
Settings file was created by plugin Creature Level & Loot Control v3.3

Plugin GUID: org.bepinex.plugins.creaturelevelcontrol

[1 - General]

If the mod is enabled.

Setting type: Boolean

Default value: true

Enabled = true

Health increase per player in multiplayer in percent.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 40

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 200

HP increase per player in multiplayer (percentage) = 40

Damage increase per player in multiplayer in percent.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 4

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 200

DMG increase per player in multiplayer (percentage) = 5

Makes all creatures and bosses always scale as if the specified number of players are present.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 0

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 25

Fixed player count (0 is disabled) = 2

Range that other players have to be in in order to count towards the multiplayer scaling. Has no effect, if the fixed player count is set to something else than 0.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 200

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10000

Multiplayer scaling per player range (0 is unlimited) = 500

Maximum distance for the nameplate to be shown on mouseover.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 50

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Nameplate display on mouseover range = 100

Can be used to turn off visual indicators for the targets level, e.g. their stars or color.

Setting type: VisualLevelIndicator

Default value: On

Acceptable values: Off, On, BossesOff, CreaturesOff

Visual indicators for level = On

[2 - Creatures]

Sets the level up chances of all creatures.

Setting type: Difficulty

Default value: Medium

Acceptable values: Custom, Very_easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, Very_hard, Insane

Difficulty = Custom

Change the second factor used to calculate the level up chances.

Setting type: DifficultySecondFactor

Default value: BossesKilled

Acceptable values: None, World_level, Distance, BossesKilled

Second factor = BossesKilled

Creatures can spawn with special effects, making them a lot more difficult to kill.

Setting type: Toggle

Default value: Off

Acceptable values: Off, On

Creatures can spawn with special effects = On

Creatures can spawn with elemental infusions, making them a lot more difficult to kill.

Setting type: Toggle

Default value: Off

Acceptable values: Off, On

Creatures can spawn with elemental infusions = On

Creatures with elemental infusions have a colored aura attached to them.

Setting type: Toggle

Default value: On

Acceptable values: Off, On

Elemental infused creatures gain a visual indicator = On

Sets the minimum stars for all creatures. Does not affect custom difficulty.

Setting type: MinimumSpawnLevel

Default value: None

Acceptable values: None, One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Minimum stars = One

Sets the maximum stars for all creatures. Does not affect custom difficulty.

Setting type: MaximumSpawnLevel

Default value: Five

Acceptable values: None, One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Maximum stars = Five

Time until camps and dungeons respawn in minutes (0 = disabled, 20 = one ingame day).

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 140

Time until camps and dungeons respawn in minutes (0 means disabled, 20 is one ingame day) = 120

Increases the size of creatures per star.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 10

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 40

Creature size increase per star (percentage) = 5

If creature size will be increased in dungeons as well, where they might get stuck if they get too big.

Setting type: Toggle

Default value: Off

Acceptable values: Off, On

Increase creature size even in dungeons (where they might get stuck) = Off

[3 - Loot]

Chance for additional loot per star.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 50

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for additional loot per star = 30

Multiplies the items dropped by all creatures.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 1

Acceptable value range: From 1 to 5

Multiplier for dropped creature items = 1

Multiplies the items dropped by all creatures.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 1

Acceptable value range: From 1 to 5

Multiplier for dropped boss items = 1

If creatures can drop multiple trophies.

Setting type: Toggle

Default value: Off

Acceptable values: Off, On

Creatures can drop multiple trophies = Off

If bosses can drop multiple trophies.

Setting type: Toggle

Default value: Off

Acceptable values: Off, On

Bosses can drop multiple trophies = Off

Multiplies the items dropped by all passive creatures like Crows and Seagulls.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 1

Acceptable value range: From 1 to 5

Drop multiplier for passive creatures (like Seagulls and Crows) = 1

[4 - Bosses]

Bosses can spawn with special effects, making them a lot more difficult to kill.

Setting type: Toggle

Default value: Off

Acceptable values: Off, On

Bosses can spawn with special effects = Off

On means that the level up chances for creatures are used for bosses as well. Otherwise, the custom level chances for bosses will be used.

Setting type: Toggle

Default value: Off

Acceptable values: Off, On

Use creature level chances for bosses = Off

Level chances for bosses. Start with 1 star, from left to right, as many stars as you want. 0 star chance will be automatically calculated from the remainder.

Setting type: String

Default value: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Star chances for bosses (percentages) = 46, 28, 16.4, 6, 3, .25, .25, .1

Increases the size of bosses per star.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 5

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 40

Boss size increase per star (percentage) = 5

[5 - Custom level chances]

Chances for stars at world level 0 in percent. As many stars as you want from left to right, comma separated. Start with 1 star. 0 star chance will be automatically calculated using the remainder. Example: 30, 5.5, 2.25, 5, 10, 10, 3

Setting type: String

Default value: 10, 2, 0, 0, 0

Chances for stars at world level 0 (percent) = 44, 14, 3, 2, 1, .5 , .1, .1

Chances for stars at world level 1 in percent. As many stars as you want from left to right, comma separated. Start with 1 star. 0 star chance will be automatically calculated using the remainder. Example: 30, 5.5, 2.25, 5, 10, 10, 3

Setting type: String

Default value: 15, 5, 1, 0, 0

Chances for stars at world level 1 (percent) = 50, 16, 3, 2, 1, .5, .1, .1

Chances for stars at world level 2 in percent. As many stars as you want from left to right, comma separated. Start with 1 star. 0 star chance will be automatically calculated using the remainder. Example: 30, 5.5, 2.25, 5, 10, 10, 3

Setting type: String

Default value: 18, 8, 2, 0.3, 0

Chances for stars at world level 2 (percent) = 51, 21, 8, 5, 5, 3, 1, 1

Chances for stars at world level 3 in percent. As many stars as you want from left to right, comma separated. Start with 1 star. 0 star chance will be automatically calculated using the remainder. Example: 30, 5.5, 2.25, 5, 10, 10, 3

Setting type: String

Default value: 22, 10, 3, 0.5, 0.3

Chances for stars at world level 3 (percent) = 49, 23, 8, 8, 5, 4, 2, 1

Chances for stars at world level 4 in percent. As many stars as you want from left to right, comma separated. Start with 1 star. 0 star chance will be automatically calculated using the remainder. Example: 30, 5.5, 2.25, 5, 10, 10, 3

Setting type: String

Default value: 25, 12, 5, 1, 0.5

Chances for stars at world level 4 (percent) = 45, 23, 12, 8, 5, 4, 2, 1

Chances for stars at world level 5 in percent. As many stars as you want from left to right, comma separated. Start with 1 star. 0 star chance will be automatically calculated using the remainder. Example: 30, 5.5, 2.25, 5, 10, 10, 3

Setting type: String

Default value: 30, 15, 8, 3, 1

Chances for stars at world level 5 (percent) = 32, 25, 18, 12, 5, 4, 2, 2

[5 - Distance from Spawn]

Distance from spawn for level 1 start.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 1500

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10500

Distance from spawn for level 1 start = 1500

Distance from spawn for level 2 start.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 3000

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10500

Distance from spawn for level 2 start = 3000

Distance from spawn for level 3 start.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 4500

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10500

Distance from spawn for level 3 start = 4500

Distance from spawn for level 4 start.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 6000

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10500

Distance from spawn for level 4 start = 6000

Distance from spawn for level 5 start.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 7500

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10500

Distance from spawn for level 5 start = 7500

[5 - World level]

Days needed to pass before your world gets to world level 1.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 20

World level 1 start (days) = 75

Days needed to pass before your world gets to world level 2.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 50

World level 2 start (days) = 175

Days needed to pass before your world gets to world level 3.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 100

World level 3 start (days) = 350

Days needed to pass before your world gets to world level 4.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 250

World level 4 start (days) = 750

Days needed to pass before your world gets to world level 5.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 500

World level 5 start (days) = 1150

[6 - Creature Affix chances]

Chance for Aggressive affix creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 20

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Aggressive affix to spawn (percentage) = 26

Chance for Curious affix creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 20

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Curious affix to spawn (percentage) = 20

Chance for Faster Movement affix creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 10

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Faster Movement affix to spawn (percentage) = 15

Chance for Regenerating affix creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 10

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Regenerating affix to spawn (percentage) = 10

Chance for Splitting affix creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 5

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Splitting affix to spawn (percentage) = 3

Chance for Armored affix creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 3

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Armored affix to spawn (percentage) = 5

[6 - Creature Infusion chances]

Chance for Fire infusion creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 7

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Fire infusion to spawn (percentage) = 1

Chance for Frost infusion creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 7

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Frost infusion to spawn (percentage) = 1

Chance for Poison infusion creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 4

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Poison infusion to spawn (percentage) = 1

Chance for Lightning infusion creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 3

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Lightning infusion to spawn (percentage) = 1

Chance for Spirit infusion creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 1.75

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Spirit infusion to spawn (percentage) = 1

Chance for Chaos infusion creatures to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 1.25

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Chaos infusion to spawn (percentage) = 1

Multiplier applied to base chances for infusions to spawn according to the number of stars of the creature. Chances for every amount of stars, from left to right, comma separated. Start with 0 stars. Defaults to 1.

Setting type: String

Default value: 0, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 1.3, 1.6

Multiplier for infusion chances per star = 0, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2

[7 - Boss Affix chances]

Chance for Reflective affix bosses to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 14.28571

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Reflective affix to spawn (percentage) = 25

Chance for Shielded affix bosses to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 14.28571

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Shielded affix to spawn (percentage) = 25

Chance for Mending affix bosses to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 14.28571

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Mending affix to spawn (percentage) = 25

Chance for Summoner affix bosses to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 14.28571

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Summoner affix to spawn (percentage) = 25

Chance for Elementalist affix bosses to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 14.28571

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Elementalist affix to spawn (percentage) = 16.66667

Chance for Enraged affix bosses to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 14.28571

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Enraged affix to spawn (percentage) = 16.66667

Chance for Twin affix bosses to spawn (percentage).

Setting type: Single

Default value: 14.28571

Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100

Chance for Twin affix to spawn (percentage) = 14.28571

[8 - Boss Affix power]

Base damage per hit for the Reflective boss affix.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 1

Acceptable value range: From 0.01 to 10

Reflective base damage = 1

Damage reduction for arrows in percent for the Shielded boss affix.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 50

Acceptable value range: From 1 to 100

Shielded damage reduction (percentage) = 50

Multiplier for the Mending boss affix.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 1

Acceptable value range: From 0.01 to 10

Mending healing factor = 1

The number of summoning events over the course of the fight for the Summoner boss affix.

Setting type: Int32

Default value: 3

Acceptable value range: From 1 to 10

Number of summons for Summoners = 5

Elemental damage increase for Elementalist boss affix.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 20

Acceptable value range: From 1 to 200

Elementalist damage increase (percentage) = 20

Phyiscal damage increase for Enraged boss affix.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 20

Acceptable value range: From 1 to 200

Enraged damage increase (percentage) = 20

Health and damage for Twin boss affix.

Setting type: Single

Default value: 75

Acceptable value range: From 25 to 200

Twin damage and health (percentage) = 75

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