1. Start and stop meeting on time.
2. Agenda created in advance of meeting; if there is no agenda, then cancel the meeting.
3. Minutes must be recorded so everyone can recall results afterwards; the first agenda item is finding a note taker.
4. One speaker at a time; no interruptions when another is speaking.
5. Send material in advance, since people read much faster than speakers talk.
6. Action items at end of meeting, so people know what they should do as a result of the meeting.
7. Set the date and time of the next meeting.
1. 按時開始,按時結(jié)束
2. 提前建立議事日程皿桑,如果沒有議事日程遍尺,取消會議
3. 為了每個人可以回想起會議的內(nèi)容质蕉,要對每一分鐘進行記錄。日程的第一項就是找一個會議的記錄者传睹。
4. 只有一個發(fā)言人耳幢,當別人說話的時候不能打斷。
5. 提前發(fā)放資料欧啤,因為人可以讀的更快睛藻,同聽別人說相比。
6. 會議結(jié)束時要制定行動計劃邢隧,作為會議的一個結(jié)果店印,人們這道他們應(yīng)該做什么。
7. 設(shè)置下一次會議的期和時間倒慧。