ERROR ITMS-90680: "Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/xxx.app/IDLFaceSDK.framework is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under "Frameworks"."
ERROR ITMS-90685: "CFBundleIdentifier Collision. There is more than one bundle with the CFBundleIdentifier value 'aaa.IDLFaceSDK' under the iOS application 'xxx.app'."
WARNING ITMS-90806: "CFBundleIdentifier collision. Each bundle must have a unique bundle identifier. The bundle identifier 'aaa.IDLFaceSDK' is used in the bundles '[Payload/xianshangkao.app/Frameworks/IDLFaceSDK.framework, Payload/xxx.app/IDLFaceSDK.framework]'"
和我的問題一樣,但是里面所說的解決方案 我好早就嘗試過了蓖议,沒有什么作用虏杰,最終在Xcode 中的 Build phases - copy Bundle resources 中發(fā)現(xiàn)了我那個庫, 然后把他刪掉就可以打包了,Build phases - copy Bundle resources中一般存放一些資源文件勒虾,例如圖片纺阔、plist 等。