cause of the failure will
 *   be reported in 'errno' as:
 *   - EINVAL:  Invalid attempt to get the semaphore
 *   - EINTR:   The wait was interrupted by the receipt of a signal.
 * Assumptions:

int sem_wait(FAR sem_t *sem)
  FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = this_task();
  irqstate_t flags;
  int ret  = ERROR;

  /* This API should not be called from interrupt handlers */

  DEBUGASSERT(sem != NULL && up_interrupt_context() == false);

  /* The following operations must be performed with interrupts
   * disabled because sem_post() may be called from an interrupt
   * handler.

  flags = enter_critical_section();

  /* sem_wait() is a cancellation point */

  if (enter_cancellation_point())
      /* If there is a pending cancellation, then do not perform
       * the wait.  Exit now with ECANCELED.

      return ERROR;

  /* Make sure we were supplied with a valid semaphore. */

  if (sem != NULL)
      /* Check if the lock is available */

      if (sem->semcount > 0)
          /* It is, let the task take the semaphore. */

          rtcb->waitsem = NULL;
          ret = OK;

      /* The semaphore is NOT available, We will have to block the
       * current thread of execution.

          /* First, verify that the task is not already waiting on a
           * semaphore

          ASSERT(rtcb->waitsem == NULL);

          /* Handle the POSIX semaphore (but don't set the owner yet) */


          /* Save the waited on semaphore in the TCB */

          rtcb->waitsem = sem;

          /* If priority inheritance is enabled, then check the priority of
           * the holder of the semaphore.

          /* Disable context switching.  The following operations must be
           * atomic with regard to the scheduler.


          /* Boost the priority of any threads holding a count on the
           * semaphore.

          /* Add the TCB to the prioritized semaphore wait queue */

          up_block_task(rtcb, TSTATE_WAIT_SEM);

          /* When we resume at this point, either (1) the semaphore has been
           * assigned to this thread of execution, or (2) the semaphore wait
           * has been interrupted by a signal or a timeout.  We can detect these
           * latter cases be examining the errno value.
           * In the event that the semaphore wait was interrupted by a signal or
           * a timeout, certain semaphore clean-up operations have already been
           * performed (see sem_waitirq.c).  Specifically:
           * - sem_canceled() was called to restore the priority of all threads
           *   that hold a reference to the semaphore,
           * - The semaphore count was decremented, and
           * - tcb->waitsem was nullifed.
           * It is necesaary to do these things in sem_waitirq.c because a long
           * time may elapse between the time that the signal was issued and
           * this thread is awakened and this leaves a door open to several
           * race conditions.

          if (get_errno() != EINTR && get_errno() != ETIMEDOUT)
              /* Not awakened by a signal or a timeout...
               * NOTE that in this case sem_addholder() was called by logic
               * in sem_wait() fore this thread was restarted.

              ret = OK;


  return ret;



  1. 調(diào)用sem_releaseholder()接口來(lái)將本任務(wù)中持有信號(hào)量的次數(shù)減1咒唆;
  2. 增加信號(hào)量計(jì)數(shù)值届垫;
  3. 當(dāng)信號(hào)量計(jì)數(shù)值小于等于0時(shí),表明一定有任務(wù)正在睡眠等待本信號(hào)量全释,這些任務(wù)都在g_waitingforsemaphore隊(duì)列中装处,遍歷該隊(duì)列,找到優(yōu)先級(jí)最高的任務(wù)浸船,將它添加進(jìn)信號(hào)量的持有者隊(duì)列中妄迁,并調(diào)度運(yùn)行這個(gè)任務(wù)。
  4. 調(diào)用sem_restorebaseprio()接口來(lái)恢復(fù)之前的優(yōu)先級(jí)(如果有優(yōu)先級(jí)調(diào)整的話)李命,在該函數(shù)中會(huì)去判斷任務(wù)中持有信號(hào)量的計(jì)數(shù)值登淘,當(dāng)減到0時(shí),釋放該持有者封字。
 * Name: sem_post
 * Description:
 *   When a task has finished with a semaphore, it will call sem_post().
 *   This function unlocks the semaphore referenced by sem by performing the
 *   semaphore unlock operation on that semaphore.
 *   If the semaphore value resulting from this operation is positive, then
 *   no tasks were blocked waiting for the semaphore to become unlocked; the
 *   semaphore is simply incremented.
 *   If the value of the semaphore resulting from this operation is zero,
 *   then one of the tasks blocked waiting for the semaphore shall be
 *   allowed to return successfully from its call to sem_wait().
 * Parameters:
 *   sem - Semaphore descriptor
 * Return Value:
 *   0 (OK) or -1 (ERROR) if unsuccessful
 * Assumptions:
 *   This function may be called from an interrupt handler.

int sem_post(FAR sem_t *sem)
  FAR struct tcb_s *stcb = NULL;
  irqstate_t flags;
  int ret = ERROR;

  /* Make sure we were supplied with a valid semaphore. */

  if (sem)
      /* The following operations must be performed with interrupts
       * disabled because sem_post() may be called from an interrupt
       * handler.

      flags = enter_critical_section();

      /* Perform the semaphore unlock operation, releasing this task as a
       * holder then also incrementing the count on the semaphore.
       * NOTE:  When semaphores are used for signaling purposes, the holder
       * of the semaphore may not be this thread!  In this case,
       * sem_releaseholder() will do nothing.
       * In the case of a mutex this could be simply resolved since there is
       * only one holder but for the case of counting semaphores, there may
       * be many holders and if the holder is not this thread, then it is
       * not possible to know which thread/holder should be released.
       * For this reason, it is recommended that priority inheritance be
       * disabled via sem_setprotocol(SEM_PRIO_NONE) when the semahore is
       * initialixed if the semaphore is to used for signaling purposes.

      ASSERT(sem->semcount < SEM_VALUE_MAX);

      /* Don't let any unblocked tasks run until we complete any priority
       * restoration steps.  Interrupts are disabled, but we do not want
       * the head of the read-to-run list to be modified yet.
       * NOTE: If this sched_lock is called from an interrupt handler, it
       * will do nothing.

      /* If the result of of semaphore unlock is non-positive, then
       * there must be some task waiting for the semaphore.

      if (sem->semcount <= 0)
          /* Check if there are any tasks in the waiting for semaphore
           * task list that are waiting for this semaphore. This is a
           * prioritized list so the first one we encounter is the one
           * that we want.

          for (stcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_waitingforsemaphore.head;
               (stcb && stcb->waitsem != sem);
               stcb = stcb->flink);

          if (stcb != NULL)
              /* The task will be the new holder of the semaphore when
               * it is awakened.

              sem_addholder_tcb(stcb, sem);

              /* It is, let the task take the semaphore */

              stcb->waitsem = NULL;

              /* Restart the waiting task. */


      /* Check if we need to drop the priority of any threads holding
       * this semaphore.  The priority could have been boosted while they
       * held the semaphore.

      sem_restorebaseprio(stcb, sem);
      ret = OK;

      /* Interrupts may now be enabled. */


  return ret;



 * Name: sem_timedwait
 * Description:
 *   This function will lock the semaphore referenced by sem as in the
 *   sem_wait() function. However, if the semaphore cannot be locked without
 *   waiting for another process or thread to unlock the semaphore by
 *   performing a sem_post() function, this wait will be terminated when the
 *   specified timeout expires.
 *   The timeout will expire when the absolute time specified by abstime
 *   passes, as measured by the clock on which timeouts are based (that is,
 *   when the value of that clock equals or exceeds abstime), or if the
 *   absolute time specified by abstime has already been passed at the
 *   time of the call.
 * Parameters:
 *   sem - Semaphore object
 *   abstime - The absolute time to wait until a timeout is declared.
 * Return Value:
 *   Zero (OK) is returned on success.  On failure, -1 (ERROR) is returned
 *   and the errno is set appropriately:
 *   EINVAL    The sem argument does not refer to a valid semaphore.  Or the
 *             thread would have blocked, and the abstime parameter specified
 *             a nanoseconds field value less than zero or greater than or
 *             equal to 1000 million.
 *   ETIMEDOUT The semaphore could not be locked before the specified timeout
 *             expired.
 *   EDEADLK   A deadlock condition was detected.
 *   EINTR     A signal interrupted this function.

int sem_timedwait(FAR sem_t *sem, FAR const struct timespec *abstime)
  FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = this_task();
  irqstate_t flags;
  int        ticks;
  int        errcode;
  int        ret = ERROR;

  DEBUGASSERT(up_interrupt_context() == false && rtcb->waitdog == NULL);

  /* sem_timedwait() is a cancellation point */


  /* Verify the input parameters and, in case of an error, set
   * errno appropriately.

  if (!abstime || !sem)
      errcode = EINVAL;
      goto errout;

  /* Create a watchdog.  We will not actually need this watchdog
   * unless the semaphore is unavailable, but we will reserve it up
   * front before we enter the following critical section.

  rtcb->waitdog = wd_create();
  if (!rtcb->waitdog)
      errcode = ENOMEM;
      goto errout;

  /* We will disable interrupts until we have completed the semaphore
   * wait.  We need to do this (as opposed to just disabling pre-emption)
   * because there could be interrupt handlers that are asynchronously
   * posting semaphores and to prevent race conditions with watchdog
   * timeout.  This is not too bad because interrupts will be re-
   * enabled while we are blocked waiting for the semaphore.

  flags = enter_critical_section();

  /* Try to take the semaphore without waiting. */

  ret = sem_trywait(sem);
  if (ret == OK)
      /* We got it! */

      goto success_with_irqdisabled;

  /* We will have to wait for the semaphore.  Make sure that we were provided
   * with a valid timeout.

  if (abstime->tv_nsec < 0 || abstime->tv_nsec >= 1000000000)
      errcode = EINVAL;
      goto errout_with_irqdisabled;

  /* Convert the timespec to clock ticks.  We must have interrupts
   * disabled here so that this time stays valid until the wait begins.

  errcode = clock_abstime2ticks(CLOCK_REALTIME, abstime, &ticks);

  /* If the time has already expired return immediately. */

  if (errcode == OK && ticks <= 0)
      errcode = ETIMEDOUT;
      goto errout_with_irqdisabled;

  /* Handle any time-related errors */

  if (errcode != OK)
      goto errout_with_irqdisabled;

  /* Start the watchdog */

  (void)wd_start(rtcb->waitdog, ticks, (wdentry_t)sem_timeout, 1, getpid());

  /* Now perform the blocking wait */

  ret = sem_wait(sem);
  if (ret < 0)
      /* sem_wait() failed.  Save the errno value */

      errcode = get_errno();

  /* Stop the watchdog timer */


  if (errcode != OK)
      goto errout_with_irqdisabled;

  /* We can now restore interrupts and delete the watchdog */

  /* Success exits */

  rtcb->waitdog = NULL;
  return OK;

  /* Error exits */

  rtcb->waitdog = NULL;

  return ERROR;



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