iOS組件化 Cocoapods管理自己的庫(kù)

github 創(chuàng)建倉(cāng)庫(kù)

new 一個(gè) repository


clone 到本地 并初始化工程


$pod spec create 工程名

文本編輯打開.podspec文件 do |s|         = "RJMyPod"
  s.version      = "0.0.1"
  s.summary      = "A iOS Fast integration of custom classifications, macro definitions and tool classes"
  s.homepage     = ""
  s.license      = "MIT"       = { "Jack_Gu" => "" }
  s.platform     = :ios, "9.0"
  s.source       = { :git => "", :tag => s.version}
  s.source_files = "RJMyPod/RJMyPod/MyPod/*.{h,m}"
  s.requires_arc = true
 s.resources    = "RJCategoryTool/RJCategoryTool/RJCategoryTool/Resource/*.{png,xib,nib,bundle,json}"
  s.dependency 'Masonry'
  # s.resources    = 'PhotoBrowser/resource/*.{png,xib,nib,bundle}'
  # s.frameworks   = 'UIKit','Photos','PhotosUI'
  # s.dependency 'UMengUShare/Social/ReducedWeChat', '~>'
end          :工程名
  s.version       :版本號(hào)
  s.summary       :簡(jiǎn)介概述
  s.homepage      :github項(xiàng)目網(wǎng)頁(yè) 
  s.license       :授權(quán)許可文件        :代碼作者
  s.platform      :支持最低的版本號(hào)
  s.source        :git代碼下載地址
  s.source_files  :胎源!重要 唯欣! 你要傳到cocoapods的文件內(nèi)容  
  s.resources     :資源文件余蟹,沒有可忽略
  s.requires_arc  :是否是ARC 

注意:s.source_files 下層級(jí)目錄一定是podspec所在層級(jí)的文件名開始到你要上傳的文件目錄為止 *.{h,m} 表示匹配所有以.h和.m結(jié)尾的文件 ** 表示匹配所有子目錄 若所上傳文件夾有子級(jí)文件則在文件名后追加 **/*.{h,m}

解決[-Werror,-Wnon-modular-include-in-framework-module]錯(cuò)誤, .h文件中引用第三方庫(kù) #import <Masonry/Masonry.h>,使用尖括號(hào)引用


$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "操作內(nèi)容"
$ git tag "0.0.1"
$ git push --tags
$ git push origin master


$ pod spec lint --allow-warnings
 -> RJMyPod (0.0.1)
    - NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Using new build system
    - NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  note: Planning build
    - NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  note: Constructing build description
    - NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file. (in target 'App')

Analyzed 1 podspec.

RJMyPod.podspec passed validation.


$ pod trunk register 郵箱 '用戶名' --description='描述一下下'




$ pod trunk me
- Name:     Jack424
  - Email:
  - Since:    September 18th, 2017 21:46
  - Pods:
    - GRJKit
    - GRJMITKit
    - RJCategoryTool
  - Sessions:
    - September 18th, 2017 21:46 - January 25th, 2018 01:13. IP:
    Description: macbook pro
    - February 14th, 20:57       -         June 23rd, 05:36. IP:   
    Description: 描述一下下
  • 報(bào)錯(cuò)及解決
$ pod trunk me
[!] Authentication token is invalid or unverified. Either verify it with the email that was sent or register a new session.

$ pod trunk register '' 'Jack424' --description='mac pro'
// 然后去郵箱操作一下即可
Please confirm your CocoaPods session by clicking the following link:**************

If you did not request this you do not need to take any further action.


$ pod trunk push --allow-warnings


  pod 'RJMyPod'

$ pod install

如果報(bào)錯(cuò):- ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (Malformed version number string ) during validation.

$ sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

Fetching: cocoapods-core-1.7.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed cocoapods-core-1.7.1
Fetching: cocoapods-deintegrate-1.0.4.gem (100%)
Successfully installed cocoapods-deintegrate-1.0.4
Fetching: xcodeproj-1.9.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed xcodeproj-1.9.0
Fetching: fourflusher-2.3.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed fourflusher-2.3.0
... ...

ZLPhotoBrowser 使用 SDWebImage 報(bào)錯(cuò)

pod spec lint RJCategoryTool.podspec --verbose 
- ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code. You can use `--verbose` for more information.
- NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Using new build system
- NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  note: Planning build
- NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  note: Constructing build description
- ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild:  ZLPhotoBrowser/ZLPhotoBrowser/PhotoBrowser/ZLBigImageCell.m:504:77: error: use of undeclared identifier 'SDWebImageProgressiveDownload'; did you mean 'SDWebImageProgressiveLoad'?
- NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  SDWebImage/SDWebImage/Core/SDWebImageDefine.h:69:5: note: 'SDWebImageProgressiveLoad' declared here

[!] The spec did not pass validation, due to 2 errors.

3.0.3: 依賴庫(kù)SDWebImage升級(jí)為5.0.2以上

● 3.0.6: 添加選中圖片顯示index功能; 新增(及修改)部分顏色api摹察,方便修改框架內(nèi)部顏色; 修改框架默認(rèn)風(fēng)格為微信的風(fēng)格; 壓縮圖片資源;
● 3.0.5: 預(yù)覽快速選擇界面文字顏色支持自定義; 編輯界面按鈕增大; 解決錄制視頻超過10s沒有聲音的bug;
● 3.0.4: 添加視頻選擇最大最小個(gè)數(shù)限制; 解決網(wǎng)絡(luò)gif圖片無法播放的bug; fix已知bug;
● 3.0.3: 依賴庫(kù)SDWebImage升級(jí)為5.0.2以上; 解決圖片瀏覽器關(guān)閉時(shí)取消所有sd圖片請(qǐng)求的bug; 支持直接調(diào)用相機(jī);
● 3.0.0: 壓縮bundle內(nèi)圖片; 支持直接選擇iCloud照片豁生,并添加解析圖片超時(shí)時(shí)間屬性;
● 3.0.0: 支持carthage; 去除GPUImage濾鏡;
● 2.7.8: 添加iCloud圖片加載進(jìn)度條,支持iCloud視頻播放;
● 2.7.6: 預(yù)覽大圖界面支持precent情況下的下拉返回;
● 2.7.5: 編輯圖片支持自定義工具類型; bug fixed;
● 2.7.4: 橫滑大圖界面添加下拉返回; 不允許錄制視頻時(shí)候不請(qǐng)求麥克風(fēng)權(quán)限;
● 2.7.1: 支持自定義導(dǎo)航返回按鈕圖片;
● 2.7.0: 圖片資源加上前綴咖楣,解決9.0無法選擇圖片問題; 
● 2.6.9: 重構(gòu)編輯圖片功能,添加濾鏡;
● 2.6.7: 優(yōu)化視頻編輯界面芦昔,極大減少進(jìn)入時(shí)的等待時(shí)間;
● 2.6.6: Fix #216; 新增隱藏裁剪圖片界面比例工具條功能;
● 2.6.5: 新增隱藏"已隱藏"照片及相冊(cè)的功能; Fix #221, 優(yōu)化預(yù)覽網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖片/視頻時(shí)根據(jù)url后綴判斷的類型方式;


[!] Failed to connect to GitHub to update the CocoaPods/Specs specs repo - Please check if you are offline, or that GitHub is down

$ pod update
Update all pods
Updating local specs repositories
[!] Failed to connect to GitHub to update the CocoaPods/Specs specs repo - Please check if you are offline, or that GitHub is down

$ pod repo update master --verbose
Updating spec repo `master`
  $ /usr/bin/git -C /Users/jintian/.cocoapods/repos/master fetch origin --progress
  remote: Enumerating objects: 12756, done.        
  remote: Counting objects: 100% (12756/12756), done.        
  remote: Compressing objects: 100% (440/440), done.        
  remote: Total 33049 (delta 12458), reused 12299 (delta 12299), pack-reused 20293        
  Receiving objects: 100% (33049/33049), 3.68 MiB | 85.00 KiB/s, done.
  Resolving deltas: 100% (22711/22711), completed with 3716 local objects.
     279b00360ea..4826f4cad15  master     -> origin/master
  $ /usr/bin/git -C /Users/jintian/.cocoapods/repos/master rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
  $ /usr/bin/git -C /Users/jintian/.cocoapods/repos/master reset --hard origin/master
  Checking out files: 100% (3441/3441), done.
  HEAD is now at 4826f4cad15 [Add] QBRouter 0.0.5

$ pod update
Update all pods
Updating local specs repositories
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing AFNetworking 4.0.1 (was 3.2.1 and source changed to `` from `trunk`)
Installing AlipaySDK-iOS 15.7.4 (was 15.6.8 and source changed to `` from `trunk`)
Installing MBProgressHUD 1.2.0 (was 1.1.0 and source changed to `` from `trunk`)
Installing MJRefresh 3.4.1 (was 3.2.2 and source changed to `` from `trunk`)
Installing WechatOpenSDK (was 1.8.6 and source changed to `` from `trunk`)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Pod installation complete! There are 17 dependencies from the Podfile and 17 total pods installed.

[!] Automatically assigning platform `iOS` with version `10.0` on target `RJCategoryTool` because no platform was specified. Please specify a platform for this target in your Podfile. See ``.

[!] CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded:

$ pod search AFNetworking
[!] CDN: trunk Repo update failed - 2 error(s):
CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded: Response: Couldn't connect to server
CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded: Response: Couldn't connect to server

$ pod repo remove trunk

- ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code. You can use--verbosefor more information.

    - ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code. You can use `--verbose` for more information.
    - NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Using new build system
    - NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  note: Planning build
    - NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  note: Constructing build description
    [!] The spec did not pass validation, due to 1 error.
$ pod spec lint RJCategoryTool.podspec --verbose //打印錯(cuò)誤信息

ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (/usr/bin/xcrun simctl list -j devices

$ pod trunk push  --allow-warnings 
$ pod trunk push  --allow-warnings --use-libraries
Updating spec repo `master`

CocoaPods 1.8.0 is available.
To update use: `sudo gem install cocoapods`

For more information, see and the CHANGELOG for this version at

Validating podspec
 -> RJCategoryTool (0.5.5)
    - ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (/usr/bin/xcrun simctl list -j devices

xcrun: error: unable to find utility "simctl", not a developer tool or in PATH
) during validation.

[!] The spec did not pass validation, due to 1 error.
$ sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
$ pod trunk push RJCategoryTool.podspec --allow-warnings --use-libraries
Updating spec repo `master`

CocoaPods 1.8.0 is available.
To update use: `sudo gem install cocoapods`

For more information, see and the CHANGELOG for this version at

Validating podspec
 -> RJCategoryTool (0.5.5)
    - NOTE  | xcodebuild:  note: Using new build system
    - NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  note: Planning build
    - NOTE  | [iOS] xcodebuild:  note: Constructing build description

Updating spec repo `master`

CocoaPods 1.8.0 is available.
To update use: `sudo gem install cocoapods`

For more information, see and the CHANGELOG for this version at

 ??  Congrats

 ??  RJCategoryTool (0.5.5) successfully published
 ??  September 27th, 04:59
 ??  Tell your friends!

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