Below is a method called " Only Handle it Once!" I shared in one meeting within our team; hope you benefit from it too.
How many emails do you open every day that you choose not to respond to, saying to yourself, “I’ll get to that later”?? Worse yet, how many conversations do you have with peers, direct reports and customers where you dance in circles rather than address the point at hand?
There’s?a reason why Nike’s “Just Do It”?campaign resonates across generations. It speaks to our desire to succeed but our inclination to procrastinate.?While all eyes are on Ohio the state on Election Day, OHIO the rule should be a handy reminder to just do it.
BeforeI take off the day, I make sure my mailbox unread email is ZERO.
It’s really about your level of efficiency.
If you receive an email you need to respond to, reply to it immediately and be done with it. “If you need to wait a few days to gather information, put a reminder in your calendar to respond to the request on a specific date in the future
That isn’t just a good tip for getting more done in the office. Whether it’s saving money, having a serious conversation with a friend or spouse, or facing other problems, it’s always best to handle the issue up front, without delay—and then move on.
Make you more focused and productive.
Focus on doing it once to the best of my ability.