proguard源碼分析一 參數(shù)解析



  • 解析參數(shù)
    proguard的入口函數(shù)在ProGuard.java文件里绵载,在入口函數(shù)main函數(shù)里面,首先是new了一個ConfigurationParser對象負責解析input args苛白,解析出來的內(nèi)容會通過一個類型為Configuration的對象來保存娃豹,代碼如下:
 * The main method for ProGuard.
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Create the default options.
    Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        // Parse the options specified in the command line arguments.
        ConfigurationParser parser = new ConfigurationParser(args,
        // Execute ProGuard with these options.
        new ProGuard(configuration).execute();


 * Creates a new ConfigurationParser for the given String arguments,
 * with the given base directory and the given Properties.
public ConfigurationParser(String[]   args,
                            File       baseDir,
                            Properties properties) throws IOException
    this(new ArgumentWordReader(args, baseDir), properties);

 * Creates a new ConfigurationParser for the given word reader and the
 * given Properties.
public ConfigurationParser(WordReader reader,
                            Properties properties) throws IOException
    this.reader     = reader; = properties;


 * Reads a word from this WordReader, or from one of its active included
 * WordReader objects.
 * @param isFileName         return a complete line (or argument), if the word
 *                           isn't an option (it doesn't start with '-').
 * @param expectSingleFile   if true, the remaining line is expected to be a
 *                           single file name (excluding path separator),
 *                           otherwise multiple files might be specified
 *                           using the path separator.
 * @return the read word.
public String nextWord(boolean isFileName,
                        boolean expectSingleFile) throws IOException
    currentWord = null;
    // Make sure we have a non-blank line.
    while (currentLine == null || currentIndex == currentLineLength)
        currentLine = nextLine();
        if (currentLine == null)
            return null;

        currentLineLength = currentLine.length();

        // Skip any leading whitespace.
        currentIndex = 0;
        while (currentIndex < currentLineLength &&

        // Remember any leading comments.
        if (currentIndex < currentLineLength &&
            // Remember the comments.
            String comment = currentLine.substring(currentIndex + 1);
            currentComments = currentComments == null ?
                comment :
                currentComments + '\n' + comment;

            // Skip the comments.
            currentIndex = currentLineLength;

    // Find the word starting at the current index.
    int startIndex = currentIndex;
    int endIndex;

    char startChar = currentLine.charAt(startIndex);
        // The next word is a simple character string.
        // Find the end of the line, the first delimiter, or the first
        // white space.
        while (currentIndex < currentLineLength)
            char currentCharacter = currentLine.charAt(currentIndex);
            if (isNonStartDelimiter(currentCharacter)    ||
                Character.isWhitespace(currentCharacter) ||
                isComment(currentCharacter)) {


        endIndex = currentIndex;

    // Remember and return the parsed word.
    currentWord = currentLine.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
    return currentWord;

這里舉個簡單的例子,譬如執(zhí)行java –jar proguard.jar -injars test.jar躏率,nextWord這里就能把-injars這個參數(shù)keyword給解析出來了躯畴,名字解析出來了,接著就需要解析它的參數(shù)薇芝,回到ConfigurationParser的parse方法里蓬抄,我們能看到,keyword給解析出來了夯到,接著會根據(jù)不用的keyword會有一套不同的parse代碼嚷缭,最后會通過一個while循環(huán),把所有input的參數(shù)都給解析出來耍贾,代碼如下:

 * Parses and returns the configuration.
 * @param configuration the configuration that is updated as a side-effect.
 * @throws ParseException if the any of the configuration settings contains
 *                        a syntax error.
 * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs while reading a configuration.
public void parse(Configuration configuration)
throws ParseException, IOException
    while (nextWord != null)
        lastComments = reader.lastComments();

        // First include directives.
        if      (ConfigurationConstants.AT_DIRECTIVE                                     .startsWith(nextWord) ||
                    ConfigurationConstants.INCLUDE_DIRECTIVE                                .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.lastModified                          = parseIncludeArgument(configuration.lastModified);
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.BASE_DIRECTORY_DIRECTIVE                         .startsWith(nextWord)) parseBaseDirectoryArgument();

        // Then configuration options with or without arguments.
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.INJARS_OPTION                                    .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.programJars                           = parseClassPathArgument(configuration.programJars, false);
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.OUTJARS_OPTION                                   .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.programJars                           = parseClassPathArgument(configuration.programJars, true);
        //篇幅原因 下面省略掉一波類似代碼....
            throw new ParseException("Unknown option " + reader.locationDescription());
  • 保存解析參數(shù)
    前面我們提到了proguard解析出來的所有input參數(shù)會被保存到類型為Configuration的對象里面阅爽,這個對象會貫穿整個proguard過程,包括了proguard實例化ClassPool 讀取ProgramClass LibraryClass shrink的時候需要保留哪些類方法逼争,obfuscate的時候取mapping file來做混淆等等优床,都需要先從Configuration對象里獲得參數(shù)。
 * ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, obfuscation, and preverification
 *             of Java bytecode.
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2016 Eric Lafortune @ GuardSquare
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package proguard;

import java.util.List;

 * The ProGuard configuration.
 * @see ProGuard
 * @author Eric Lafortune
public class Configuration
    public static final File STD_OUT = new File("");

    // Keep options.

     * A list of {@link KeepClassSpecification} instances, whose class names and
     * class member names are to be kept from shrinking, optimization, and/or
     * obfuscation.
    public List      keep;

    // Shrinking options.

     * Specifies whether the code should be shrunk.
    public boolean   shrink                           = true;

     * Specifies whether the code should be optimized.
    public boolean   optimize                         = true;

    public boolean   optimizeNoSideEffects           = false;

     * A list of <code>String</code>s specifying the optimizations to be
     * performed. A <code>null</code> list means all optimizations. The
     * optimization names may contain "*" or "?" wildcards, and they may
     * be preceded by the "!" negator.
    public List      optimizations;

     * A list of {@link ClassSpecification} instances, whose methods are
     * assumed to have no side effects.
    public List      assumeNoSideEffects;

     * Specifies whether the access of class members can be modified.
    public boolean   allowAccessModification          = false;

    // Obfuscation options.

     * Specifies whether the code should be obfuscated.
    public boolean   obfuscate                        = true;

     * An optional output file for listing the obfuscation mapping.
     * An empty file name means the standard output.
    public File      printMapping;

     * An optional input file for reading an obfuscation mapping.
    public File      applyMapping;

     * An optional name of a file containing obfuscated class member names.
    public File      obfuscationDictionary;

     * A list of <code>String</code>s specifying package names to be kept.
     * A <code>null</code> list means no names. An empty list means all
     * names. The package names may contain "**", "*", or "?" wildcards, and
     * they may be preceded by the "!" negator.
    public List      keepPackageNames;

     * Specifies whether to print verbose messages.
    public boolean   verbose                          = false;

     * A list of <code>String</code>s specifying a filter for the classes for
     * which not to print notes, if there are noteworthy potential problems.
     * A <code>null</code> list means all classes. The class names may contain
     * "**", "*", or "?" wildcards, and they may be preceded by the "!" negator.
    public List      note                             = null;

     * A list of <code>String</code>s specifying a filter for the classes for
     * which not to print warnings, if there are any problems.
     * A <code>null</code> list means all classes. The class names may contain
     * "**", "*", or "?" wildcards, and they may be preceded by the "!" negator.
    public List      warn                             = null;

     * Specifies whether to ignore any warnings.
    public boolean   ignoreWarnings                   = false;


回到ConfigurationParser對象的parse方法里,當ArgumentWordReader解析出來的keyword是 -keep -keepclassmembers -keepclasseswithmembers -keepnames -keepclassmembernames -keepclasseswithmembernames等等這些時赫粥,proguard便會解析后面的keep參數(shù)观话,把我們想要保留的類規(guī)則給讀取出來(溫馨提示,如果想知道proguard到底還支持哪些功能越平,直接來parse方法里找keyword就知道了)

public void parse(Configuration configuration)
throws ParseException, IOException
    while (nextWord != null)
        lastComments = reader.lastComments();
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.IF_OPTION                                        .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.keep                                  = parseIfCondition(configuration.keep);
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.KEEP_OPTION                                      .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.keep                                  = parseKeepClassSpecificationArguments(configuration.keep, true,  false, false, null);
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.KEEP_CLASS_MEMBERS_OPTION                        .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.keep                                  = parseKeepClassSpecificationArguments(configuration.keep, false, false, false, null);
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.KEEP_CLASSES_WITH_MEMBERS_OPTION                 .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.keep                                  = parseKeepClassSpecificationArguments(configuration.keep, false, true,  false, null);
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.KEEP_NAMES_OPTION                                .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.keep                                  = parseKeepClassSpecificationArguments(configuration.keep, true,  false, true,  null);
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.KEEP_CLASS_MEMBER_NAMES_OPTION                   .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.keep                                  = parseKeepClassSpecificationArguments(configuration.keep, false, false, true,  null);
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.KEEP_CLASSES_WITH_MEMBER_NAMES_OPTION            .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.keep                                  = parseKeepClassSpecificationArguments(configuration.keep, false, true,  true,  null);
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.PRINT_SEEDS_OPTION                               .startsWith(nextWord)) configuration.printSeeds                            = parseOptionalFile();


 * Parses and returns a class specification to keep classes and class
 * members.
 * @throws ParseException if the class specification contains a syntax error.
 * @throws IOException    if an IO error occurs while reading the class
 *                        specification.
private KeepClassSpecification parseKeepClassSpecificationArguments(boolean            markClasses,
                                                                    boolean            markConditionally,
                                                                    boolean            allowShrinking,
                                                                    ClassSpecification condition)
throws ParseException, IOException
    boolean markDescriptorClasses = false;
    boolean markCodeAttributes    = false;
    //boolean allowShrinking        = false;
    boolean allowOptimization     = false;
    boolean allowObfuscation      = false;

    // Read the keep modifiers.
    while (true)
        readNextWord("keyword '" + ConfigurationConstants.CLASS_KEYWORD +
                        "', '"      + JavaConstants.ACC_INTERFACE +
                        "', or '"   + JavaConstants.ACC_ENUM + "'",
                        false, false, true);

        if (!ConfigurationConstants.ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR_KEYWORD.equals(nextWord))
            // Not a comma. Stop parsing the keep modifiers.

        readNextWord("keyword '" + ConfigurationConstants.ALLOW_SHRINKING_SUBOPTION +
                        "', '"      + ConfigurationConstants.ALLOW_OPTIMIZATION_SUBOPTION +
                        "', or '"   + ConfigurationConstants.ALLOW_OBFUSCATION_SUBOPTION + "'");

        if      (ConfigurationConstants.INCLUDE_DESCRIPTOR_CLASSES_SUBOPTION.startsWith(nextWord))
            markDescriptorClasses = true;
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.INCLUDE_CODE_SUBOPTION              .startsWith(nextWord))
            markCodeAttributes    = true;
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.ALLOW_SHRINKING_SUBOPTION           .startsWith(nextWord))
            allowShrinking        = true;
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.ALLOW_OPTIMIZATION_SUBOPTION        .startsWith(nextWord))
            allowOptimization     = true;
        else if (ConfigurationConstants.ALLOW_OBFUSCATION_SUBOPTION         .startsWith(nextWord))
            allowObfuscation      = true;
            throw new ParseException("Expecting keyword '" + ConfigurationConstants.INCLUDE_DESCRIPTOR_CLASSES_SUBOPTION +
                                        "', '"                + ConfigurationConstants.INCLUDE_CODE_SUBOPTION +
                                        "', '"                + ConfigurationConstants.ALLOW_SHRINKING_SUBOPTION +
                                        "', '"                + ConfigurationConstants.ALLOW_OPTIMIZATION_SUBOPTION +
                                        "', or '"             + ConfigurationConstants.ALLOW_OBFUSCATION_SUBOPTION +
                                        "' before " + reader.locationDescription());

    // Read the class configuration.
    ClassSpecification classSpecification =

    // Create and return the keep configuration.
    return new KeepClassSpecification(markClasses,

markClasses markConditionally參數(shù)會在shrink階段被使用到,用來標識類是否需要被保留三圆,這里我們能看到直接用-keep的時候 markClasses會傳true狞换,意味著類會被保留下來,而用-keepclassmembers的時候markClasses是傳了false舟肉,表示類還是有可能會shrink階段被剔除掉的修噪,通過閱讀proguard的源碼,我們能更加深入的了解到了-keep規(guī)則的一些用法了路媚。

-keep, allowObfuscation class com.test.test


  • 總結(jié)
    本節(jié)主要介紹了proguard的幾個工作階段饮怯,以及分析了proguard的參數(shù)解析階段的整個過程闰歪,下一節(jié)我們將會繼續(xù)分析proguard里面的ClassPool ProgramClass等等的初始化,介紹下proguard是怎么把class文件解析到內(nèi)存里面并且是如何管理起來的蓖墅。
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