這位天體物理學家叫尼爾·泰森(Neil deGrasse Tyson),2015年4月榮獲美國國家科學院頒發(fā)的最高獎項喉酌。蓋茨說:我將這一事件列入正能量清單热凹,并非出于泰森博士獲獎本身(他其實是一位屢獲殊榮的科學家)泵喘,而是因為他在頒獎典禮上所做的精彩演講。他關于確卑忝睿科學在政策制定中扮演重大角色的觀點和論述過程是我聽到過最棒的——他借鑒了葛底斯堡演說(編者注:《葛底斯堡演說》是第16任美國總統(tǒng)亞伯拉罕·林肯最著名的演說纪铺,也是美國歷史上為人引用最多之政治性演說),論述過程只用了272個字碟渺。這一演講應當與葛底斯堡演說共同成為所有學生的必讀必看佳作鲜锚。
I got a phone call from the A.L Library Foundation, and they asked me, would I mind composing 272 words of my own, reflecting on A.L.’s Gettysburg Address.
I’m gonna read you what I wrote.
One and a half centuries ago, Civil War divided these United States of America. Yet in its wake, we would anneal as one nation, indivisible. During the bloody year of his Gettysburg Address, President Lincoln chartered the National Academy of Sciences, comprised of fifty distinguished American researchers whose task was then, as now, to advise Congress and the Executive Branch of all ways the frontier of science may contribute to the health, wealth, and security of its residents.
As a young nation, just four score and seven years old, we had plucked the engineering fruits of the Industrial Revolution that transformed Europe, but Americans had yet to embrace the meaning of science to society. Now with more than two thousand members, the National Academy encompasses dozens of fields undreamt of at the time of Lincoln’s charter. Quantum Physics, discovered in the 1920s, now drives nearly one third of the world’s wealth, forming the basis for our computer revolution in the creation, storage, and retrieval of information. And as we continue to warm our planet, Climatology may be our only hope to save us from ourselves.During the centennial of its charter, President Kennedy addressed the Academy membership, noting, “The range and depth of scientific achievement in this room constitutes the seedbed of our nation’s future.”
In this, the twenty-first century, innovations in science and technology form the primary engines of economic growth. While most remember Honest Abe for war and peace, and slavery and freedom, the time has come to remember him for setting our Nation on a course of scientifically enlightened governance, without which we all may perish from this Earth.