Infringe, Impinge, Encroach, Trespass, or Invade? (in legal context)
Infringe可及物,也可不及物客蹋,但Garner’s Dictionary of LegalUsage (3rd edition)指出infringe is better used transitively塞蹭,尤其是在被動句中使用及物動詞更合適。比如讶坯,the defendant has failed to show either that his rights were infringed or that there was a procedural irregularity.如果是用不及物的形式番电,一般說infringe on/upon sth,但不如用impinge, encroach or trespass這幾個不及物動詞辆琅。
Impinge是不及物動詞漱办!只能說impinge on/upon sth,如they impinged on the voter’s right婉烟。Garner還指出洼冻,盡管infringe和impinge經(jīng)常互換使用隅很,但應記住這兩個詞的connotation是不一樣的撞牢。impinge = to strike or dash upon something else,infringe則是break in (damage, violate, or weaken)叔营。此外屋彪,impinge on/upon后面必須要寫清遭侵犯的事物,不能說these policies impinge when we do something绒尊。Impinge on what or whom?
Trespass和encroach都是不及物動詞:trespass on sth; encroach on/upon sth畜挥。
Invade,及物動詞婴谱,如the paparazzi invaded my privacy蟹但。
這些詞盡管都有to move wrongfully into someone else’s rightful territory的含義躯泰,但在使用時需要考慮上下文選擇合適的詞。
Infringe implies an encroachment that without question violates another’s rights.
Impinge implies a more or less violent collision with something else, and therefore a sudden and striking infringement.
Encroach suggests a gradual and hardly perceptible movement into another domain and an unnoticed extension of one’s possession of land so as to transgress the proper boundary.
Trespass implies an unlawful entrance or unwarranted intrusion.
Invade implies a clear, abrupt penetration into someone else’s rightful domain, usually with hostility and resulting injury.