英文作“說(shuō)話”解的字眼確是很多,有 speak伤提,say巫俺,tell,talk肿男,state介汹,remark却嗡,relate,narrate嘹承,recount窗价,converse,gossip叹卷,chat撼港,chatter 等,但最常用的還是頭上的三個(gè)
A child begins to speak the moment it opens its lips to utter any acknowledged sound.(小孩子剛會(huì)張嘴叫出聲音時(shí)靶溜,他就開始牙牙學(xué)語(yǔ)了。)
A dumb man cannot speak.(啞巴不能說(shuō)話懒震。)
We speak languages.(我們說(shuō)各種語(yǔ)言罩息。)
Don’t speak nonsense!(不要胡說(shuō)8鋈拧)
To speak the truth瓷炮, I don’t like it.(老實(shí)說(shuō),我不喜歡這個(gè)锨匆。)
He did not speak at the meeting.(開會(huì)時(shí)崭别,他未發(fā)言。)
用語(yǔ)言傳達(dá)思想感情時(shí)就說(shuō) say恐锣,所以是有內(nèi)容的茅主,是有意義的。小孩子初期只能 speak土榴,要到相當(dāng)大的時(shí)候才能 say.在直接或間接引用句前后诀姚,普通都用 say,如:
He said玷禽,“ I will go.”
I won’t come赫段,said William.
與間接賓語(yǔ)同用時(shí)在 say 后要再加一個(gè)“to”字,如:
He said something to me.
不可把 say 用在作賓語(yǔ)或補(bǔ)語(yǔ)的不定詞上矢赁,即不可說(shuō) They say him to be mad.但可以說(shuō)成被動(dòng): He is said to be mad.(= It is said that he is mad.)禱告及功課說(shuō) say糯笙,如 to say prayers,to say one’s lesson.美國(guó)話中 say 有特殊的用法:
The teacher says (=tells us)to come early.(老師要學(xué)生早點(diǎn)到校撩银。)
傳言给涕,告訴用 tell,不明說(shuō)出所 speak 的事來(lái),便不能用 tell够庙,即不說(shuō) as I spoke to you yesterday恭应,而要說(shuō) as I told you yesterday.說(shuō)真話說(shuō)假話都用 tell,即 to tell the truth 或 to tell a lie(不能說(shuō) to speak a lie)耘眨。說(shuō)故事是 tell a story.報(bào)時(shí)間是 tell the time.看相算命卜未來(lái)也說(shuō) tell fortunes(算命的人為 fortune-teller)≈玳唬現(xiàn)在我們不妨把以上三字作一比較:
He tells everybody that a councilman often gets up to speak and says nothing.(他對(duì)大家說(shuō),議員常站起來(lái)說(shuō)話而不知所云剔难。)
You say something胆屿,and you tell somebody something.(你說(shuō)點(diǎn)什么,你對(duì)人說(shuō)點(diǎn)什么钥飞。)
She said the movie was good.(她說(shuō)那電影好莺掠。)
She told me the movie was good.(她告訴我那電影好。)