The 'great dying': rapid warming caused largest extinction event ever, report says
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Rapid global warming caused the largest extinction event in the Earth’s history, scientists have found. The mass extinction, known as the “great dying”, occurred around 252m years ago and marked the end of the Permian geologic period.
科學家發(fā)現(xiàn)杠氢,全球迅速變暖曾導(dǎo)致了地球史上最大的一次滅絕事件站刑。這場大規(guī)模集群滅絕也稱“大滅絕”,它發(fā)生在大約 2.52 億年前鼻百,標志著二疊紀地質(zhì)時代的結(jié)束绞旅。
The event was the single greatest calamity ever to befall life on Earth, eclipsing even the extinction of the dinosaurs 65m years ago. Up to 96% of all marine species perished while more than two-thirds of terrestrial species disappeared.
這場大滅絕對于地球上的生命來說曾是一場最致命的災(zāi)難摆尝,嚴重程度甚至超過了 6500 萬年前恐龍的大滅絕。多達 96%的海洋物種死亡因悲,超過三分之二的陸地物種消失堕汞。
The researchers built a model to analyse changes in animal metabolism, ocean and climate conditions. They found that marine animals essentially suffocated as warming waters lacked the oxygen required for survival. “For the first time, we’ve got a whole lot of confidence that this is what happened,” said Deutsch, an oceanography expert who co-authored the research. “It’s a very strong argument that rising temperatures and oxygen depletion were to blame.”
Over the past century, global warming is already causing punishing heatwaves, flooding and wildfires around the world, with scientists warning that the temperature rise could reach 3C or more by the end of the century unless there are immediate, radical reductions in emissions.
在過去一個世紀里适贸,全球變暖已經(jīng)在世界各地引起了嚴重的熱浪跪呈、洪水和野火∪∮猓科學家警告說耗绿,除非立即徹底減少排放量,否則到本世紀末砾隅,氣溫上升可能達到 3 攝氏度或更高误阻。
At the same time, Earth’s species are undergoing what some experts have termed the “sixth great extinction” due to habitat loss, poaching, pollution and climate change.
“The past holds the key to the future,” said Pamela Grothe, a paleoclimate scientist at the University of Mary Washington. “If we continue in the trajectory we are on with current emission rates, this study highlights the potential that we may see similar rates of extinction in marine species as in the end of the Permian.”
—————? 文章來源 / 衛(wèi)報
1.extinction /?k?st??k?n/ n. 滅絕
e.g. an extinct species (adj.)
2.mass/m?s/ adj. 大規(guī)模的
e.g. mass stranding
3.Permian/?p??rmi?n/ adj. 二疊紀的
4.geologic period 地質(zhì)時代
5.calamity/k??l?m?ti/ n. 災(zāi)難恼蓬,災(zāi)禍
6.befall/b??f??l/ v. (壞事)降臨于/發(fā)生在…身上
7.eclipse/??kl?ps/ v. (日/月食)光芒蓋過(天體)惊完; 掩沒…的重要性;凌駕于…之上
e.g. There will be a total eclipse of the sun today. (n.)
? ? ? The sun will be totally eclipsed today.
? ? ? The economy has eclipsed all other issues.
8.marine/m??ri?n/ adj. 海洋的
9.perish /?per??/ v. (尤指因事故)喪生处硬,死亡小槐;毀滅
e.g. Three hundred people perished in the earthquake.
10.terrestrial/t??restri?l/ adj. 陸地的;(動物)陸生的荷辕,陸棲的
e.g. terrain; territory
11.metabolism/m??t?b?l?z?m/ n. 新陳代謝
12.suffocate /?s?f?ke?t/ v. (使)窒息而死凿跳;(使)悶死
e.g. Many of the victims had suffocated to death.
13.a whole lot (of) 大量件豌;非常
e.g. I don't like him a whole lot.
? ? ? = a whole bunch of
14.oceanography/?o????nɑ?ɡr?fi/ n. 海洋學 /?ko? ???θ?r/ v. 共同撰寫,合著
16.depletion/d??pli??n/ n. 減少控嗜,減小 to blame 是...的原因茧彤,...應(yīng)承擔責任
e.g. That driver was to blame for the accident.
18.punishing/?p?n????/ adj. 繁重的,累人的躬审;破壞嚴重的
e.g. Currently she has a punishing schedule.
19.radical/?r?d?kl/ adj. 根本的棘街,徹底的;激進的
e.g. radical views
? ? ? radical changes
20.undergo /??nd?r?ɡo?/ v. 經(jīng)歷承边,經(jīng)受(令人不快的事或變化)
e.g. She underwent an operation.
21.poach/po?t?/ v. (侵入他人地界)偷獵遭殉,偷捕
22.hold the key to 是...的關(guān)鍵;能夠解釋或解決...
e.g. The majority group holds the key to the result.
? ? ? Tourism holds the key to the region’s recovery.
23.paleoclimate/?peili??u?klaimit/ n. 古氣候
24.trajectory/tr??d?ekt?ri/ n. 軌道博助,軌跡
e.g. The inflation is on a downward trajectory.