Proceeding n.
1. ?英文釋義
1) The regular and orderly progression of a lawsuit, including all acts and events between the time of commencement[1] and the entry of judgment.
2) ?Any procedural means of seeking redress[2] from a tribunal[3] or agency.
3) ? An act or step that is part of a larger action.
4) ? The business conducted by a court or other official body; a hearing.
5) ?Bankruptcy. A particular dispute or matter arising within a pending case --as opposed to the case as a whole.
"'Proceeding' is a word much used to express the business done in courts. A proceeding in court is an act done by the authority or direction of the court, express or implied. It is more comprehensive than the word 'action,' but it may include in its general sense all the steps taken or measures adopted in the prosecution or defense of an action, including the pleadings and judgment. As applied to actions, the term 'proceeding' may include--
(1) the institution of the action;
(2) the appearance of the defendant;
(3) all ancillary[4] or provisional[5] steps, such as arrest, attachment of property, garnishment[6], injunction[7], writ of ne exeat[8];
(4) the pleadings;
(5) ?the taking of testimony before trial;
(6) all motions made in the action;
(7) the trial;
(8) ?the judgment;
(9) ?the execution;
(10) ?proceedings supplementary to execution;
(11) ?the taking of the appeal or writ of error;
(12) ?the remittitur[9], or sending back of the record to the lower court from the appellate[10] or reviewing court;
(13) ?the enforcement of the judgment, or a new trial, as may be directed by the court of last resort[11]."
Edwin E. Bryant, The Law of Pleadings Under the Codes of Civil Procedure 3-4( 2d ed.1899).
2. ?中文釋義
2)聽審党涕;聽證: 執(zhí)法員或其他官方機構所處理的事務
adjudicatory proceeding ? 行政裁決程序?=adjudicatory action/hearing/process
administrative proceeding ?行政聽證程序
=evidentiary hearing; full hearing; trial-type hearing; agency adjudication
collateral proceeding ?附帶程序
為解決附屬于主要程序(principal proceeding)的某一問題而進行的程序。
competency proceeding ?意識能力訴訟
"A proceeding to assess a person's mental capacity."
"A competency hearing may be held either in a criminal context to determine a defendant's competency to stand trial or as a civil proceeding to assess whether a person should be committed to a mental-health facility or should have a guardian appointed to manage the person's affairs."
core proceeding ? 核心訴訟
ex parte proceeding ? ?單方程序
“A proceeding in which not all parties are present or given the opportunity to be heard."
in camera proceeding ?非公開程序
informal proceeding ? 非正式程序
"A trail conducted in a more relaxed manner than a typical court trial, such as ?an administrative hearing or a trial in small-claims court."
parallel proceeding ?并行訴訟
"A criminal, civil, or administrative proceeding that runs concurrently or simultaneously with another relating to the same core facts.
proceeding in rem ?對物訴訟= in rem action
"A proceeding brought to affect all person's interest in a thing that is subject to the power of a state."
quasi-criminal proceeding ?準刑事訴訟
"Procedure. A civil proceeding that is conducted in conformity with the rules of a criminal proceeding because a penalty analogous to a criminal penalty may apply, as in some juvenile proceedings."
For example, juvenile delinquency is classified as a civil offense. But like a defendant in a criminal trial, an accused juvenile faces a potential loss of liberty. So criminal procedure rules apply.
summary proceeding ? 簡易程序
"A non-jury proceeding that settles a controversy or disposes of a case in ?a relatively prompt and simple manner.=summary trial. Cf. plenary action?
該詞有時也指某些非由法院進行的合法程序胀瞪,如直接的排除妨害(physical abatement of a nuisance)针余、自行取回財物(recaption of goods)等饲鄙。
[1] ?commencement ? n. (訴訟)開始
[2] ?redress ?n. ?補救=recovery; restitution
[3] ?tribunal ?n. 法院圆雁、法官席
[4] ?ancillary ?adj. 輔助的忍级、附屬的
[5] ?provisional ?adj. 臨時的、暫時的
[6] ?garnishment ?adj. ?扣押第三債務人財產(chǎn)令
[7] ?injunction ?adj. 禁制令
[8] ?ne exeat ?n. 禁止離境令 ? ? writ of ne exeat ?禁止離境令狀
[9] ?remittitur ?n. 案件發(fā)回原審法院重審伪朽;減少損害賠償金
[10] ?appellate ?adj. 受理上訴的
[11] ?last resort ?終極手段
(來源:Black's Law Dictionary, 《元照英美法詞典》轴咱,《英漢法律用語詞典》)