

例一:Forbes?released the 2013 Global 2000 list, and CNOOC Limited ranked 111.

例二:China Enterprise Confederation released the list of 2013 Top 500 Chinese Enterprises. CNOOC ranked 10.


Booz & Company released the list of 2013 1000 Most Innovative Companies. CNOOC Limited ranked 442.


lV-T/V-I?If an official organization?ranks?someone or something 1st, 5th, or 50th, for example, they calculate that the person or thing has that position on a scale.You can also say that someone or something?ranks1st, 5th, or 50th, for example.給…排名;名列

例:The report ranks the U.S. 20th out of 22 advanced nations. (這份報告把美國排在22個發(fā)達國家的第20位。)

Longman dictionary of contemporary English給出的定義和例句:

[transitive] to decide the position of someone or something on a list based on quality or importance

be ranked fourth/number one etc

Agassi was at that time ranked sixth in the world.[32]

例三中的將年份2013與企業(yè)數(shù)量1000毫無違和地放在一起玄括,真的太敷衍了事了。無論是按中文字對字翻譯肉瓦,還是去Booz & Company的官網去查這個名單的名字惠豺,都應該是the 2013 Global Innovation 1000。

例四:In 2013, the company's overseas businesses covered more than 40 countries and regions, with overseas assets proportion up to 40%, overseas revenue proportion up to 30% and localization rate of overseas employees up to 82%.

百分比是否可以在文中用符號%表示风宁,似乎沒有統(tǒng)一規(guī)定洁墙。網上有篇Rules for writing numbers,是這樣描述的:

In a less formal style, you can use the symbol %. In formal writing, you should spell the percentage out.

She got 96% marks. (Informal)

She got 96 percent marks. (Formal)[33]


Google Android continued to gain ground in the smart phone market reaching 41.8?percent?market share.[34]

And consumer goods, including pharmaceuticals, and agricultural products accounted for 15?percent?and 9?percent,respectively.[35]

In terms of growth, the semiconductor industry leads all sectors in sales (up 11%); diversified financial companies in aggregate have an astounding 90% growth rate in profit; construction leads asset growth (up 18%).[36]

例五:CNOOC Offshore Oil and Gas Development and Utilization Company and U.S. Bitumen producer Ergon,Inc. signed 5 joint venture agreements.

按照Rules for writing numbers戒财,Numbers smaller than ten should be spelled out.[33]小于10的數(shù)字應該將單詞寫出來热监,因此,例五中的5應該寫做five饮寞。

例六:32 CNOOC employees were selected as Group-level technical experts; 119 employees were granted qualifications of technician and senior technician.

例七:13 main equipment pieces of the 12Mt/a Huizhou Refinery Project were successfully put into operation.

這兩個例子都是以數(shù)字開頭孝扛,按照Rules for writing numbers,這樣都是錯誤的幽崩。

You cannot begin a sentence with a numeral.

Write ‘Twenty years ago…’ (NOT 20 years ago…)

Sometimes you will have to change the structure of the sentence to remove the numeral from the beginning.

Write ‘They sold 400,000 copies on the first day’ instead of ‘400,000 copies were sold on the first day.’[33]





The Ministry of Science and Technology issueda Reply regarding the project set-up for the second batch of tasks in resources and environment technology field of 863 Plan in the Tenth Five-Year Plan, in which the “Underwater Dry-type Pipeline Maintenance System” submitted by CNOOC Engineering Ltd was approved. The planned?cycle?for this task was 4 years.


lN-COUNT?A?cycle?is a series of events or processes that is repeated again and again, always in the same order.周期

例:...the life cycleof the plant.(…植物的生命周期蒜埋。)

Cycle的英文定義幾乎和周期的中文定義一樣淫痰。想想一個科研項目怎么可能repeated again and again, always in the same order?寫成The amount of time needed to implement project would be four years.或者The development time would be four years.是不是嚴謹一些整份?


It was the day that the circulating post-doctoral post of CNOOC petroleum research center started up and the first batch of post docs went into the post.

博士后科研工作站是中國特有的,因此找不到母語是英語的國家如何稱呼烈评。不過火俄,我們自己用英文來描述這樣的機構,至少不能讓外國人看了不明不白讲冠。例二中將博士后科研工作站翻成了circulating post-doctoral post瓜客,首先,博士后工作站和博士后流動站是兩個不同的概念竿开,博士后科研流動站是指在高等學衅滓牵或科研院所的某個一級學科范圍內,經批準設立的可以招收博士后研究人員的組織[37]否彩。而博士后科研工作站是指在企業(yè)疯攒、科研生產型事業(yè)單位和特殊的區(qū)域性機構內,經批準可以招收和培養(yǎng)博士后研究人員的組織[38]列荔。譯文不應該無中生有加上circulating敬尺;其次,流動站表示不是固定的肌毅,因為博士后工作站必須與博士后流動站合作筷转,如果廣州某企業(yè)的博士后工作站與在北京某高校博士后流動站合作,沒問題悬而,因為高校的這個組織可以流動,所以有的將流動翻成mobile锭汛。第三笨奠,工作站翻成post,是否合適唤殴?《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》給post的定義和例句:

lN-COUNT?A?post?in a company or organization is a job or official position in it, usually one that involves responsibility.職位;職務

例:She had earlier resigned her post as President Menem's assistant.(她已于早些時候辭去了梅內姆總統(tǒng)助理的職務般婆。)

根據定義,用一個崗位post(可數(shù)名詞)來描述工作站朵逝,顯然不合適蔚袍。網上有不少將博士后工作站翻成Post-doctoral Workstation。先看看《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》給workstation的定義和例句:

lN-COUNT?A?workstation?is a screen and keyboard that are part of an office computer system. (計算機系統(tǒng)的)工作站

例:Or you can set up databases on any number of servers and access them from particular workstations.(或者你可以在任意數(shù)目的服務器上建立數(shù)據庫,并從特定的工作站獲取數(shù)據啤咽。)

由此看來晋辆,博士后工作站用workstation也不合適。非要直譯工作站宇整,用work station要好一些瓶佳。因為work有研究的意思。

例:Their work shows that one-year-olds are much more likely to have allergies if either parent ?smokes.[39](他們的研究顯示鳞青,如果父母任何一方吸煙霸饲,1歲的嬰兒更有可能患過敏。)

而station臂拓,可以是a building or place used for a particular service or type of work: a petrol (US gas) station厚脉,a police/fire station,a biological research station.[39]為了讓外國人一目了然胶惰,還是翻成Post-Doctoral Research Center比較好傻工。只是例二中已經有了一個research center了,可以翻成research station童番。

博士后進站精钮,就是went into the post?其實剃斧,博士后進站包含了符合條件的研究者填寫申請轨香、提交正面材料、筆試幼东、面試臂容、報批、與工作站簽訂協(xié)議等一系列過程根蟹,不是go into這么簡單脓杉,雖然go into有進入某個行業(yè)或職業(yè)的意思。If you?go into?something,you decide to do it as your job orcareer.進入(某行業(yè))[40]

例:Mr. Pok has now gone into the tourism business.(波克先生現(xiàn)在已進入旅游業(yè)简逮。)[40]

非要用“進入”球散,用enter更靠譜些。If you?ente ran organization or institution, you start to work there or become a member of it.加入[40]

例:He entered the firm as a junior associate.(他作為一名初級職員進入了該公司散庶。)[42]


By 2015, if all goes according to plan, 17,000 post-doctoral fellows will enrol at the country’s major research institutions annually.[41]


The annual crude oil production from China offshore broke the record of one million tons, amounted 1,431,759 tons.

該譯者是不是受中國海洋石油公司英文名的影響太深须教,你中文里去掉石油公司皿渗,我英文中也相應去掉Oil Corporation,因此中國海洋就成了China offshore?但是中國海洋不能翻成china offshore乐疆,因為offshore是形容詞和副詞划乖,在這句中,無論是作形容詞還是作副詞诀拭,都找不到被修飾的對象迁筛。

另外,首次突破百萬噸耕挨,譯成broke the record是否合適细卧?百萬噸并不是一個紀錄,只是一個數(shù)字筒占。一看到突破贪庙,就對應到break the record,其實翰苫,《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》給break的定義和例句是這樣:

lV-T?If you?break?a record, you beat the previous record for a particular achievement.打破(記錄)

例:Carl Lewis has broken the world record in the 100 metres. (卡爾·劉易斯打破了百米賽跑的世界紀錄止邮。)


lV-T?If something?exceeds?a particular amount or number, it is greater or larger than that amount or number.超過(某數(shù)量)

例:Its research budget exceeds $700 million a year.(其研究預算每年超過7億美元。)



A.國企扁凛,特別是央企,在介紹企業(yè)高層時闯传,除了標明職務谨朝,還會加上黨組成員或黨委委員,中文網站這樣寫大家都理解甥绿,沒什么不對叠必。但是在西方國家,黨派屬于個人隱私妹窖,在介紹企業(yè)的董事會成員或Executive team時,絕不會涉及到黨派收叶。我們翻譯成英文時骄呼,是不是也入鄉(xiāng)隨俗,將人家避諱的或是不關心的內容不翻譯出來?另外蜓萄,黨組成員翻成Party Leadership Group Member隅茎,是不是過于簡單?我們知道party有好幾個意思嫉沽,longman Dictionary Online給出的就有5個:

party1 S1 W1?plural?parties [countable]

1 for fun

DL asocial event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy themselves by eating,drinking, dancing etc:

We're?having?a?party?on Saturday. Would you like to come?

2 in politics

PPG [also + plural verb British English] a political organization with particular beliefs and aims, which you can vote for in elections:

the three main?political parties?in Britain

the Labour/Communist/Democratic etc Party

She was greeted by a large crowd of Labour Party supporters.

3?group of people

[also + plural verb British English] a group of people who go somewhere together or do a job together

party of

a party of tourists

There were several students in our party.

?working party

4?in an argument/law

SCL law or formal one of the people or groups who are involved in a legal argument or agreement:

helping the two parties to reach an agreement

guilty/innocent party

He sees himself as the innocent party in this dispute.

5?be (a) party to something

formal to be involved in an activity or decision:

I was not a party to this discussion.

因此辟犀,在提到政黨時(in political),最好在前面叫上modifier绸硕,例如:the Labour/Communist/Democratic etc Party堂竟,才不會造成誤解。

B.漢語與英語有各自的特點玻佩,漢語重形象出嘹、意念,英語重邏輯咬崔;漢語瀟灑隨意税稼、主觀色彩十分強烈,英語則是規(guī)范嚴整垮斯、客觀具體郎仆。漢語是描述性特強的語言, 英語則是邏輯性特強的語言, 因此, 漢語多華麗修飾語, 英語則相對較少[42]。特別是受駢文影響兜蠕,講究對仗扰肌、聲律和藻飾。我們經常會看到“蜚聲海外牺氨、享譽全球”在一起狡耻,也會看到“朝思暮想、魂牽夢縈”在一起猴凹。甚至很多四字格的習語前兩個字與后兩個字的意思是重復的夷狰。例如:粗心大意、粗制濫造郊霎、狐朋狗友沼头、能工巧匠、愁眉苦臉等书劝。中文這樣寫沒問題进倍,翻譯成英文就沒必要翻譯重復的部分了。英譯“能工巧匠”這樣的習語购对。就不能硬譯成:skilled craftsman and clever artificer猾昆。半譯即可。如譯:skilled craftsman骡苞。[43]

另外就是要注意到中文經常是夸張的垂蜗,不光是不能直譯“臉不變色心不跳”楷扬,不少即便我們不覺夸張的中文句子,在英語是母語的讀者看來贴见,也是夸張的烘苹。例如“未來的浦東將變得更加光彩奪目”。如直譯成the future Pudong will shine brilliantly (will shed dazzling light),在英語中顯得過分夸張, 不妨降調處理一下, 譯成Pudong will have brighter prospects ( a brighter future) 即可片部。[45]


Moody’s Investors Service (Moody’s) upgraded the credit rating of the Company and the foreign currency long-term debt rating of its guaranteed subsidiary, CNOOC Finance (2002) Ltd, to Baa1 from Baa2. Moody’s also upgraded the issuer rating of the Company’s parent—China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) from Baa2 to Baa1. The outlook on the ratings is positive.The unique Baa1 (positive) rating obtained by the Company places CNOOC’s credit quality?in the league of its own, in recognition of its unique global nature of business profile.



英譯倒是沒有將兩個四字成語都翻譯出來擎宝,只是用了個idiom–in the league of its own郁妈,其實應該是in a league of its own。在word reference論壇里找到這個介詞短語的解釋:

It means so outstanding that no other can compare. ie."Tiger Woods is in a league of his own". A league is generally regarded to be a group of teams (ie. National Hockey League, etc.) or a group of individuals and if one team or individual is so much better than the others, they are "in a league of their own".[45]

原來是優(yōu)秀到沒對手的意思绍申。同樣噩咪,才評到第8級,肯定還談不上沒對手极阅,因此胃碾,這個英譯也太夸張。另外筋搏,盡可能翻譯成Plain English仆百。因為英語網站是給不懂中文的人看的,他們當中很多人的英語也是外語奔脐,例如西班牙人儒旬、德國人栏账。


To make China powerful and realize the Chinese nation's great rejuvenation, a large number of courageous entrepreneurs are called for bearing the burden of historic and national, and leading a lot of experts in science research and engineers to make every effort for developing the advanced manufacturing industry in China.


The rejuvenation and development of the advanced manufacturing industry in China depends on the science research experts and engineers as well as the courageous entrepreneurs of today.

豪情壯志全沒了侄非。從這個例子我們是否可以感受到英語國家習慣使用低調言辭( understatement)?


[32]Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.Pearson Education Limited, 2011.

ldoceonline.com. Web. 10 November 2014.


[34]ENGADGET:?ComScore calls

Android top dog, Apple pulls further ahead of RIM


[35]MSN:?‘Made in the USA’

still means something?http://www.nbcnews.com/id/30229507/ns/business-us_business/43323558#.VGq1FXeJJ98

[36]Forbes:The World's Largest Companies: China Takes Over The Top Three?Spots


[37]百度百科http://baike.baidu.com/view/1136554.htm?fr=aladdin(accessed November 12, 2014)

[38]百度百科http://baike.baidu.com/view/1136556.htm?fr=aladdin(accessed November 12, 2014)



[41]The University of Nottingham






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