yum -y install wget lrzsz
seteforce 0
systemctl stop firewalld
wget http://learning.happymmall.com/jdk/jdk-7u80-linux-x64.rpm
rpm -qa | grep jdk
rz 導(dǎo)入
rpm -ivh jdk-7u80-linux-x64.rpm
java -version
vi /etc/profile
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
source /etc/profile
groupadd weblogic
useradd -g weblogic weblogic
passwd weblogic
vi /etc/sudoers
weblogic ALL=(ALL) ALL
vi /etc/security/limits.conf
weblogic soft nofile 102400
weblogic hard nofile 102400
weblogic soft nproc 102400
weblogic hard nproc 102400
ulimit -a
mkdir weblogic
chown -R weblogic:weblogic weblogic
chmod a+x wls1036_generic.jar
mkdir -p home/weblogic
mv wls1036_generic.jar home/weblogic
su - weblogic
java -jar wls1036_generic.jar
Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.
Extracting 0%....................................................................................................100%
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
This installer will guide you through the installation of WebLogic\.
Type "Next" or enter to proceed to the next prompt. If you want to change data entered previously, type "Previous". You may quit the installer at any time by typing "Exit".
Enter [Exit][Next]> 直接回車
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Choose Middleware Home Directory:
"Middleware Home" = [Enter new value or use default
Enter new Middleware Home OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> /weblogic/Oracle/Middleware
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Choose Middleware Home Directory:
"Middleware Home" = [/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware]
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Enter new Middleware Home
2 - Change to default [/home/weblogic11g/Oracle/Middleware]
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address for security updates and to initiate configuration manager.
2|Support Password:[]
3|Receive Security Update:[Yes]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address for security updates and to initiate configuration manager.
"Receive Security Update:" = [Enter new value or use default "Yes"]
Enter [Yes][No]? No
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address for security updates and to initiate configuration manager.
"Receive Security Update:" = [Enter new value or use default "Yes"]
** Do you wish to bypass initiation of the configuration manager and
** remain uninformed of critical security issues in your configuration?
// 確認(rèn)剛剛的修改
Enter [Yes][No]?Yes
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Register for Security Updates:
Provide your email address for security updates and to initiate configuration manager.
2|Support Password:[]
3|Receive Security Update:[No]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Choose Install Type:
Select the type of installation you wish to perform.
| Install the following product(s) and component(s):
| - WebLogic Server
| - Oracle Coherence
| Choose software products and components to install and perform optional
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
JDK Selection (Any * indicates Oracle Supplied VM):
JDK(s) chosen will be installed. Defaults will be used in script string-substitution if installed.
1|Add Local Jdk
*Estimated size of installation: 690.2 MB
Enter 1 to add or >= 2 to toggle selection OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Choose Product Installation Directories:
Middleware Home Directory: [/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware]
Product Installation Directories:
1|WebLogic Server: [/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3]
2|Oracle Coherence: [/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/coherence_3.7]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
The following Products and JDKs will be installed:
WebLogic Platform
|_____WebLogic Server
| |_____Core Application Server
| |_____Administration Console
| |_____Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework
| |_____Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server
| |_____WebLogic SCA
| |_____WebLogic JDBC Drivers
| |_____Third Party JDBC Drivers
| |_____WebLogic Server Clients
| |_____WebLogic Web Server Plugins
| |_____UDDI and Xquery Support
| |_____Evaluation Database
|_____Oracle Coherence
|_____Coherence Product Files
*Estimated size of installation: 690.3 MB
Enter [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
Aug 26, 2019 4:09:15 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$2 run
INFO: Created user preferences directory.
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Installing files..
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Performing String Substitutions...
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Configuring OCM...
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Creating Domains...
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Installation Complete
Congratulations! Installation is complete.
Press [Enter] to continue or type [Exit]> 直接回車
<-------------------- Oracle Installer - WebLogic ------------------->
Clean up process in progress ...
安裝完成后需要創(chuàng)建WebLogic domain骏令,下面是創(chuàng)建過程:
[weblogic11g@gztvtest weblogic]$ cd Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin/
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ ll
total 112
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 22803 Aug 26 16:09 commEnv.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 2124 Aug 26 16:09 config_builder.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 2276 Aug 26 16:09 config.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 2581 Aug 26 16:09 pack.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 2150 Aug 26 16:09 setPatchEnv.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 4084 Aug 26 16:09 startDerby.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 4090 Aug 26 16:09 startManagedWebLogic.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 1450 Aug 26 16:09 stopDerby.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 2089 Aug 26 16:09 unpack.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 3300 Aug 26 16:09 upgrade.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 31219 Aug 26 16:09 wlscontrol.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 13740 Aug 26 16:09 wlsifconfig.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 786 Aug 26 16:09 wlst.sh
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ ./config.sh
Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Choose between creating and extending a domain. Based on your selection,
the Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to generate a new or
extend an existing domain.
->1|Create a new WebLogic domain
| Create a WebLogic domain in your projects directory.
2|Extend an existing WebLogic domain
| Use this option to add new components to an existing domain and modify |configuration settings.
//默認(rèn)1創(chuàng)建新的WebLogic domain蔬捷,2是增加一個WebLogic domain
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]> 直接回車
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Select Domain Source:
Select the source from which the domain will be created. You can create the
domain by selecting from the required components or by selecting from a
list of existing domain templates.
->1|Choose Weblogic Platform components
| You can choose the Weblogic component(s) that you want supported in
|your domain.
2|Choose custom template
| Choose this option if you want to use an existing template. This
|could be a custom created template using the Template Builder.
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Application Template Selection:
Available Templates
|_____Basic WebLogic Server Domain - [wlserver_10.3]x
|_____Basic WebLogic SIP Server Domain - [wlserver_10.3] [2]
|_____WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-RPC Extension - [wlserver_10.3] [3]
|_____WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-WS Extension - [wlserver_10.3] [4]
Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Edit Domain Information:
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | base_domain |
Enter value for "Name" OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> cbossdomain
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Edit Domain Information:
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | cbossdomain |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "Name"
2 - Discard Changes
//1 修改名字榔袋,2周拐,放棄修改
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Select the target domain directory for this domain:
"Target Location" = [Enter new value or use default
Enter new Target Location OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Configure Administrator User Name and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | |
3| *Confirm user password: | |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "Name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
//1修改名字 2.修改密碼 3確認(rèn)密碼 4修改描述
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Configure Administrator User Name and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
"*User password:" = []
Enter new *User password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]>abc123
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Configure Administrator User Name and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | ******** |
3| *Confirm user password: | |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "Name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
5 - Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Configure Administrator User Name and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
"*Confirm user password:" = []
Enter new *Confirm user password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]> abc123
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Configure Administrator User Name and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the
default administrator used to start development mode servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | weblogic |
2| *User password: | ******** |
3| *Confirm user password: | ******** |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "Name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
5 - Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Domain Mode Configuration:
Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain.
->1|Development Mode
2|Production Mode
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Java SDK Selection:
->1|Sun SDK 1.6.0_45 @ /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_45
2|Other Java SDK
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Select Optional Configuration:
1|Administration Server [ ]
2|Managed Servers, Clusters and Machines [ ]
3|RDBMS Security Store [ ]
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 直接回車
<------------------- Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard ------------------>
Creating Domain...
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
**** Domain Created Successfully! ****
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$
- 第一次前臺運行AdmininServer
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ cd /weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/cbossdomain/bin/
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ ll
total 48
drwxr-x---. 2 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:13 nodemanager
drwxr-x---. 2 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:13 server_migration
drwxr-x---. 2 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:13 service_migration
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 13251 Aug 26 17:13 setDomainEnv.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 3193 Aug 26 17:13 startManagedWebLogic.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 5694 Aug 26 17:13 startWebLogic.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 2406 Aug 26 17:13 stopManagedWebLogic.sh
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 1974 Aug 26 17:13 stopWebLogic.sh
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ ./startWebLogic.sh
JAVA Memory arguments: -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
WLS Start Mode=Production
* To start WebLogic Server, use a username and *
* password assigned to an admin-level user. For *
* server administration, use the WebLogic Server *
* console at http://hostname:port/console *
starting weblogic with Java version:
java version "1.6.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode)
Starting WLS with line:
/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java -server -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dweblogic.Name=AdminServer -Djava.security.policy=/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.policy -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=true -da -Dplatform.home=/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3 -Dwls.home=/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server -Dweblogic.home=/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server -Dweblogic.management.discover=true -Dwlw.iterativeDev=false -Dwlw.testConsole=false -Dwlw.logErrorsToConsole=false -Dweblogic.ext.dirs=/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/patch_wls1036/profiles/default/sysext_manifest_classpath:/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/patch_ocp371/profiles/default/sysext_manifest_classpath weblogic.Server
<Aug 26, 2019 5:23:47 PM CST> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090905> <Disabling CryptoJ JCE Provider self-integrity check for better startup performance. To enable this check, specify -Dweblogic.security.allowCryptoJDefaultJCEVerification=true>
<Aug 26, 2019 5:23:47 PM CST> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090906> <Changing the default Random Number Generator in RSA CryptoJ from ECDRBG to FIPS186PRNG. To disable this change, specify -Dweblogic.security.allowCryptoJDefaultPRNG=true>
<Aug 26, 2019 5:23:48 PM CST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting WebLogic Server with Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Version 20.45-b01 from Sun Microsystems Inc.>
<Aug 26, 2019 5:23:48 PM CST> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141107> <Version: WebLogic Server Tue Nov 15 08:52:36 PST 2011 1441050 >
<Aug 26, 2019 5:23:49 PM CST> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090065> <Getting boot identity from user.>
Enter username to boot WebLogic server:
<Aug 26, 2019 5:35:05 PM CST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default[2]" is now listening on for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
<Aug 26, 2019 5:35:05 PM CST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default[3]" is now listening on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7001 for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
<Aug 26, 2019 5:35:05 PM CST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default[1]" is now listening on fe80:0:0:0:250:56ff:fe80:2f1d:7001 for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
<Aug 26, 2019 5:35:05 PM CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000329> <Started WebLogic Admin Server "AdminServer" for domain "cbossdomain" running in Production Mode>
<Aug 26, 2019 5:35:05 PM CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RUNNING>
<Aug 26, 2019 5:35:05 PM CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>
- 配置AdminServer后臺運行
Ctrl + c結(jié)束前臺運行的AdminServer,首次運行AdminServer后播急,會自動在cbossdomain目錄下創(chuàng)建servers/AdminServer目錄
[weblogic11g@gztvtest cbossdomain]$ ll
total 40
drwxr-x---. 2 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:13 autodeploy
drwxr-x---. 5 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:13 bin
drwxr-x---. 10 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:23 config
drwxr-x---. 2 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:13 console-ext
-rw-r-----. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 462 Aug 26 17:13 fileRealm.properties
drwxr-x---. 2 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:13 init-info
drwxr-x---. 2 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:13 lib
drwxr-x---. 2 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:13 security
drwxr-----. 3 weblogic11g weblogic 4096 Aug 26 17:23 servers
-rwxr-x---. 1 weblogic11g weblogic 277 Aug 26 17:13 startWebLogic.sh
[weblogic11g@gztvtest cbossdomain]$ pwd
[weblogic11g@gztvtest AdminServer]$ pwd
[weblogic11g@gztvtest AdminServer]$ mkdir security
[weblogic11g@gztvtest AdminServer]$ cd security/
[weblogic11g@gztvtest security]$ vi boot.properties
- 優(yōu)化JVM參數(shù)
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ pwd
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ vi startWebLogic.sh
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ vi setDomainEnv.sh
(1)trap ‘stopAll’ 1 2 3 15上方加入代碼:MEM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
MEM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
trap 'stopAll' 1 2 3 15
SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Djava.awt.headless=true"
- 后臺啟動weblogic
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ nohup ./startWebLogic.sh & //記錄會保存到自動創(chuàng)建的nohup.out文件中
[1] 19314
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'
[weblogic11g@gztvtest security]$ cat boot.properties
#Mon Aug 26 17:50:20 CST 2019
[weblogic11g@gztvtest bin]$ nohup ./stopWebLogic.sh & //記錄會保存到自動創(chuàng)建的nohup.out文件中