看過這樣一句話印象非常深:“When it feels scary to jump, that is exactly when you jump. Otherwise, you end up staying in the same place your whole life.” 很多時候我們都在等待一個萬事俱備的時機來開始一件事情固翰,但往往導致的結(jié)果是這件事情還沒有開始就已經(jīng)結(jié)束了雏吭。還記得大一的時候有個非常牛的律所招實習生就轧,但由于擔心自己學歷太淺沒有優(yōu)勢就想著再過兩年申請,兩年以后又由于種種的原因?qū)е伦约簭奈唇o這家心儀已久的律所投過簡歷究恤。“明日復明日财饥,明日何其多落竹。日日待明日,萬事成蹉跎剪况〗陶矗” 人真的有種懶惰和膽怯的天性,所以敦促自己去實現(xiàn)一個目標的最好方式就是邁出第一步译断,不管這一步多么的隨便和潦草授翻,因為只有邁出了第一步才能給自己斬斷后路逼迫自己前行。
From 重生
From 哇
From 小呆貓
原文:then ride a bicycle to the Stanford campus to make his sales pitch
朗文釋義:PERSUADING 說服? [C] the things someone says to persuade people to buy something, do something, or accept an idea informal 叫賣語,廣告語曙寡;宣傳 【非正式】
例句:an aggressive salesman with a fast-talking sales pitch? 推銷時說話像連珠炮一般咄咄逼人的推銷員
make a/sb’s pitch (for sth)(= try to persuade people to do something) (推銷宣傳 某事物)
例句:He made his strongest pitch yet for standardized testing in schools.
造句: It is no use making your pitch for selling apartment to me, since I am just a poor student.
From 哇
There was no clean-technology movement at this time, but there were companies dabbling with new uses for solar power and electric vechicles.
釋義dabble in/at/with:to do something or be involved in something in a way that is not very serious?
例:people who dabble in painting as a way of relaxing
造句:At first, he just dabbled with playing guitar, but he gradually developed as an skillful guitar player.
From 葉小靜