iOS weak 的實現(xiàn)

iOS ARC中引用計數(shù)的實現(xiàn)
iOS weak 的實現(xiàn)

SideTables 是一個全局的 hash 表,用來存儲對象多余的引用計數(shù)瞭稼,以及弱引用表

一忧陪、 SideTables

  1. SideTables 是一個全局的 hash 表, 其中包含了一個數(shù)量為64的數(shù)組议慰,數(shù)組中的存儲的為SideTable結構體,其中通過對象內存地址作為hash表的key
    enum { StripeCount = 64 };

    PaddedT array[StripeCount];

    static unsigned int indexForPointer(const void *p) {
        uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p);
        return ((addr >> 4) ^ (addr >> 9)) % StripeCount;

  1. SideTable中包含一個 c++ Map RefcountMap refcnts 用來對象存儲額外的引用計數(shù)革为,一個結構體weak_table_t weak_table 用來存儲對象的弱引用數(shù)據(jù)


RefcountMap refcnts 中通過一個size_t(64位系統(tǒng)中占用64位)來保存引用計數(shù),其中1位用來存儲固定標志位扶歪,在溢出的時候使用特占,一位表示正在釋放中糙置,一位表示是否有弱引用,其余位表示實際的引用計數(shù)

  1. RefcountMap refcnts 是一個C++的對象摩钙,內部包含了一個迭代器
  2. 其中以DisguisedPtr<objc_object> 對象指針為key罢低,size_t 為value保存對象引用計數(shù)
  3. 將key、value通過std::pair打包以后胖笛,放入迭代器中,所以取出值之后宜岛,.first代表key长踊,.second代表value
    在上一篇中、retain release方法會使用到SideTables來存放引用計數(shù)
// Move some retain counts to the side table from the isa field.
// Returns true if the object is now pinned.
objc_object::sidetable_addExtraRC_nolock(size_t delta_rc)
    SideTable& table = SideTables()[this];

    size_t& refcntStorage = table.refcnts[this];
    size_t oldRefcnt = refcntStorage;
    // isa-side bits should not be set here
    assert((oldRefcnt & SIDE_TABLE_DEALLOCATING) == 0);
    assert((oldRefcnt & SIDE_TABLE_WEAKLY_REFERENCED) == 0);

    if (oldRefcnt & SIDE_TABLE_RC_PINNED) return true;

    uintptr_t carry;
    size_t newRefcnt = 
        addc(oldRefcnt, delta_rc << SIDE_TABLE_RC_SHIFT, 0, &carry);
    if (carry) {
        refcntStorage =
            SIDE_TABLE_RC_PINNED | (oldRefcnt & SIDE_TABLE_FLAG_MASK);
        return true;
    else {
        refcntStorage = newRefcnt;
        return false;

// Move some retain counts from the side table to the isa field.
// Returns the actual count subtracted, which may be less than the request.
objc_object::sidetable_subExtraRC_nolock(size_t delta_rc)
    SideTable& table = SideTables()[this];

    RefcountMap::iterator it = table.refcnts.find(this);
    if (it == table.refcnts.end()  ||  it->second == 0) {
        // Side table retain count is zero. Can't borrow.
        return 0;
    size_t oldRefcnt = it->second;

    // isa-side bits should not be set here
    assert((oldRefcnt & SIDE_TABLE_DEALLOCATING) == 0);
    assert((oldRefcnt & SIDE_TABLE_WEAKLY_REFERENCED) == 0);

    size_t newRefcnt = oldRefcnt - (delta_rc << SIDE_TABLE_RC_SHIFT);
    assert(oldRefcnt > newRefcnt);  // shouldn't underflow
    it->second = newRefcnt;
    return delta_rc;
  1. 第一個方法用來將多余的引用計數(shù)保存到SideTables中, 第二個方法用來取出引用計數(shù)
  2. 其中都用到了SideTables中的RefcountMap refcnts萍倡,但是兩個方法的實現(xiàn)并不相同
// 第一種方式
    SideTable& table = SideTables()[this];

    size_t& refcntStorage = table.refcnts[this];
    size_t oldRefcnt = refcntStorage;

 // 第二種方式
    SideTable& table = SideTables()[this];

    RefcountMap::iterator it = table.refcnts.find(this);
    if (it == table.refcnts.end()  ||  it->second == 0) {
        // Side table retain count is zero. Can't borrow.
        return 0;
    size_t oldRefcnt = it->second;
  1. 其實第一種方式是通過重載[]操作符來實現(xiàn)查找的身弊,但是添加的時候需要判斷如果不存在記錄的話,需要新增一條數(shù)據(jù)保存列敲,所以使用了兩種不同的方法
 // 通過操作符重載實現(xiàn) 查找阱佛、新增插入
  value_type& FindAndConstruct(const KeyT &Key) {
    BucketT *TheBucket;
    if (LookupBucketFor(Key, TheBucket))
      return *TheBucket;

    return *InsertIntoBucket(Key, ValueT(), TheBucket);

  ValueT &operator[](const KeyT &Key) {
    return FindAndConstruct(Key).second;
  1. 兩個方法都是獲取到RefcountMap refcnts 進行引用計數(shù)的增加和減少

weak_table_t 弱引用表
  1. 全局弱引用表 weak_table_t
struct weak_table_t {
    weak_entry_t *weak_entries;
    size_t    num_entries;
    uintptr_t mask;
    uintptr_t max_hash_displacement;
  1. 弱引用表的內部結構
struct weak_entry_t {
    DisguisedPtr<objc_object> referent;
    union {
        struct {
            weak_referrer_t *referrers;
            uintptr_t        out_of_line_ness : 2;
            uintptr_t        num_refs : PTR_MINUS_2;
            uintptr_t        mask;
            uintptr_t        max_hash_displacement;
        struct {
            // out_of_line_ness field is low bits of inline_referrers[1]
            weak_referrer_t  inline_referrers[WEAK_INLINE_COUNT];

1??. 其中主要包含了兩個屬性DisguisedPtr<objc_object> referent 對象指針,還有一個容器類保存所以只需這個對象的弱引用
2??. 共用體中包含兩種結構體戴而,當弱引用數(shù)量少于4的時候凑术,使用數(shù)據(jù)結構來存儲,當超過4個的時候使用hash表進行存儲所意,out_of_line_ness 默認為 ob00淮逊,當弱引用數(shù)量大于4的時候,設置為 REFERRERS_OUT_OF_LINE ob10扶踊,通過判斷out_of_line_ness來決定用什么方式存儲
3??. weak_referrer_t *referrers 是一個二級指針實現(xiàn)的hash表

二泄鹏、 weak 的實現(xiàn)原理

  id obj1 = [[NSObject alloc] init];
  id __weak obj2 = obj1;


id obj2;
objc_initWeak(&obj2, obj1);

通過 objc_initWeak(&obj2, obj1);創(chuàng)建weak引用秧耗,在對象作用域結束時备籽,使用objc_destroyWeak(&obj2);來釋放引用

  1. 創(chuàng)建弱引用
objc_initWeak(id *location, id newObj)
    if (!newObj) {
        *location = nil;
        return nil;

    return storeWeak<false/*old*/, true/*new*/, true/*crash*/>
        (location, (objc_object*)newObj);

objc_destroyWeak(id *location)
    (void)storeWeak<true/*old*/, false/*new*/, false/*crash*/>
        (location, nil);


HaveOld 代表是否有舊的引用铸磅,如果為true,則代表有舊的引用需要釋放
HaveNew 代表是否有新的引用,如果為true阅仔,則代表要存儲新的引用

template <bool HaveOld, bool HaveNew, bool CrashIfDeallocating>
static id 
storeWeak(id *location, objc_object *newObj)
    assert(HaveOld  ||  HaveNew);
    if (!HaveNew) assert(newObj == nil);

    Class previouslyInitializedClass = nil;
    id oldObj;
    SideTable *oldTable;
    SideTable *newTable;

    // Acquire locks for old and new values.
    // Order by lock address to prevent lock ordering problems. 
    // Retry if the old value changes underneath us.

// 分別獲取新舊值相關聯(lián)的引用表
    if (HaveOld) {
        oldObj = *location;
        oldTable = &SideTables()[oldObj];
    } else {
        oldTable = nil;
    if (HaveNew) {
        newTable = &SideTables()[newObj];
    } else {
        newTable = nil;
// 加鎖防止多線程資源競爭
    SideTable::lockTwo<HaveOld, HaveNew>(oldTable, newTable);
// 如果舊值改變就重新獲取舊值相關聯(lián)的表
    if (HaveOld  &&  *location != oldObj) {
        SideTable::unlockTwo<HaveOld, HaveNew>(oldTable, newTable);
        goto retry;

    // Prevent a deadlock between the weak reference machinery
    // and the +initialize machinery by ensuring that no 
    // weakly-referenced object has an un-+initialized isa.
// 如果有新值吹散,判斷新值所屬的類是否已經初始化,如果沒有初始化八酒,則先執(zhí)行初始化空民,防止+initialize內部調用storeWeak產生死鎖
    if (HaveNew  &&  newObj) {
        Class cls = newObj->getIsa();
        if (cls != previouslyInitializedClass  &&  
            !((objc_class *)cls)->isInitialized()) 
            SideTable::unlockTwo<HaveOld, HaveNew>(oldTable, newTable);
            _class_initialize(_class_getNonMetaClass(cls, (id)newObj));

            // If this class is finished with +initialize then we're good.
            // If this class is still running +initialize on this thread 
            // (i.e. +initialize called storeWeak on an instance of itself)
            // then we may proceed but it will appear initializing and 
            // not yet initialized to the check above.
            // Instead set previouslyInitializedClass to recognize it on retry.
            previouslyInitializedClass = cls;

            goto retry;

    // Clean up old value, if any.
// 清空舊值
    if (HaveOld) {
        weak_unregister_no_lock(&oldTable->weak_table, oldObj, location);

    // Assign new value, if any.
    if (HaveNew) {
        newObj = (objc_object *)weak_register_no_lock(&newTable->weak_table, 
                                                      (id)newObj, location, 
        // weak_register_no_lock returns nil if weak store should be rejected

        // Set is-weakly-referenced bit in refcount table.
// 如果存儲成功則設置SideTable中弱引用標志位
        if (newObj  &&  !newObj->isTaggedPointer()) {

        // Do not set *location anywhere else. That would introduce a race.
        *location = (id)newObj;
    else {
        // No new value. The storage is not changed.
    SideTable::unlockTwo<HaveOld, HaveNew>(oldTable, newTable);

    return (id)newObj;

以上就是 store_weak 這個函數(shù)的實現(xiàn),它主要做了以下幾件事:

  1. 分別獲取新舊值的散列表指針
  2. 如果有舊值就調用 weak_unregister_no_lock 函數(shù)清除舊值
  3. 如果有新值就調用 weak_register_no_lock 函數(shù)分配新值

weak_register_no_lock 實現(xiàn):

weak_register_no_lock(weak_table_t *weak_table, id referent_id, 
                      id *referrer_id, bool crashIfDeallocating)
    objc_object *referent = (objc_object *)referent_id;
    objc_object **referrer = (objc_object **)referrer_id;

    if (!referent  ||  referent->isTaggedPointer()) return referent_id;

    // ensure that the referenced object is viable
    bool deallocating;
    if (!referent->ISA()->hasCustomRR()) {
        deallocating = referent->rootIsDeallocating();
    else {
        BOOL (*allowsWeakReference)(objc_object *, SEL) = 
            (BOOL(*)(objc_object *, SEL))
        if ((IMP)allowsWeakReference == _objc_msgForward) {
            return nil;
        deallocating =
            ! (*allowsWeakReference)(referent, SEL_allowsWeakReference);

    if (deallocating) {
        if (crashIfDeallocating) {
            _objc_fatal("Cannot form weak reference to instance (%p) of "
                        "class %s. It is possible that this object was "
                        "over-released, or is in the process of deallocation.",
                        (void*)referent, object_getClassName((id)referent));
        } else {
            return nil;

    // now remember it and where it is being stored
    weak_entry_t *entry;
    if ((entry = weak_entry_for_referent(weak_table, referent))) {
        append_referrer(entry, referrer);
    else {
        weak_entry_t new_entry(referent, referrer);
        weak_entry_insert(weak_table, &new_entry);

    // Do not set *referrer. objc_storeWeak() requires that the 
    // value not change.

    return referent_id;

weak_register_no_lock 用來保存弱引用信息,具體實現(xiàn)如下:

  1. 判斷對象是否可以弱引用,是否正在釋放哲泊。
  2. 查詢weak_table_t, 判斷對象是否已經保存有相關聯(lián)的弱引用信息
  3. 如果已經有相關弱引用信息挑社,則調用append_referrer方法添加進現(xiàn)在的weak_entry_t結構中,如果沒有相關聯(lián)信息,則創(chuàng)建weak_entry_t 節(jié)點,并且插入到weak_table_t弱引用表中。

weak_unregister_no_lock 實現(xiàn):

weak_unregister_no_lock(weak_table_t *weak_table, id referent_id, 
                        id *referrer_id)
    objc_object *referent = (objc_object *)referent_id;
    objc_object **referrer = (objc_object **)referrer_id;

    weak_entry_t *entry;

    if (!referent) return;

    if ((entry = weak_entry_for_referent(weak_table, referent))) {
        remove_referrer(entry, referrer);
        bool empty = true;
        if (entry->out_of_line()  &&  entry->num_refs != 0) {
            empty = false;
        else {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < WEAK_INLINE_COUNT; i++) {
                if (entry->inline_referrers[i]) {
                    empty = false; 

        if (empty) {
            weak_entry_remove(weak_table, entry);

    // Do not set *referrer = nil. objc_storeWeak() requires that the 
    // value not change.

weak_unregister_no_lock 用來移除弱引用信息葫慎,具體實現(xiàn)如下:

  1. 查詢弱引用表中是否保存有相關聯(lián)的弱引用信息
  2. 如果有,則調用remove_referrer方法移除相關聯(lián)的弱引用信息
  3. 移除相關聯(lián)弱引用信息之后薇宠,判斷存儲數(shù)組是否為空偷办,如果為空,則調用weak_entry_remove移除weak_entry_t節(jié)點


    assert(isa.nonpointer  &&  (isa.weakly_referenced || isa.has_sidetable_rc));

    SideTable& table = SideTables()[this];
    if (isa.weakly_referenced) {
        weak_clear_no_lock(&table.weak_table, (id)this);
    if (isa.has_sidetable_rc) {


  1. 判斷是否有弱引用椒涯,如果有調用weak_clear_no_lock方法移除所有相關聯(lián)弱引用
  2. 判斷是否有額外的引用計數(shù)存儲在SideTables中,如果有則調用table.refcnts.erase(this);清除
weak_clear_no_lock(weak_table_t *weak_table, id referent_id) 
    objc_object *referent = (objc_object *)referent_id;

    weak_entry_t *entry = weak_entry_for_referent(weak_table, referent);
    if (entry == nil) {
        /// XXX shouldn't happen, but does with mismatched CF/objc
        //printf("XXX no entry for clear deallocating %p\n", referent);

    // zero out references
    weak_referrer_t *referrers;
    size_t count;
    if (entry->out_of_line()) {
        referrers = entry->referrers;
        count = TABLE_SIZE(entry);
    else {
        referrers = entry->inline_referrers;
        count = WEAK_INLINE_COUNT;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        objc_object **referrer = referrers[i];
        if (referrer) {
            if (*referrer == referent) {
                *referrer = nil;
            else if (*referrer) {
                _objc_inform("__weak variable at %p holds %p instead of %p. "
                             "This is probably incorrect use of "
                             "objc_storeWeak() and objc_loadWeak(). "
                             "Break on objc_weak_error to debug.\n", 
                             referrer, (void*)*referrer, (void*)referent);
    weak_entry_remove(weak_table, entry);

weak_clear_no_lock 方法用來清空對象相關聯(lián)的所有弱引用數(shù)據(jù)慢睡,具體實現(xiàn)如下:

  1. 判斷對象是否有相關聯(lián)的弱引用數(shù)據(jù)逐工,如果沒有則直接return
  2. 通過out_of_line判斷實際存儲結構,如果為0b10則用的是指針數(shù)組漂辐,否則是長度為4的數(shù)組結構
  3. 遍歷數(shù)組泪喊,將所有對象設置為nil
  4. 調用weak_entry_remove(weak_table, entry);移除節(jié)點
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    沈念sama閱讀 46,503評論 2 361
  • 正文 我出身青樓稽犁,卻偏偏與公主長得像,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親骚亿。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子已亥,可洞房花燭夜當晚...
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