1.Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destory them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Old historic buildings ——should be destoried and not be destoried.
there are controversy about old building , should look in two ways(?)
should be destoried
- decrepit and often unsafe
- spoil the cityscape
- the urban population boom calls for construction of high-rise structures
should not be destoried
- buildings of historic value(歷史文化價(jià)值)
- historic buildings of specific esthetic value(特定的建筑審美價(jià)值)
- historic landmarks(歷史地標(biāo)性建筑)
- unique ethnic architecture and historic houses(Fontainebleau, Palais du Louvre
because of development should be destoried while others have signifacant meaning should be effectively preserved
Old buildings abound in urban areas today. As the imbalance development in different areas of city, old building clashed with morden buildings so are becoming serious problems which have. Here are two opinions about the solutions to those old structures.
On the one hand, those old useless buildings should be removed from urban areas. Those buildings are decrepit, so they are unsafe to live in and walk by(pedestrains are easy to get hurt by falling tiles). Besides, those old buildings are not beautiful enough, and may spoil the cityscape. So those decrepit structures should be removed. Finally, with the booming of urban population, the demands of the construction of high-rise structures are very increasing now. In other words, to leave more space for those high-rise structures, the old structures should be removed as soon as possible.
On the other hand, there are also some old buildings need to be preserved. First, those old buildings have historic and cultural value. History now becomes the spirit of a city through those old buildings, and most people of this city have great memory about those buildings. Such as Wenmiao, the temple in some ancient cities in China, which means a temple for the Confucious and it also symbolizes the culture of teaching and learning of ancient Chinese. Second, those buildings have specific esthetic value in architectural history which can be a milestone of one architectural style. Thirdly, such as Eiffel in Paris and the Forbidden City in Beijing, those are historic landmarks which can be representative of the city.
All in all, because of the development of urban area, there are lots of old buildings should be destoried, while there are also old structures which have signifacant meaning of those cities should be effectively preserved.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns.
although important
reward the employees financially
meet their material demand
it's hard-earned money
others equally important
1.the sense of belonging
2.room for professional growth and career advancement
3.the sense of fulfiilment
4.interpersonal relationship
5.team spirit
(office politics and office gossip)
job satisfaction
compensation = salary
As a junior student in college, I have a great interest in the judgement of a job before my graduation. Some people think that the salary of this job is very important and when they look for the job they will take the salary into the first account. However, in my opinion, the compensation is not the primary requirment when I am applying for a job and I will give some examples as following.
Admittly, the compensation is really significant. High compensation can reward company's employees financially, and at the same time it also can meet their material demand. Without earning enough money, their quality of lives could not be ensured.Though the compensation is important, it is the only one of many conditions we should consider, especially for young people.
In fact, there are many requirments we should take into account when we are looking for our jobs and those conditions are equally important. First of all, in my opinion, the sense of belonging about the company which working in is important. Without this kind of sense, employees are hard to participate in the working tasks. Employees finish their job rather than work for the company so that they have less motivation and working just likes suffering . Second, it's also important for the youth to find a company with huge room for professional growth and career advancement(prospect). Young people need more exercise to increase themselves and a good company have larger room for young employees' growth and advancement. Third, team spirit of one company is significant because employees might not want to work in a position where involving in office politics and sinking into office gossips.
Above all, the compensation is just one of many requirments, and there are lots of factors which influencing the job satisfaction.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People should read only those books that are about real events, real people and established facts.
Obviously not
non-fiction is good. Huge infomation, factual, easy to understand.
readers of fiction are in huge amounts.
- fairy tale books create or stimulate children's imagination and creativity
- detective novels are entertaining because they keep readers in suspense
- science fictions often turns out to be accurate predictions about future technology
There are many good choice for reading. Don't confine your interests about books to one particular genre
Reading is a good way for people to learn. Not only students need to read a lot but also teachers, workers, doctors and other people should have a habit of reading. There are numerous categories of books and we can learn more from different
kinds of books. I am completely against the idea that only reading that about real events and people.
I have to admit that those non-fiction books are good. They talk about factual events which have significant ethical and cultural value, about real people whose stories or biographies are historic+. Althoug?h reading those non-fiction books provides us with a sheer amount of experience about life and methods of interaction with others, we need to read books from various genres.
In fact, there are many kinds of books such as fairy tale books, detective novels, surreal fantasy novels and even science fictions. First, reading books can stimulate readers' imagination and creativity. Such as my girlfriend does well in imaging and dreaming because of reading many fairy tale books. Second, reading books are entertaining. Such as reading detective novels because they keep readers in suspense. Just take me as an example: while I was reading "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", I was anxious to finish reading the book and I enjoyed the reading time. Third, reading can predict. For example, science fictions often turns out to be accurate predictions about future technology. We can learn lots of equipments and technologies through reading science fictions. The most famous thing in science fiction history is that Jules Verne predicted submarine in his books "20 , 000 Leagues Under the Sea".
There are many good choices for reading. Don't confine your interests about books to one particular genre. Try to read more, and read good books.
4.It's sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you agree or disagree?
Borrowing money in daily life is a common thing because everybody has the possibility to get into trouble in finance and wants to ask help from others. There is a controversy now that borrowing money from a friend can harm the friendship between them. In fact, I am in favor of it and I will give following reasons to explain my idea.
Although I am happy to borrow my money to my friends, I usually feel disappoint when my friends forget to return it. Once, not returning money was so imposing that I thought I would never borrow money to that friend because he told me he would give my money back in three days and told me to notice him. But when I greeted him as usual three days later, I received long time silence without any reply messages. That's why I felt so angry about borrowing my money to him.
Besides, asking friends to lend money to him again and again is also a annoyed thing. Here is my friend doing so, although he returned the money soon, I also felt unpleasant because repeatedly borrowing money may distrub me. If I have the demand to borrow money reapeatedly, I would rather ask different people of my friends to avoid distrubing them again and again.
If my friend asks me to lend him money again and again and he never returns, I may split with him immediately.
However, sometimes I won't feel angry when my friends ask me whether he can borrow some money from me to help him in truly trouble by accident. Besides, some of my friends keep their words and invite me to dinner together to thank. At this time, I feel so pleasure to help them.
All in all, I think that bad borrowing and returning habits may cause friendship break down and good one may not.
5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.
6.In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they're still students. Do you think this is a good idea?
Teenagers are growing by studying in school and experiencing in society, which I think are both significant in teenagers' life. So obviously I am in favor of the idea that teenages have part-time jobs while they're still studying in school.
First of all, doing a part-time job enhances their working abilities. Working part-time jobs brings teenagers lots of chances to interact with different people in society and this is a
wonderful way to increase their capacity of communication which is the basement of working skills. Besides, when part-time jobs increase teenagers' other working competence, the youth are preparing for taking the full-time jobs and entering the workforce.
In addition to get skills, part-time jobs are good ways for the youth to earn money. Although the money they earn is a small amount for each one, they can store their salary to reach the figure of things they want to buy. With earning money by themselves, they can save money from parents and relieve parents' pressure.
Besides, part-time job can help the youth improve the relationship between teenages and their families. My brother Lee is a good example. He stored his $16 each week for 5 month and used those money to buy a gift to his mother. When his mother receiced that gift, tears fell out of her excitement. Beyond that, by working for the part-time job, my brother felt it is difficult to make a living and became more dutiful.
Above all, it's a good idea for teenagers that having jobs while they are still students because of skill increasing, money earning and relationship between their parents improving.