日常項(xiàng)目中,程序或Outputs一般會(huì)提前確定好剿涮,通過(guò)Excel Tracker或者文件管理系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行管理言津。各個(gè)公司一般也有相關(guān)工具進(jìn)行檢查,以確保Tracker中的程序或Outputs都在輸出文件夾中取试。
- 獲取系統(tǒng)或Tracker中的文件名稱(chēng)
- 獲取文件夾中已有的文件名稱(chēng)
- 通過(guò)比較以上兩類(lèi)名稱(chēng),獲取缺失或多余的文件
第一部分敲董,可能通過(guò)公司的管理工具獲取紫皇,也可以簡(jiǎn)單導(dǎo)入EXCEL Tracker。
options validvarname = v7;
proc import datafile = "/xxx/xxx/xxx.xlsx"
out = tfls dbms = xlsx replace;
%macro get_file(dirpath =, outdt =, type = sas );
%if "&dirpath." ne "" %then %do;
%local dirpath_tmp slash;
%let slash = %substr(%sysfunc(compress(&dirpath., : _ , a d)), 1, 1);
*Remove trailing slash;
%if "%substr(&dirpath., %length(&dirpath.),1)"= "&slash." %then %let dirpath_tmp=%substr(&dirpath.,1, %length(&dirpath.) -1);
%else %let dirpath_tmp = &dirpath.;
** Dopen--Get filepath;
data &outdt.;
fileres = filename("dirpath", "&dirpath_tmp");
dirid = dopen("dirpath");
num = dnum(dirid);
length direct filename filepath $200;
if dirid >0 and num >0 then do;
do i=1 to num;
direct = "&dirpath_tmp.";
filename = dread(dirid, i);
filepath = catx("&slash.", direct, filename);
%if %index(%upcase(&type), SAS) %then %do;
if strip(scan(filename, 2, "."))="sas" then output;
%if %index(%upcase(&type), RTF) %then %do;
if strip(scan(filename, 2, "."))="rtf" then output;
%if %index(%upcase(&type), XLSX) %then %do;
if strip(scan(filename, 2, "."))= "xlsx" then output;
keep filename filepath;
proc sort;
by filename;
%mend get_file;
dirpath = &path_ana./tables
,outdt = source_pgm_tables
,type = sas
%let out_type = tables;
%let type = T;
proc sql noprint;
**in tracker not in folder;
create table source_in_tracker_&out_type. as
select output_number, base_output_name, program_name, programmer, tester
from tfls
where output_type = "&type." and program_name not in
select filename from source_pgm_&out_type.
**in folder not in tracker;
create table source_in_folder_&out_type. as
select *
from source_pgm_&out_type.
where filename not in
select program_name from tfls
***1. Get file names in tracker (Company internal tool);
%global path_ana pi_sas;
%let path_ana = /xxx/xxx;
%let pi_sas = pi_xxx_xxx.sas;
%include "&path_ana./docs/pi/&pi_sas.";
lib = work
,txtpath = &path_ana./docs/pi/
,outds = all
***2. Macro to get file names in folder;
%macro get_file(dirpath =, outdt =, type = sas );
%if "&dirpath." ne "" %then %do;
%local dirpath_tmp slash;
%let slash = %substr(%sysfunc(compress(&dirpath., : _ , a d)), 1, 1);
*Remove trailing slash;
%if "%substr(&dirpath., %length(&dirpath.),1)"= "&slash." %then %let dirpath_tmp=%substr(&dirpath.,1, %length(&dirpath.) -1);
%else %let dirpath_tmp = &dirpath.;
** Dopen--Get filepath;
data &outdt.;
fileres = filename("dirpath", "&dirpath_tmp");
dirid = dopen("dirpath");
num = dnum(dirid);
length direct filename filepath $200;
if dirid >0 and num >0 then do;
do i=1 to num;
direct = "&dirpath_tmp.";
filename = dread(dirid, i);
filepath = catx("&slash.", direct, filename);
%if %index(%upcase(&type), SAS) %then %do;
if strip(scan(filename, 2, "."))="sas" then output;
%if %index(%upcase(&type), RTF) %then %do;
if strip(scan(filename, 2, "."))="rtf" then output;
%if %index(%upcase(&type), XLSX) %then %do;
if strip(scan(filename, 2, "."))= "xlsx" then output;
%if %index(%upcase(&type), XML) %then %do;
if strip(scan(filename, 2, "."))= "xml" then output;
keep filename filepath;
proc sort;
by filename;
%mend get_file;
***3. Macro to check folder file;
%macro check_folder_file(out_type = tables);
%local type;
%if %upcase(&out_type) = TABLES %then %let type = T;
%else %if %upcase(&out_type) = LISTINGS %then %let type = L;
%else %if %upcase(&out_type) = FIGURES %then %let type = F;
**3.1 Source folder;
dirpath = &path_ana./&out_type.
,outdt = source_pgm_&out_type.
proc sql noprint;
**in tracker not in folder;
create table source_in_tracker_&out_type. as
select output_number, base_output_name, program_name, programmer, tester
from tfls
where output_type = "&type." and program_name not in
select filename from source_pgm_&out_type.
**in folder not in tracker;
create table source_in_folder_&out_type. as
select *
from source_pgm_&out_type.
where filename not in
select program_name from tfls
**3.2 QC folder;
dirpath = &path_ana./&out_type./validation
,outdt = qc_pgm_&out_type.
proc sql noprint;
**in tracker not in folder;
create table qc_in_tracker_&out_type. as
select output_number, testing_program_name, tester
from tfls
where output_type = "&type." and testing_program_name not in
select filename from qc_pgm_&out_type.
**in folder not in tracker;
create table qc_in_folder_&out_type. as
select *
from qc_pgm_&out_type.
where filename not in
select testing_program_name from tfls
**3.3 Output folder;
dirpath = &path_ana./&out_type./output
,outdt = output_&out_type.
,type = rtf-xlsx
proc sql noprint;
**in tracker not in folder;
create table output_in_tracker_&out_type. as
select *
from tfls
where output_type = "&type." and output_name not in
select filename from output_&out_type.
**in folder not in tracker;
create table output_in_folder_&out_type. as
select *
from output_&out_type.
where filename not in
select output_name from tfls
where output_type = "&type."
**3.4 xml template folder (internal use);
dirpath = &path_ana./docs/templates
,outdt = tflgen_template
,type = xml
proc sql noprint;
**in tracker not in folder;
create table tflgen_template_in_tracker as
select *
from tfls
where tflgen_allow_code_generation = "Yes" and strip(tflgen_template_name)||".xml" not in
select filename from tflgen_template
**in folder not in tracker;
create table tflgen_template_in_folder as
select *
from tflgen_template
where filename not in
select strip(tflgen_template_name)||".xml" from tfls
where tflgen_allow_code_generation = "Yes"
%mend check_folder_file;
%check_folder_file(out_type = tables);
%check_folder_file(out_type = listings);
%check_folder_file(out_type = figures);
感謝閱讀, 歡迎關(guān)注:SAS茶談苇侵!
梳理不易榆浓,轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處 (by Jihai / SAS茶談)