VISIT_DETAIL表是一個可選表,用于表示父visit_occurrence表中每條記錄的詳細信息恳守。對于visit_occurrence表中的每個記錄,visit_detail表中可能有0個或更多記錄,呈1:n比例若河,其中n可能為0. visit_detail。表在結(jié)構(gòu)上與visit_occurrence表非常相似寞宫,屬于與訪問類似的域萧福。

The VISIT_DETAIL table is an optional table used to represents details of each record in the parent visit_occurrence table. For every record in visit_occurrence table there may be 0 or more records in the visit_detail table with a 1:n relationship where n may be 0. The visit_detail table is structurally very similar to visit_occurrence table and belongs to the similar domain as the visit.

Field Required Type Description
visit_detail_id Yes integer A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider.
就診-詳情-id -- -- 居民在任何醫(yī)療機構(gòu)就診行為的唯一標識符。
person_id Yes integer A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.
居民-id -- -- 外鍵辈赋,指向該表所記錄的就診居民的標識符鲫忍。該人員的人口統(tǒng)計詳細信息存儲在PERSON表中。
visit_detail_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies belonging to the 'Visit' Vocabulary.
就診-詳情-概念-id -- -- 外鍵钥屈,指向標準詞匯表中“就診”詞匯表的就診概念的標識符悟民。
visit_detail_start_date No date The start date of the visit.
就診-詳情-起始-日期 -- -- 就診的起始時間
visit_detail_start_datetime Yes datetime The date and time of the visit started.
就診-詳情-起始-日期時間 -- -- 就診的起始日期+時間
visit_detail_end_date No date The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date.
就診-詳情-截止-日期 -- -- 就診的結(jié)束日期。如果這是一天就診篷就,則結(jié)束日期應與開始日期匹配射亏。
visit_detail_end_datetime Yes datetime The date and time of the visit end.
就診-詳情-截止-日期時間 -- -- 就診的詳細截止日期和時間
visit_detail_type_concept_id Yes Integer A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived belonging to the 'Visit Type' vocabulary.
就診-詳情-類型-概念-id -- -- 外鍵,標準詞匯表中預定義的概念標識符腻脏,反映從中導出訪問記錄的源數(shù)據(jù)類型鸦泳,屬于“訪問類型”詞匯表。
provider_id No integer A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit.
共享者-id -- -- 外鍵永品,指向與就診關(guān)聯(lián)的貢獻者表中的貢獻者們做鹰。
care_site_id No integer A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited.
醫(yī)療機構(gòu) -- -- 外鍵,訪問的護理站點表中護理站點鼎姐。
visit_detail_source_value No string(50) The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data.
就診-詳情-源-值 -- -- 訪問源代碼在源數(shù)據(jù)中存儲钾麸。
visit_detail_source_concept_id Yes Integer A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.
就診-詳情-源-概念-id -- -- 外鍵更振,指向源數(shù)據(jù)使用的編碼、代碼
admitted_from_source_value No Varchar(50) The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data.
允許-從-源-值 --- -- 源數(shù)據(jù)中允許的饭尝、顯示的源代碼肯腕。
admitted_from_concept_id Yes Integer A foreign key to the predefined concept in the 'Place of Service' Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit.
允許-來自-概念-id -- -- 外鍵,指向“醫(yī)療機構(gòu)地點”詞匯表中預設(shè)的概念钥平,反映了就診的準入來源
discharge_to_source_value No Varchar(50) The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data.
出院-到-源-值 -- -- 源數(shù)據(jù)里存儲的出院后目的地的源碼
discharge_to_concept_id Yes Integer A foreign key to the predefined concept in the 'Place of Service' Vocabulary reflecting the discharge disposition for a visit.
出院-到-概念-值 -- -- 外鍵实撒,指向“醫(yī)療機構(gòu)地點”詞匯表中預置的概念,反映一次就診后涉瘾,出院的目的地
preceding_visit_detail_id No Integer A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table of the visit immediately preceding this visit
先前-就診-詳情-id -- -- 外鍵知态,指向該次就診的前1次就診所對應的VISIT_DETAIL表
visit_detail_parent_id No Integer A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table record to represent the immediate parent visit-detail record.
就診-詳情-父代-id -- -- 外鍵,VISIT_DETAIL表所記錄的立叛,指向上一級父代 visit-detail 記錄
visit_occurrence_id Yes Integer A foreign key that refers to the record in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. This is a required field, because for every visit_detail is a child of visit_occurrence and cannot exist without a corresponding parent record in visit_occurrence.
就診-發(fā)生-id -- -- 外鍵负敏,指向VISIT_OCCURRENCE表中的記錄。這是一個必填字段秘蛇,因為每個visit_detail都是visit_occurrence的子代文件其做,且若在visit_occurrence中沒有相應的父記錄時則不能存在。



All conventions used in VISIT_OCCURRENCE apply to VISIT_DETAIL, with some notable exceptions as detailed below

No. Convention Description 共識
1 A Visit Detail is an optional detail record for each Visit Occurrence to a healthcare facility. For every record in VISIT_DETAIL there has to be a parent VISIT_OCCURRENCE record. 就診詳情是選填信息妖泄,記錄每次到醫(yī)療機構(gòu)的就診詳情。對于VISIT_DETAIL中的每條記錄秽浇,必須有父VISIT_OCCURRENCE記錄浮庐。
2 One record in VISIT_DETAIL can only have one VISIT_OCCURRENCE parent. VISIT_DETAIL中的一條記錄只能有一個父代VISIT_OCCURRENCE。
3 A single VISIT_OCCURRENCE record may have many child VISIT_DETAIL records. 一個VISIT_OCCURRENCE記錄可能有許多子VISIT_DETAIL記錄柬焕。
4 Valid Visit Concepts belong to the 'Visit' domain. Standard Visit Concepts are yet to be defined, but will represent a detail of the Standard Visit Concept in VISIT_OCCURRENCE. 有效的訪問概念屬于“訪問”域。標準訪問概念尚未定義梭域,但將代表VISIT_OCCURRENCE中標準訪問概念的詳細信息斑举。
5 Handling of death: In the case when a patient died during admission (VISIT_DETAIL.DISCHARGE_TO_CONCEPT_ID = 4216643 'Patient died'), a record in the Observation table should be created with OBSERVATION_TYPE_CONCEPT_ID = 44818516 (EHR discharge status 'Expired'). 死亡處理:如果患者在住院時死亡(VISIT_DETAIL.DISCHARGE_TO_CONCEPT_ID = 4216643'患者死亡'),應創(chuàng)建觀察表中的OBSERVATION_TYPE_CONCEPT_ID = 44818516(EHR出院狀態(tài)'過期')記錄病涨。
6 Source Concepts from place of service vocabularies are mapped into these Standard Visit Concepts in the Standardized Vocabularies. 來自機構(gòu)地點詞匯表的源概念被映射到標準化詞匯表中的“標準就診概念”富玷。
7 On any one day, there could be more than one visit. VISIT_OCCURRENCE allows for more than one visit within a single day. VISIT_DETAIL is to be used to only capture details within the visit. 在任何一天,可能會有不止一次就診既穆。VISIT_OCCURRENCE允許記錄一天內(nèi)進行的多次就診赎懦。VISIT_DETAIL用于僅捕獲就診中的詳細信息。
8 One visit may involve multiple Providers, in which case, in VISIT_OCCURRENCE, the ETL must specify how a single PROVIDER_ID is selected or leave the PROVIDER_ID field null. VISIT_DETAIL allows for the ETL to specify multiple child records per VISIT_OCCURRENCE - and each of these child records may represent different PROVIDER_IDs. 一次就診可能涉及多個貢獻者幻工,在這種情況下励两,在VISIT_OCCURRENCE中,ETL必須指定如何選擇單個PROVIDER_ID或?qū)ROVIDER_ID字段保留為空囊颅。VISIT_DETAIL允許ETL為每個VISIT_OCCURRENCE指定多個子記錄 - 并且每個子記錄可以表示不同的PROVIDER_ID当悔。
9 One visit may involve multiple Care Sites, in which case, in VISIT_OCCURRENCE, the ETL must specify how a single CARE_SITE_ID is selected or leave the CARE_SITE_ID field null. VISIT_DETAIL allows for the ETL to specify multiple child records per visit occurrence - and each of these child records may represent different CARE_SITEs. 一次就診可能涉及多個醫(yī)療機構(gòu)傅瞻,這種情況下,在VISIT_OCCURRENCE中盲憎,ETL必須指定如何選擇單個CARE_SITE_ID或?qū)ARE_SITE_ID字段保留為null嗅骄。VISIT_DETAIL允許ETL為每次就診發(fā)生表指定多個子記錄 - 并且這些子記錄中的每一個可以表示不同的CARE_SITE。
10 Just like in VISIT_OCCURRENCE, records in VISIT_DETAIL may be sequentially related to each. These sequential relations are represented using PRECEDING_VISIT_DETAIL_ID. 就像在VISIT_OCCURRENCE中一樣饼疙,VISIT_DETAIL中的記錄可能根據(jù)每個記錄的順序相關(guān)聯(lián)溺森。使用PRECEDING_VISIT_DETAIL_ID表示這些順序關(guān)系。
11 Unlike VISIT_OCCURRENCE, VISIT_DETAIL may have nested visits with hierarchical relationships to each other. These relationships are represented using VISIT_DETAIL_PARENT_ID. 與VISIT_OCCURRENCE不同窑眯,VISIT_DETAIL可能存在彼此具有層級嵌套關(guān)系的就診關(guān)系屏积。這些關(guān)系使用VISIT_DETAIL_PARENT_ID表示。
12 In US claims data Header/summary data that summarizes the entire claim and Line/detail that details a claim, detail is thus a child of the summary, and for every record in summary there is one or more records in detail. i.e. there will be at least one foreign key link from VISIT_DETAIL to VISIT_OCCURRENCE. 在“美國索賠數(shù)據(jù)”中伸但,標題/摘要數(shù)據(jù)總結(jié)了詳細說明索賠的整個索賠和行/詳細信息肾请,因此詳細信息是摘要的子項,對于摘要中的每個記錄更胖,都有一個或多個詳細記錄铛铁。即從VISIT_DETAIL到VISIT_OCCURRENCE將至少有一個外鍵鏈接。

例如:患者的整個住院期可能是VISIT_OCCURRENCE表中的一條記錄却妨。這可以有一個或多個詳細記錄饵逐,例如ER,ICU彪标,醫(yī)療樓層倍权,康復樓層等。這些就診細節(jié)中的每一個可以具有不同的開始/結(jié)束日期 - 時間捞烟,不同的concept_id和fact_id薄声。這些將成為VISIT_DETAIL中的獨立記錄,其中包含指向VISIT_OCCURRENCE的外鍵鏈接题画。

For example: an entire inpatient stay maybe one record in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. This may have one or more detail records such as ER, ICU, medical floor, rehabilitation floor etc. Each of these visit details may have different start/end date-times, different concept_ids and fact_ids. These would become separate records in VISIT_DETAIL with a FK link to VISIT_OCCURRENCE.

VISIT_DETAIL內(nèi)的每條記錄可以相互順序性關(guān)聯(lián) - > ER到ICU再到住院病房默辨,到康復科,或父子層級關(guān)聯(lián) - >在ICU住院期間去透析治療室苍息。

Each record within VISIT_DETAIL may be related to each other, sequentially –> ER leading to ICU leading to medical floor, leading to rehabilitation, or in hierarchical parent-child visit –> a visit for dialysis while in ICU.

請注意缩幸,域是“就診”,它在OMOP CDM中的VISIT_OCCURRENCE和VISIT_DETAIL之間共享使用竞思。VISIT_OCCURRENCE的關(guān)鍵區(qū)別是:

  • 自引用鍵:新的外鍵visit_detail_parent_id允許嵌套就診關(guān)系的的自引用表谊。
  • VISIT_DETAIL指向VISIT_OCCURRENCE表中的父記錄(visit_occurrence_id)

Note the domain is Visit, and it is shared between VISIT_OCCURRENCE and VISIT_DETAIL in OMOP CDM. The key deviation from VISIT_OCCURRENCE is

  • self-referencing key: a new foreign key visit_detail_parent_id allows self referencing for nested visits.
  • VISIT_DETAIL points to its parent record in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table (visit_occurrence_id)





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