一凉逛、Message from Balray Arunasalam
頭馬小伙伴一定知道2014年國際演講比賽冠軍Dananjaya Hettiarachchi的那句名言吧“I see something in you”捕捂。原!來!這句話就是前任全球主席Balraj Arunasalam, DTM(2017-2018)2003年在斯里蘭卡推廣頭馬俱樂部時撤师,見到Dananjaya對他說的原話绵脯。“I see something in you…but I don’t know what it is”跨新。
在一個追求快的世界富腊,“have faith in someone is a rare act, but it can be life-changing. Inside each of us is?a unique quality, a hidden talent.?I see something in you, I feel?something for you, and I know what it is! It is your?true potential! Cultivate it, and let it shine.”
下次例會見到熟悉抑或陌生的人,你會用新的眼光看他嗎域帐?Maybe you will see?something?in them!
二赘被、Member Story- A teacher of hope
又是一位令人尊重的全球主席-Robert “Bob” Barnhill, DTM , AS(1996-1997)。他是德克薩斯理工大學的法學博士并留校任教肖揣。1983年加入頭馬俱樂部民假,并在參與頭馬的過程中獲得了對教學與做導師的很大幫助。即使在他生病的時候许饿,也沒有錯過頭馬的任何機會阳欲,他甚至和同為DTM的妻子Jana從德州開車到溫哥華參加國際峰會。
※?Each of us has a special?gift?to share with the world; however, most people fail to let their song be heard.
※?As mentors you open doors; it’s up to the?mentee?to walk through the door.(面條注意了~)
※?We must be tenacious in our quest to make?leadership?development as much a part of Toastmasters as communication training is today.
2013年采訪Robert時陋率,他說自己最想被人銘記為“a teacher of hope”. “…gave me the ability to believe that tomorrow can be a better day, and not to quit, not to give up…and because of that, I have a?light.”
三球化、Public Speaking Skills
1. Want to be funny??
→ How do you learn “funny”? 喜劇技能和任何其他技能一樣是可以練習和提高的。其實最平凡最日常的生活經(jīng)歷中有很多可挖掘的點瓦糟。做個有心人筒愚,多思考,多琢磨菩浙,多聯(lián)想巢掺,是時候拿個小本本記錄點滴了。(有沒有人想起美劇中了不起的麥瑟爾夫人熬Ⅱ摺)
→ Study the sources. 學習別人的幽默演講陆淀、喜劇表演等。將他們的笑點記下來反復斟酌先嬉,研習其結(jié)構(gòu)轧苫。巧妙使用幽默能夠讓你敏銳的看到一些機會去shatter expectations and create surprise!
→ Learn the laughter triggers. 什么能撥動人心理的笑點呢?用驚喜疫蔓、尷尬含懊、觀眾優(yōu)越感身冬、認同、失調(diào)岔乔、釋放酥筝。由于篇幅問題這里只說明一個,失調(diào)雏门,incongruity嘿歌。失調(diào)指的是把一類東西的特點強加到另外一類身上。比如讓動物說話~其他的大家看雜志13頁吧~
→ Make them laugh and remember. 記住演講的主要目標還是deliver a memorable message clearly and effectively. 而幽默的作用就是找到那么開心一刻茁影,順勢傳播你的信息搅幅。
2.Ten tips for introducing your speech globally
如果有一天你不是在西安而是在世界其他角落,聽眾也不再是自己的同胞呼胚,而是有著不同文化習俗的外國人,我們演講前該注意些什么呢息裸?不同地方的人對成功的演講可能有著不同的看法哦~聽聽Dean Foster在全球100多個國家30多年的演講經(jīng)驗總結(jié):how can you get started on the right (cultural) foot?
10) Great beginnings depend on?what you?want to achieve.
你的演講是inspirational, instructive, entertaining or providing cutting-edge information? 不同的目的意味運用不同的方法deliver.比如在德國做技術(shù)類演講蝇更,不宜使用太多fun facts, 因為德國人在職業(yè)專業(yè)領(lǐng)域向來嚴肅。
9) Show who you are from the start.?
不論是在偏好輕松隨意還是正式嚴肅的國家介紹自己呼盆,It’s important to review who you are with?humility.謙虛年扩,即使為了建立權(quán)威性,也要表明是為了更好的服務(wù)觀眾访圃。
8) Demonstrate your admiration of their culture. Endear yourself as an admirer of the country’s achievements.
7) Consider the language trap.
6) Meet with your translator. 如果需要翻譯案铺,提前與譯者溝通好栖雾,同聲翻譯最佳。
5)?Watch your nonverbal message.
4)?Your introduction also indicates the way you think.
3)?Master the technology.
圖片汁雷,演示文稿等技術(shù)道具要準備好净嘀。此外报咳,展示的東西也要考慮聽眾文化中更習慣的方式。如東亞人更愛文字而不是字母來展示一種概念挖藏。Also keep all the images culturally neutral, or at least culturallysensitive.
2) Have a game plan for cultural “damage control”.
萬一說了一些culturally offensive stuff, 承認自己無知犯的錯誤并感謝觀眾讓你了解更多暑刃。
1) Be humble.
最后也是最重要的是humility and gratitude. 觀眾不僅是在評判你,也在評判你的祖國和你代表的一切—從你登臺的那一刻起膜眠。
3. Create Culture of Candor-communication skills
夸獎的話語大家都很樂于聽岩臣,但是忠言逆耳利于行。那萬一有IE坦白了你的不足呢宵膨?怎么鼓勵并優(yōu)雅地接受candid individual feedback?本文的作者 Kelth Ferrazzl可是2018年頭馬金錘獎(Golden Gavel)的獲得者鴨架谎。
☆?Give clear permission?確定你的IE feel safe being candid with you?
☆?Watch your emotions 如果聽到unexpected feedback, try not to be defensive or upset
☆ Be generous and strive for greater connectedness告訴IE為什么看重他的坦誠的觀點。
☆?Say “thank you”.不管是什么樣的反饋辟躏,別忘了說謝謝谷扣。下次可以告訴TA自己如何有效地使用了TA的反饋。
☆?Make it a habit. It is a skill that few have the courage to practice, but it’s a crucial practice to master if you hope to?take?advantage of valuable mentors in your life. Ture collaboration is impossible when people don’t trust one another to speak with candor. It takes work to create a candid environment supported by respectful, honest relationships, but it’s a challenge every leader should embrace.
四捎琐、Toastmasters Enlightens Our Life
1. Decluttering homes and lives
A clear space acts as a powerful launch pad for every area of our lives. “First you need to gain?clarity?of what is in the space, then you can reflect on how these items?align with your vision?for the space and your daily life. ”怎樣成為自己時間和空間的主人?作者Missy
2. How to disagree diplomatically?
工作中遇到不同意見?怎么有效又不失優(yōu)雅的表達不同意呢哑梳?Check it out.
□?depersonalize 把問題和人分開對待麸塞。在工作上有分歧時,要理解:和你持不同意見的人不是對手涧衙,只是同事哪工。Depersonalizing a decision can enable you to?remove the “win”?from the equation and?enjoy the exchange?of ideas.
□ acknowledge and add. 話術(shù):說“I hadn’t thought of that. What I was thinking was…”,避免說“yes, but…”
□?use “I agree” cautiously. 如果一開始就說“I agree”,對方根本就不聽后面的but了哈哈弧哎。把“I agree”放在中間雁比。例如可以這樣:“On the point you just made, I’m in complete agreement. On this point my perspective is…”。Your opinions are best delivered in a way that make people?feel constructive, not judgmental.
“READ and SHARE Toastmaster Magazine”是19-20年度D88大區(qū)的LEAD (Leadership Experience for Advanced Development)項目之一寻拂。本活動旨在通過閱讀和分享頭馬雜志內(nèi)容,更加了解頭馬國際發(fā)展丈牢、認識全球優(yōu)秀頭馬伙伴祭钉,學習演講和領(lǐng)導力,達到更好的個人成長并宣傳頭馬帶來的好處己沛。
歡迎關(guān)注慌核,一起Read and Share,留下你的Comments吧~
Karen QUAN, IP2
VPE of Xi'an Hi-Tech TMC (19.7-20.6)