這是一個典型的web應用程序的技術棧,可以在這個項目的基礎上開發(fā)你想做的應用。前端的開發(fā)有開發(fā)和產品兩種模式坚嗜,開發(fā)模式主要是為了Hot code reloading.
1. clone/download the project
2. run "gradle wrapper"
3. run "gradle build" (It will download jar files and js modules dependency)
4. Before importing the project into IDE, comment out "http://include 'src:main:frontend" from settings.gradle
5. Import gradle project to IDE. (I use eclipse)
6. create a postgre db named "pomotodo"
7. Start the mid-tier by running Application.java
8. UI development?
? ?8.1 For projection, navigate to /src/main/frontend and run "npm run build", and go to localhost:8080/pomotodo?
? ?8.2 For development (hot reloading), navigate to /src/main/frontend and run "npm start", and go to localhost:9090?
使用redux-saga的好處是為了side-effect, 比如下面代碼中吴裤,const tasks = yield call(ApiTasks.listTasks); 調用后端服務,?
export function* listTasks() {
? ? const tasks = yield call(ApiTasks.listTasks);
? ? yield put({
? ? ? ? type: LIST_TASK_SUCCESS,
? ? ? ? tasks
? ? })
再下面一行的yield put語句dispatch了LIST_TASK_SUCCESS這個action日裙,payload就是REST API 返回的數(shù)據(jù)tasks.
計劃繼續(xù)開發(fā)這個項目吹艇,最終做一個番茄時間管理的工具。感興趣的朋友可以在github上star 這個項目昂拂,下次可以隨時在“your star”中找到它受神。